The road to 1500..

Now I'm done with accessories and onto the big three on my weekend sessions.

1 set 3 reps 8RPE

Bench worked up to 315 and called it there. The third rep my elbow just gave out. The elbow got hurt the other day and the squats did not help at all. Kind of a bummer. Plan was to do somewhere around 340-345 3 reps 8RPE.

1 set 3 reps 8RPE
Probably could have gone another 5-10lbs up here but played it conservative a tad.
Man, just about anything life could throw at me the last couple weeks has been thrown. working a shit ton, other personal stuff and now getting sick. woke up monday and could barely breathe. took off monday and tuesday and decided wednesday to combine my Monday and Wednesday sessions into one giant session. here it goes.

2 sets 5 reps
1 set 4 reps
i realized i was supposed to do doubles and not 5's so this followed
5 sets 2 reps

ive decided this day i was going to try out sumo as it wont wreak any havoc on my low back. went really well. was stronger than last time i was on 5's doing conventional. on the third set i cut it at 4 reps as the last rep would have been a grinder. had a guy help coach me who has been PLing since before i was born. he is a rather big deal in the USAPL apparently.

Bench with Buffalo bar
2 sets 5 reps
2 sets 5 reps

Banded Bench with Buffalo Bar
195 + roughly 120-140 band tension
3 sets 5 reps

Took a break here ate a couple PBJs, eggwhites and poptarts. bullshited with a couple people did some quick body tempering and got back after it

Koklyaev Deadlifts
1 set 5 reps
3 set 5 reps

found a new way to do these using a Prowler to rest my calves on rather than a box. works alot easier.

floor press
1 set 7 reps
4 sets 5 reps

did some light GHR work and called it. was supposed to do Concentric Squats but i was spent spent roughly 5 hours at the gym. felt really good though. i think i figured out alot of my low back/hip issues are coming from my Psoas. so i have some stuff to work on to get that straighten out. its from sitting too much at work mostly.
1 set 2 reps 9RPE

1 set 2 reps 9RPE

1 set 2 reps 9RPE

Squats felt smooth, second rep was a touch high. Elbow was killing me though when I got to bench. That was disappointing. Sumo deads went a lot better than expected. All this was done in roughly 3 hours so I feel good about it


3 sets 5 reps

Koklyaev Deadlifts

1 set 5 reps
4 sets 5 reps

Feeling really good about this. had the same guy continue to give me form critiques on the spot. felt really strong this day. i wanted to test out more max work but i kept it to plan and continued to hone in on form with less than 5 weeks out.

i just hope my, as of late, fucking glass elbow decides to hold up on bench today.

1 set 3 reps

5 sets 3 reps

Floor press
275 + around 40-50lbs of chains
1 set 7 reps
3 sets 5 reps

Bench felt phenomenal this day. Did some extra volume and added chains. Not prescribed, but as I said, I was feeling it this day so fuck it. The 365 moved MUCH better than the last time I hit this. Much much better. Probably could have hit 370.

I totally forget what weight I did. Woke up super early, hit the gym, showered and drove straight to the airport.

1 set 3 reps 10.5RPE
First two moved great. Got WAY out of position on the third rep.managed to muscle it up. Was not pretty. But considering this is my 3 week of doing sumo, I was running on 3 hours of sleep, and this was with Ivanko chrome calibrated plates, I can not complain a bit. And my supplementation is much MUCH less than last prep. Got some really good pointers from a girl who is one of the best female powerlifters in the game. Was cool to chop it up with her and a few others and be able to lift where I lifted at. If only Stan E was there though.... Would have made my vacation that much better.

Enjoy your thanksgiving everyone!
1 set 3 reps 9 RPE

1 set 3 reps 9.5RPE

PR's on both. Elbow has feeling shaker earlier in the day. Glad it held together. Had to combine these days as I won't be able to lift tomorrow and I don't want this week to roll into next this late in prep. Confidence is boosted a lot by this as it was both on the same day and how well they moved.
Training routine is still messed up a tad but I want feeling squats yesterday so I did bench instead

1 set 1 rep

I was good for 400 yesterday. I had to hold back from not sticking to the plan and going for it. It flew up like an opener would. Hit 365, as that is what I'm going to have my opener be rather than 370. Was going to go from the 390 as prescribed but 365 didn't move like I had wanted. 380 moved faster than the 365 for sure. The girl I was lifting with wven said, how do you add 20lbs and make it look easier??

Squats tomorrow will be fun rising off of this.

1 set 1 rep

little small 5 pound PR. felt pretty good no grinding and went up smoothly. was debating between 510-520 and just split the middle.


1 set 1 rep

10 pound PR. lock out on this was tough. came off the ground fairly quick but then as soon as i got it a little above my knees i had to really work for it. i think once i get a little more adjusted to sumo this will not be a problem.
Haven't gotten a morning weight in a while. But before I went on vacation I was 242 on the button at 730pm after training. I'm going to grab my weight when I go in here shortly.

A quality scale is on my Xmas list for the girl. It's something I should have but don't want to spend the money on. So I'll have to buy it as a gift. Lol
I need one, too. I got a food scale on Amazon during black Friday for $8 and I'm kicking myself for not grabbing one to weigh myself with, too. Definitely going to get one before the next meet prep.

Hit me up with details after the meet. 9/9 and 1500+ should be easy.
2 sets 1 rep

this session went well and the weight moved quick.

2 sets 1 rep

this session on the other hand wasnt nearly as good. woke up sick the day after squats and havent felt well or ate like i should. is what it is. considering how bench went last week im not too concerned to be honest. just an off day