MESO-Rx Sponsor THEPROVIDER GH ONLY USA , EU and rest of world int. and dom service

What is the S&H? Is that shipping cost?
Looks like $80 lol. What a steal.

Edit: Looks like it’s a reship option, so that’s on par with others to avoid customs. Would be nice to see a Jano lab to compare with the other guys here.
jeez dude could you possibly make this more complicated or confusing?

Also you followed literally none of the rules for new sources
price list for month of February only

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE. IT WILL BE SENT INTERNATIONAL But this service is technically Dom usa ( for usa customers only ) . So just imagine getting domestic service but t/a is 7.14 days

We will fit maximum 26 kits in a pack. If you want more than 26 kits

than we will have to ship another pack and that means extra postage.

To uk we would recommend customers to keep pack maximum to 20


MEDITROPE MAUVES ( Minimum 12iu per vial and usually more than 13ius per vial) batch 116 sold has 15.5iu hence per iu price of $0.48 per iu

3-5 KITS $79/kit (S&H $80)

6-10 KITS $78KIT (S&H $90)

11-15 KITS $ 77KIT (S&H $100)

16-19 KITS $ 76/KIT (S&H $120)

20-26 KITS $ 75/KIT (S&H $120 per 26 kits)

MEDITROPE BLACKTOPS ( ( minimum 15iu per vials and usually more than 16iu per vial) present batch is 17.65 ius so in effect per iu price is as low as $0.49i per iu

3-5 KITS $92//kit (S&H $80)

6-10 kits $91/kit ( s&h 90)

11-15 KITS $90 /KIT (S&H $100)

16-19 KITS $ 89/KIT (S&H $120)

20-26 KITS $88/KIT ( S&H $120 per 26 kits)

50+ KITs $87/kit ( S&H $120 per 26 kits)

DOMESTIC USA SALE. (t/a approx 3-14 days after funds collection)

MEDITROPE MAUVETOPS ( ( Minimum 12iu per vial and usually more than 13ius per vial) these are 12.3iu per vial for present batch #115. We still have #115 for dom usa sale

after that we will start shipping and selling batch 116 which is much higher mg than this one

3-5 KITS $90/kit ( S&H $55)

6-10 KITS $ 89/kit (S@H $55)

11-15 KITS $88/kit (S&H $65)

16-20 KITS $87/KIT( S&H $65)

MEDITROPE BROWNTOPS ( ( minimum 15iu per vials and usually more than 16iu per vial) these are 15iu per vial this present batch

3-5 KITS $95//kit ( S&H $55)

6-10 KITS $ 94/kit (S@H $55)

11-15 KITS $93/kit (S&H $65)

16-20 KITS $92/KIT( S&H $65)

MEDITROPE BLACKTOPS ( ( minimum 15iu per vials and usually more than 16iu per vial) Should be able to start shipping in 3-4 days ttime

these are 17.65 iu per vial this present batch

3-5 KITS $104/kit ( S&H $55)

6-10 KITS $ 103kit (S@H $55)

11-15 KITS $102/kit (S&H $65)

16-20 KITS $101/KIT( S&H $65)

GREYTOPS ( ( each vial has 10ius in it)

3-5 kits $136/kit ( S&H 55)

6-10 kits $ 135/kit ( S& H 55)

11-20 kits $134/kit ( S & H $65)

TRUE EU domestic shipping: For now only blacks and mauves for now ( once shipped you will get within 2-5 days)

MEDITROPE BROWNTOPS( ( minimum 15iu per vial)

3-5 KITS 111 dollars /kit (S&H $50)

6-10 KITS 110 dollars /kit (S&H $60)

11-15 KITS 109 dollars/KIT (S&H $60)

16-20KITS 108 dolllars/KIT (S&H $60)


MEDITROPE MAUVETOPS ( ( Minimum 12iu per vial and usually more than 13ius per vial)

3-5 KITS 101 dollars/kit (S&H $50)

6-10 KITS 100 dollars/KIT (S&H $50)

11-15 KITS 99 dollars /KIT (S&H $60)

16-20 KITS 98 dollars /KIT (S&H $60)

EU. Re directed DOMESTIC SHIPPING ( can take about 7-14 days for delivery but it is secure service from WITHIN EU with no custom issues)

We will fit maximum 26 kits in a pack. If you want more than 26 kits

than we will have to ship another pack and that means extra postage

MEDITROPE MAUVETOPS ( ( Minimum 12iu per vial and usually more than 13ius per vial)

3-5 KITS $80/kit (S&H $60)

6-10 KITS $79/KIT (S&H $80)

11-15 KITS $ 78/KIT (S&H $100)

16-19 KITS $ 77/KIT (S&H $120)

20-26 KITS $ 76/KIT (S&H $120)

MEDITROPE BLACKTOPS ( minimum 15iu per vials and usually more than 16iu per vial)

3-5 KITS $91/kit (S&H $60)

6-10 KITS $90/kit (S&H $80)

11-15 KITS $ 89/KIT (S&H $100)

16-19 KITS $ 88/KIT (S&H $120)

20-26 KITS 87/KIT ( S&H $120)

50+ KITs $86/kit ( S&H $120 per 26 kits)

CANADIAN AND NEWZEALAND NEW SERVICE WHICH BYPASSES YOUR LOCAL CUSTOMS ( BUT WILL TAKE 10-15 DAYS) We are giving one free reship Since we are quite confident of this method. It not exactly a domestic service but we call it redirected domestic service ( means very similar to it)

MEDITROPE MAUVETOPS ( ( Minimum 12iu per vial and usually more than 13ius per vial)

3-5 KITS $90/kit (S&H $70)

6-10 KITS $89/KIT (S&H $80)

11-19 KITS $ 88/KIT (S&H $120)

20-26 KITS $ 87/KIT (S&H $120)

MEDITROPE BLACKTOPS ( ( minimum 15iu per vials and usually more than 16iu per vial)

3-5 KITS $102/kit (S&H $70)

6-10 Kits $101/kit ( s&H $80)

11-19 KITS $ 100/KIT (S&H $120)

20-26 KITS $99/KIT ( S&H $120)


Western union btc USDT and Ethereum.

Email address to contact:
No more gold tops?
I’ve always heard about TP having good gh but with all these hoops I’m good, GL is easier
Respect for the years you have been around but let’s not sugarcoat it. You did so by staying in your safe haven of a paid board. You’ve been here a few times which was short lived. Nothing has changed. You still need to provide testing from a credible facility.
I’ve always heard about TP having good gh but with all these hoops I’m good, GL is easier
What hoops, jw? A secure proton email which is a MUST, and then send Bitcoin and open mailbox when it comes? I skimmed through so honestly might have missed something.
Also the reputation of the cleanest and strongest HGH in the market, imo.
If TA is too slow, be responsible and order 4-8 weeks before you need it.
The problem is, it’s no longer 2015 and he is not the only “provider” in town. Plenty of comparable hgh on the market today. Unless the gh adds 3 inches to your Johnson , nobody is waiting 4-8 weeks for domestic.
The problem is, it’s no longer 2015 and he is not the only “provider” in town. Plenty of comparable hgh on the market today. Unless the gh adds 3 inches to your Johnson , nobody is waiting 4-8 weeks for domestic.
And the shipping price is insane
For the Canadian "domestic?" Service. Does it go through customs directly to the customer or does someone inside re-ship inside Canada to the customer??
Please define cleanest and strongest

Having TP return to Meso is genuinely great for the community but let's leave the boomer broscience on the other boards where it belongs.
I'm sure you'd be fine if he said yours was the cleanest and strongest though wouldn't you? In his defense his Grey tops were by far the best generic GH I ever used years ago before I switched to Serostim for good.
Please define cleanest and strongest

Having TP return to Meso is genuinely great for the community but let's leave the boomer broscience on the other boards where it belongs.
I didn't want to put words in your mouth so I left your name out of it... But, I thought it was you and Jano that had it tested.
I could be mixing up usernames though.

Edit: maybe not cleanest and strongest but just as good as any of the A+ quality stuff out there. Mostly referring to the gold tops and black tops -- mauves were alright but didn't have that pharma smell.
I didn't want to put words in your mouth so I left your name out of it... But, I thought it was you and Jano that had it tested.
I could be mixing up usernames though.

Edit: maybe not cleanest and strongest but just as good as any of the A+ quality stuff out there. Mostly referring to the gold tops and black tops -- mauves were alright but didn't have that pharma smell.
Since we do have proper labtests by Janoshik for past batches of Mauves, Blacks and Golds, just use "high purity/no dimer" for "clean" and "overdosed" for "strongest", assuming that's what you mean.

If you want that high quality pharma HGH smell, simply use this to reconstitute all your generic HGH:
there are alot of good tests for TP, but here are a couple not as good ones, but still pretty good... def a trusted guy from my understanding.