Comms are wildly important. His friend and even himself have stated
1. Hes been under the weather, responses and ordering has become more drawn out than it used to be.
2. Stated there is a delay with his securenym email address and the website emails. I placed a website order and had to reach out later to ask if he would send me the btc addresss. Again, little unusual but I do not want to order from other vendors
3. He stated in Sessions that the website and email order process is getting too fucked and delayed. We are to send him orders in sessions to reach him faster with a quicker response.
Finally got my order to him, after placing on website, then messaging him. Made payment, got the regular 'ok' reply. Usually means nothing left to do but wait for informed delivery to show your tracking.
Its not showing yet, used to he much faster, still giving him benefit of the doubt.
TLDR: Comms ARE important. You dont pay on the website dipshit and theres not an automated payment request system. You Still have to wait for him to email you after you gst the confirmation. That hasnt been happening