MESO-Rx Sponsor THEPROVIDER GH ONLY USA , EU and rest of world int. and dom service

Also shipping costs domestic USa will be coming down as we have found a reliable way to send larger quantities to our mailers. Hence will pass on the benefit to customers. Just give me this weekend and than ask for newer shipping prices domestic usa. Thanks
Just keep great job with priority in quality , and safe delivery . Im using The Provider over 2 years and i never lose a package .
Also shipping costs domestic USa will be coming down as we have found a reliable way to send larger quantities to our mailers. Hence will pass on the benefit to customers. Just give me this weekend and than ask for newer shipping prices domestic usa. Thanks
If you can do better prices on shipping you will control market og generic hgh .
@MONSTRO1977 Hello. worst member here, you have no sense of harm reduction, you want to take as much drug as possible to die, you're a bad example, you should be banned, you're a drug addict, and you can't get anywhere, you're so dumb, that you put pictures of yourself here to think you're bigger than a donkey, but you're a mule, a mule on steroids, shut your mouth, you're not beautiful, you will never be beautiful, understood the mule!!
@MONSTRO1977 Hello. worst member here, you have no sense of harm reduction, you want to take as much drug as possible to die, you're a bad example, you should be banned, you're a drug addict, and you can't get anywhere, you're so dumb, that you put pictures of yourself here to think you're bigger than a donkey, but you're a mule, a mule on steroids, shut your mouth, you're not beautiful, you will never be beautiful, understood the mule!!
Shouldn’t you be doing something productive like protesting Macron’s pension policies or lighting a dumpster on fire in whichever arrondissement you reside?
Shouldn’t you be doing something productive like protesting Macron’s pension policies or lighting a dumpster on fire in whichever arrondissement you reside?
am not French, but it is better to protest than to inject 200ui hgh + 1500mg testosterone + 750mg trenbolone + boldenone + 1000mg oxymetholonoe + dianbol + sarms + peptide, all this every week and to be ugly, but above all to be a bad example for us and our children, even TP or any other representative will never agree with these protocols, and I sincerely believe that picolo monstro should be banned because it does not respect the fundamental rules of meso and the laws. look at these protocols, these interventions, these photos, and think,? are behaviors in order with harm reduction with steroids?NO..
am not French, but it is better to protest than to inject 200ui hgh + 1500mg testosterone + 750mg trenbolone + boldenone + 1000mg oxymetholonoe + dianbol + sarms + peptide, all this every week and to be ugly, but above all to be a bad example for us and our children, even TP or any other representative will never agree with these protocols, and I sincerely believe that picolo monstro should be banned because it does not respect the fundamental rules of meso and the laws. look at these protocols, these interventions, these photos, and think,? are behaviors in order with harm reduction with steroids?NO..
Oh look, "free sample" Toni72 is back. Where you been, looking for some free gear?

Meso doesn't ban anyone for their personal choice of PED use. Everyone should see this guy has excessive AAS use and not to followed.
I agree Monstro takes way too much gear… but he’s also the nicest guy on the forums… leave him alone. Everyone else knows not to take that much.
Yeah to each his own, just hope his heart doesn’t fail him soon due to all of that excess gear. Your body can only process so much. Genetics play such a huge role and I can’t believe how many guys just can’t get that through their head.
I agree Monstro takes way too much gear… but he’s also the nicest guy on the forums… leave him alone. Everyone else knows not to take that much.
everyone agrees, picolo monstro is completely drugged and sick, and yes this is freedom and I defend him so that he can have everything he needs, but here we are in a public forum, children and adults are mixed, the bad influence of picolo monstro is very visible because he publishes everything with pride, photo protocol laboratory advertising for laboratory, here there are rules which are obligatory for members and sellers, harm reduction with Medication is not only about getting good medication, but also education about drug use and protocols, piccolo monstro and these vendors have never expressed this, most of what they talk about is simply theirs to receive positive opinions from other members or money.. being a member who values taking 4000mg of steroid weeks + 150ui week of hgh + showing photos of himself + promoting these laboratories to increase sales and receive gifts , all this in a member , does it fit here ?? Peace
Oh look, "free sample" Toni72 is back. Where you been, looking for some free gear?

Meso doesn't ban anyone for their personal choice of PED use. Everyone should see this guy has excessive AAS use and not to followed.
if you talk about PS, I was the biggest buyer with more than 30 orders, I never had any special gifts but simply the small samples he gave to everyone with each order (ex: 30 dianabol) but I never did a comment on the gifts, always on the product purchased at the same price as you, is this honest or not? , I got a big sample (25 vials) for free from another lab after a competition here in 2019, the meso members asked to give me everything. I received everything, but I never talked about this laboratory, the quality of the products, the delivery, because it will not be honest on my part even if the products were excellent because these are the same laboratory in Balkan and sp, even if the seller is angry because I did not comment, but I was honest ... but you don't mind receiving small gifts on each order and making good comments each time even on the free product. you receive (godies) with each order. this is the truth.
I agree Monstro takes way too much gear… but he’s also the nicest guy on the forums… leave him alone. Everyone else knows not to take that much.
If was today i stay natural forever but after 12 years natural i decide i want to nbe big as possible ( my option my dream and you should respect like i respect all of your choices )
Im the first one to tell if you dont have the intention to compete stay natural , you dont need steroids to go to beach or get a girl. Check me natural at 28 years old

When i post this big cycles is because not all but many top pros do it ( im friend of some of them and one is now with 156kg off season using all including increalex . Per month he tells me is around 8k dollars

yes now i use high dosages and i know how bad is for health but is my choice . But like i always tell to beginners start with only test 250mg and check and only increase dosage or compound if you stop growing .

Pros use more because more mass to keep and also at that level they need ( but they are over 100kg with 6% fat


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Si c'était aujourd'hui, je reste naturel pour toujours, mais après 12 ans de naturel, je décide que je veux être le plus grand possible (mon option, mon rêve et vous devez respecter comme je respecte tous vos choix)
Je suis le premier à dire si vous n'avez pas l'intention de faire de la compétition, restez naturel, vous n'avez pas besoin de stéroïdes pour aller à la plage ou avoir une fille. Check me natural à 28 ans

Quand je poste ces gros cycles, c'est parce que ce ne sont pas tous mais beaucoup de grands pros qui le font (je suis ami avec certains d'entre eux et l'un est maintenant avec 156 kg hors saison en utilisant tout, y compris increalex. Par mois, il me dit que c'est environ 8 000 dollars

oui maintenant j'utilise des doses élevées et je sais à quel point c'est mauvais pour la santé mais c'est mon choix. Mais comme je le dis toujours aux débutants, commencez par tester seulement 250 mg et vérifiez et n'augmentez le dosage ou le composé que si vous arrêtez de grandir.

Les pros en utilisent plus car plus de masse à conserver et aussi à ce niveau dont ils ont besoin (mais ils font plus de 100kg avec 6% de matières grasses
Shitt picolo monstro
any new customer testing beside these? little off the 98% they say..
any new customer testing beside these? little off the 98% they say..
@tp2013 Chooses to use some other testing company in China, and not Jano. I for one would like to see him send one of his tested kits to Jano for a comparison. His claims of 98 or 99% purity might be way off.
any new customer testing beside these? little off the 98% they say..
... but it's still 17iu & zero dimer....
What are these being sold as???