Time for some size!

Today 2/5

Legs AM- 4/10-15
Quad Extensions
Dead Lift
Barbell Hip thrusts
Hammy Cur
Quad Extensions

Chest/arms PM- 4/12-18
Close grip
Hex press dumbell
rope triceps skull
Ez curl bar tricep
Bicep ez curl bar
Rope curls

Protein 300
Carbs 300
Fats 80
No magical pill!

hgh makes everything better, gaining or cutting, but the basics of diet (cutting or bulking), gear, and intense training all still need to be there.
But if you do fasted cardio in AM post hgh pin, then after eat all your bulking cals in a window ending at 9 pm, would this allow for fat loss while you being fasted with hgh?

the hgh part confuses me. Becausr people say hgh fasted is great for fat loss.
I am not taking it for fat loss. I am trying to put on muscle size right now. When I was cutting, however, I did the hgh pre-fasted cardio, and usually ate right after getting home.

I am not of the opinion that meal timing with hgh makes for some special magic. You have to cut calories and hit cardio to get shredded. The hgh aids you, of course, but hgh and steroids are aids. The work is in the kitchen and on the step mill.

hgh helped keep my muscles fuller during cutting.

Just my two cents.
I am not taking it for fat loss. I am trying to put on muscle size right now. When I was cutting, however, I did the hgh pre-fasted cardio, and usually ate right after getting home.

I am not of the opinion that meal timing with hgh makes for some special magic. You have to cut calories and hit cardio to get shredded. The hgh aids you, of course, but hgh and steroids are aids. The work is in the kitchen and on the step mill.

hgh helped keep my muscles fuller during cutting.

Just my two cents.
Ok thank you. That makes total sense.

But i will still do my hgh fasted cardio in AM just for healthand preventing as much sides.

edit- actually, do you use a different hgh protocol while putting on muscle.

edit 2- i see what you are saying. 100%
I will look into hgh muscle building protocols.
I am not taking it for fat loss. I am trying to put on muscle size right now. When I was cutting, however, I did the hgh pre-fasted cardio, and usually ate right after getting home.

I am not of the opinion that meal timing with hgh makes for some special magic. You have to cut calories and hit cardio to get shredded. The hgh aids you, of course, but hgh and steroids are aids. The work is in the kitchen and on the step mill.

hgh helped keep my muscles fuller during cutting.

Just my two cents.
I did see a huge difference in my bloat and CTS when taking hgh fasted vs preworkout.
Seeing good progress but upping my cals and macros 500.

going from
3000 cals
300 protein
240 carbs
80 fats


3500 cals
310 protein
350 carbs
90 fats

this is because i feel i am not utilizing the most from only eating 3000 cals.

did legs today
5 accessory lifts of legs like adductor, etc.

pinned right quad
Chest and Triceps

Chest Press Flat 10,15,20,25
Chest Press Incline 10,15,15,20,20
Hex Press Dumbell 10,15,15,20,20

Rope Triceps 15,20,20,25,30
V bar Tricep 15,20,20,25,30

i do 5 to 15 reps, take a quick 2-5 second break then do as many as i can, then quick 2-5 second break. Depending on weight. To change this up a bit. Which is why the reps are high. This is the muscular endurance part of the block aka pump.

2 weeks switching to more hypertrophic rep ranges.

pinned left quad
I wish i could post pics dammit! Already see some progress, 3 weeks in , so in 16 weeks i am hoping to be the most muscular ever. i will do a bf measurment, a real one, at that time since i cant post pics.

right now i am probaby 12-14% more towards 14 maybe? 6 foot 1. 227 lbs.
I pinned Left glute and left delt.

i did back and shoulders

focused on rear delts and upper back and traps


in the order i did them

Lat pulldowns
Bent over barbell row overhand
Standing delt flys
Dumbell chest supported on slight incline**
Chest supported rear delt flys**
Lateral raises^^

Really focused on form and squeezing at the top. Going to do this and make sure form is 100% before going heavier. People really lose form from ego, this even means if i do only 25lbs on each side for barbell rows overhand. Squeezing for 2 seconds at the top with zero body sway, hitting the lower chest and being almost parrellel to the ground. Really squeezing with absolutely 0 movement is more important in this aspect of my blast.

the 5-25 lb dumbell set i got is really nice. Ads more variety. Then i have 40 lbs. so going to find the 30 and 35’s.

also i got a landmine attatchment, where you stick the pole into the holes of the barbell weights.

So right now i have lbs in barbell weights.
6x5 lbs
8x10 lbs
4x25 lbs
2x35 lbs
4x45 lbs

which my cable attatchments and cable machine can hit every increment needed amd do full dropsets at both sides. I was only able to do one amount on one sode with an uneven amount of the other, now since i can do same it adds much variety.

i also got the pads that go over the bars for hip thrusts, and ankle cable attachment for things like leg pushbacks and adductors. I have everything that is needed to get bigger.

i kept my sugars down to 26 grams today
i onmy drink water and milk. The fairlife milk today made all 26 grams.

i did however come up short 50 grams of carbs and dont want to eat that before bed. So going to make sure to get it all carbs in during day.

i got
306 grams protein
250 grams carbs
96 grams fats.

3250 cals.

i am now 230 lbs. i want to only gain 1-1.5 lb a week tops. So far 3 weeks in and up 5 lbs. but this is mostly water. So 15 weeks should be 15-20 lbs

i have noticed an increase in body hair growth but could just be from getting older, but i think its from the start of the cycle or the hgh. Also my hands are getting kind of numb but i dont mind that at all. It feels interesting.
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Increased hair growth..... yeah, man. Same. I seem to have gotten a lot hairier over the last 4 years. Beard, chest, abdomen... the newest seems to be forming down the rear delts and triceps.... I just keep shaving the shit off.

I'm just hoping it doesn't start on the back.
My limited range of motion makes it hard to buzz or shave the rear delts . . . my wife does my back every once in a while. She insists I leave chest and abdomen hair unless I am prepping for a contest.

I basically grow hair from my eyeballs down to my toes.
So today i cooked a huge amount of mashed sweet potatoes, i am having a rice and protein bowl later. I basically hit my macros. Just need protein. Going to macimize my macro intake around my workouts. I.e. increase carbs around it.

Stiff Leg DL
Quad Extensions
Hammy Curls

pinned right delt
Focusing more on the quality of each exercise and form then volume or weight.

i have this OCD thing where i need to do 6 exercises of each muscle, like for legs or else i feel i slacked off. I need to do 2 compound lifts and 4 accessory for legs. But going to stop this and focus on quality of the workout even if that means, 4 leg exercises only.

Usually to perfect form, I have to take a step back to move 3 steps foward. Also since i just started lifting again hard, i am lagging in strength from where i was due to covid, so i need to make sure my form is good before moving foward.

an example if this is only doing 285 DL for 12 and stopping there, going slow and controlled.

also before i move foward with squats i am working on getting rid of my butt wink from APT.

i am confident in 2 weeks this back track will progress my progress better then just moving foward as is.

Quad extensions
One leg standing kickback
Close leg smith machine squats
I have been depressed the past 2 days, so my workouts were kind of the only thing i did. Eating very minimal. So hopefully in a couple of days this will pass. I just am having an miscommunication in my relationship.

At least i worked out as i do best when i take minimal rest days even if its a 30 min workout.

i am seeing good results thus far, so i dont want to stop.
When my lady pisses me off I tend to go complete beastmode in workouts. I just use the anger in a controlled aggressive way.

Most of the things that bother me tend to translate down into anger for me.

But shit I can dig it man. Hope shit gets better. Keep your head up.
When my lady pisses me off I tend to go complete beastmode in workouts. I just use the anger in a controlled aggressive way.

Most of the things that bother me tend to translate down into anger for me.

But shit I can dig it man. Hope shit gets better. Keep your head up.
I am not an angry person ever. I can get a little frustrated at times. So i did use it for my workout today, which is the best outlet and allows you to kind of beat yourself up without actually hurting yourself.

best stress reliever ever, weights.
Man it happened to me this sunday to get like disappointed, and it happened when I was training, eh it sucks because I completely lost the focus so didn't had a good workout but I was like fuxk it and finished it.
Man it happened to me this sunday to get like disappointed, and it happened when I was training, eh it sucks because I completely lost the focus so didn't had a good workout but I was like fuxk it and finished it.
Hope what occured for you was just temporary as well. The incident.

However that feeling will always occur in life. So the gym is great for when these things occure.

Yea it does that, which is crappy. But at least you got some exercise in, every workout doesnt have to be a hard one. Treat it as active rest day.

Days like this i do at least a light 30 min workout, because sometimes you end up going harder then you thought you would once you are 15 minutes in. Or its my active rest day.