Time for some size!

Good shoulders, narrow waist

Too bad you don't want to get shredded one day and see what all that work really looks like. You have good structure, though, as anybody can see.
Good shoulders, narrow waist

Too bad you don't want to get shredded one day and see what all that work really looks like. You have good structure, though, as anybody can see.

Maybe one day. But i always try to gain weight because i was always just skinny.

Maybe one day. But i always try to gain weight because i was always just skinny.
Hard to judge from that picture, but you appear to be low body fat already, which means it would be relatively easy to get shredded and see how you look . . . Plus the rebound after dropping to super-low body fat makes it easier to pack on size. I am not sure why that is, but it appears to be true from my own experience.
Hard to judge from that picture, but you appear to be low body fat already, which means it would be relatively easy to get shredded and see how you look . . . Plus the rebound after dropping to super-low body fat makes it easier to pack on size. I am not sure why that is, but it appears to be true from my own experience.
I am flexing in that pic. So i dont look like that just relaxed.

Interesting, that does sounds nice.
Chest and triceps today.

So i WAS on a role but this happens every time. Then i have an issue in my relationship, and when i am depressed i dont eat. So i am going to resort to smoothies when i feel this way, with protein shakes.

I workout good, its just i lose my appetite. So i dont want to lose all this progress, but its just not possible to eat when sick to your stomach worrying. Thus i will just make a smoothie with correct ratio of macros and then seperate protein shakes while this feeling is here.

and if there is a break from my ability to jot eat and i can, will take advantage of that.
Did legs today

quad extension
Hip thrusts machine barbell heavy (2 working sets)
Leg press heavy (2 working sets)
Hammy curls (1 working set)
Adductor heavy (2)
abductor heavy (2)

no squats or deads as i did them last time. This was hammy focuses and my hammys are so tiny in comparision to the rest of my legs. Glute and quads over power alot. Looks weird from the back, in my eyes.

i went up to a trainer the past couple weeks and he has been competing since 16. Seems like a solid person for questions and advice, said he would be willing to let me pick his brain and get a lift in one day. Seems he goes for the same style as @Mac11wildcat with the heavy as lifting. So will get in touch and see if his info coinsides with what meso goes by. Not so much gear talk just training and advice. I find it interesting to pick peoples brains who lift.

took 20 mg aromasin today and yesterday just in case. Its been a while. Even though libido is high. Just felt the need to bring it down a bit. My e2.
Did legs today

quad extension
Hip thrusts machine barbell heavy (2 working sets)
Leg press heavy (2 working sets)
Hammy curls (1 working set)
Adductor heavy (2)
abductor heavy (2)

no squats or deads as i did them last time. This was hammy focuses and my hammys are so tiny in comparision to the rest of my legs. Glute and quads over power alot. Looks weird from the back, in my eyes.

i went up to a trainer the past couple weeks and he has been competing since 16. Seems like a solid person for questions and advice, said he would be willing to let me pick his brain and get a lift in one day. Seems he goes for the same style as @Mac11wildcat with the heavy as lifting. So will get in touch and see if his info coinsides with what meso goes by. Not so much gear talk just training and advice. I find it interesting to pick peoples brains who lift.

took 20 mg aromasin today and yesterday just in case. Its been a while. Even though libido is high. Just felt the need to bring it down a bit. My e2.
Today I did adductors and abductors too thinking about the lasts messages haha
Finally took 2 days off. Tomorrow back at it. Got a new job so going to
be meal prepping alot and figuring out best tike to get all my macros in.
You feel any depression from the deca? I'm same height and weight and you make me look like a fat fucking pig so thanks for that lol :oops::p
No i feel absolutely amazing on deca.
EQ i feel awful, Tren Awful, Mast angry.

deca works good for me so far. The 4 times i ran it.
I may have to PM a couple people my deadlift form. Its just off a bit.

anybody really know how to deadlift right?

ill try and post up here first
I may have to PM a couple people my deadlift form. Its just off a bit.

anybody really know how to deadlift right?

ill try and post up here first
I'm not a DL guru/expert by any means, but I do believe I could give beginner/intermediate level advice. Not advance level stuff though.
I'm not a DL guru/expert by any means, but I do believe I could give beginner/intermediate level advice. Not advance level stuff though.
Ok if i cant post it, i may shoot the video pm or something to you. Going to try and get it up here. Even if it takes 3 hours lol

I have 3 videos and i think the last was best form. Itll be up by tonight. If not maybe ill pm it or something