Time for some size!

1- ISO Whey just when you get out of bed and Casein before bed.

2- Make emphasis in pre and post workout meals, go full of high-quality amino acids (red meats, fresh fish)

3- Eggs in the night, go to the bed full of fats and proteins for anabolism.

and fuck the "grams"

I second this post.
Starting to see great progress. Weight 240 lbs, these next weeks are going to be nice. Been lifting, doing foam rolling, and cardio. Eating meal prepped and doing all i can to gain!

lets gooooo!!!

Back shoulders biceps today
Yesterday Legs AM PM delts 8/2
Today 8/3 arms active rest

Last pin both right and left VG
Pinned both right and left quad
Wow same time huh. I only did it when I was almost done with deca to get to tren e going . Looking forward to seeing how it's going I'm coming off a long deca and then npp run . Starting growth on week 2 to permanently take some serious time off just bout 200 mg test a week maybe but gonna try to run 4 to 5 iu and let my body chill
Did arms yesterday and core pinned both biceps.

doing legs today.

Need to eat more.
How do you feel running tren and deca? I thought about running tren and NPP, but frankly the thought of it scares me. I'll run one or the other, but not both. I mean, I want to run both, I think I'm just not ready mentally.
How do you feel running tren and deca? I thought about running tren and NPP, but frankly the thought of it scares me. I'll run one or the other, but not both. I mean, I want to run both, I think I'm just not ready mentally.
I feel perfect. Deca always make me feel great. Tren is starting to show, with tiny temper. But i am a lean 240 lbs right now. Gaining well. Strength up. Lifting hard. Appetite is high.

with some nolva and AI on hand. Tren and deca works great for me. Not sure why it causes issues, for some. I have ran it 2x, its amazing.
I feel perfect. Deca always make me feel great. Tren is starting to show, with tiny temper. But i am a lean 240 lbs right now. Gaining well. Strength up. Lifting hard. Appetite is high.

with some nolva and AI on hand. Tren and deca works great for me. Not sure why it causes issues, for some. I have ran it 2x, its amazing.
I respond pretty well to both individually. Not sure I would stacked together but I imagine it would be good. I’m sure I missed it but how much of each are you running?
I respond pretty well to both individually. Not sure I would stacked together but I imagine it would be good. I’m sure I missed it but how much of each are you running?
800 test, 600 deca going on 12 is weeks i think?
tren E 300 for 2 weeks, then upped to 450 for 2 weeks. 4 weeks total.

hoping for 4 more weeks total
Fucker, the tren angression is rearing its head in. Even though i know its there, its making me think differently. Even when i know not to. Odd, it really messes with the head. So annoying. Lol

took today off, doing some foam rolling and eating. Will lift tomorrow, been so dam busy.

Fucking tren got you eating foam eh............damn bro:oops::p
So updating.

I relapsed and ended up overdosing mutiple times and in inpatient rehab.

All of last year i was on kratom or some substance and messed up.

so i have been clean for 40 days. Was in rehab 28 days. So 68 days total.

in this time i had no testosterone.

so now i finally got on trt because my numebrs were low.

i started working out 3 weeks ago. So i really only missed 3 weeks at the gym total.

that said i lost mass and gain a bit of fat.

i am 2 weeks into trt and finally got my script in the mail so i dont have to go to a clinic.

the two weeks were 100 mg a week.

thus when i got my test today i frontloaded 400 mg today because i have had so depressed and feeling lethargic from low t.

My bloodwork came back fantastic, all in range. I donated bloood yesterday.

my test levels were 84.
Estrodial 0

So i have 3 months until my next bloodwork and ordered some test prop in order to run a 500 mg mini cycle to get going again.

so started thats today. 400 mg test cyp. The prop will be here eventually.

I have no money so i have to wait to cycle for real which i will in a couple weeks, in that time i will prepare to do so accordingly and gain back some muscle until i blast off. But i have all the food i need to eat and i have been eating so clean. I also have the gym. I have nothing to do besides eat, stay clean, workout, AA. So i can dedicate all my time to getting in shape.

i am cutting this fat a gained away then going to bulk bigtime. I am going to cut alot to get that stubborn fat off on my lower bac

i was 240 lbs 6 foot 13-14% bf.
now 218 lbs 16 % bf about.

have been off all steroids for 6-8 weeks. And so it was a good forced break.

glad to be going again.

i have test cyp, AI, and cialis.
So updating.

I relapsed and ended up overdosing mutiple times and in inpatient rehab.

All of last year i was on kratom or some substance and messed up.

so i have been clean for 40 days. Was in rehab 28 days. So 68 days total.

in this time i had no testosterone.

so now i finally got on trt because my numebrs were low.

i started working out 3 weeks ago. So i really only missed 3 weeks at the gym total.

that said i lost mass and gain a bit of fat.

i am 2 weeks into trt and finally got my script in the mail so i dont have to go to a clinic.

the two weeks were 100 mg a week.

thus when i got my test today i frontloaded 400 mg today because i have had so depressed and feeling lethargic from low t.

My bloodwork came back fantastic, all in range. I donated bloood yesterday.

my test levels were 84.
Estrodial 0

So i have 3 months until my next bloodwork and ordered some test prop in order to run a 500 mg mini cycle to get going again.

so started thats today. 400 mg test cyp. The prop will be here eventually.

I have no money so i have to wait to cycle for real which i will in a couple weeks, in that time i will prepare to do so accordingly and gain back some muscle until i blast off. But i have all the food i need to eat and i have been eating so clean. I also have the gym. I have nothing to do besides eat, stay clean, workout, AA. So i can dedicate all my time to getting in shape.

i am cutting this fat a gained away then going to bulk bigtime. I am going to cut alot to get that stubborn fat off on my lower bac

i was 240 lbs 6 foot 13-14% bf.
now 218 lbs 16 % bf about.

have been off all steroids for 6-8 weeks. And so it was a good forced break.

glad to be going again.

i have test cyp, AI, and cialis.

Sorry to hear about your hard time there. I welcome you back and hope to see you back in full force and keeping yourself clean :)