Time for some size!

I ended up doing just just.

pinned needed aas in right quad. I guess today is arms, ill do shoulders and arms.

even though i want to do legs. But my legs need a break. I always feel doing arms is a waist of a good workout.

so arms and shoulders.
Going to have this for breakfast moving foward, i know its some sugar, but thats all the sugar i have in the day
Chest arms monday 13
off (need to find time to take a break even though i rather not)
Dam i really need a day off, but i am addicted to lifting. Plus my day is to bkring if i dont go to gym. Since i walk home from gym so it takes 4-5 hours of my day.

yesterday legs
Today core, arms, maybe chest. But i need ti go really light today. If my elbow hurts ill do chest and biceps. I have to be careful of elbow.

my gains are def effected from lifting everyday. So going to take it exteremly light today. Maybe stretch a bit.
Dam i really need a day off, but i am addicted to lifting. Plus my day is to bkring if i dont go to gym. Since i walk home from gym so it takes 4-5 hours of my day.

yesterday legs
Today core, arms, maybe chest. But i need ti go really light today. If my elbow hurts ill do chest and biceps. I have to be careful of elbow.

my gains are def effected from lifting everyday. So going to take it exteremly light today. Maybe stretch a bit.
how far is the walk
Today i did


pinned the AAS in right quad and left quad.

Chest core tomorrow very light. Taking saturday off and sunday.
Pinned both delts.

plus the tren is on the way lol.

once i am done with superdrol i am using tren
Chest and arms today light.
Finally took a day off to reboot.
pinning later today. Pinning as soon as waking is getting a bit much, especially when tired.
post some about your diet too, and you could detail your training more too.
Ok true, its nothing special just basic training hard and eating cleanish. I will do so though. Good idea.

pinned both biceps today, did arms.
diet is at the moment

300 grams protein
200-250 grams carbs
70 grams fats

i will be tracking more in a bit. But this part of my routine is just getting the lifting in and hitting each muscle 2x a week. 1 rest day. I will be getting more strict and keeping better track of my diet in weeks to come.

my routine that i seem to look best based on proportions, and is best for my posture.

Legs - Glutes Hamstring focused
Back/Shoulders- pulls/rear delt/delt focused
Chest/Biceps- Heavy chest/biceps
Legs - Quad Focused
Back/trap- lat/trap focused
Arms- biceps/triceps/core

need to take it easy on triceps, elbow pain is flaring.