Time for some size!

Dropped superdrol due to lethargy.

Cycle is now
.2 mL npp 200- 280 a week
.2mL tren a 200-280 a week
.5 mL testp 100- 350 a week

Pinned left VG
Pinned right delt

Delts and triceps
One arm rope tricep
Shoulder machine press
Smith machine barbell ohp
Rope tricep pushdown
Lateral seated raises
Rear delt seated flys
Tricep seated dips

Went light on weight alot of reps.

I keep fucking up. This is the last time. I am done. I ended up using 7 days ago, for 2 days. So annoying how weak i am. So I starting new and going to make sure to do whats needed. Because this is exhausting.

My mind keeps fucking with me so badly.
Are you sure that using needles isn't a trigger for you?
Nah, because i dont use needles when i use.

Its just people, places, things. But this is it for sure. I am exhausted. I started talking to the wrong person. No more.

Had a great workout today and huge christmas eve post workout meal.
Having gyno flare up. Going to se if i can get it down with aromasin. If nkt will drop the npp in a week, i only have 3 more weeks of npp left.

Did legs last night. Very good leg workout, glute and hamstring dominant.

Trap bar deadlift
Hip thrust machine
Hammy curls


Back, shoulders (trap focused, rear delt), biceps.

Feeling pretty solid this morning.
Had a cheat day with meals yesterday, probably had 4-5000 cals.

Going to be eating cleaner this week. Grocery store today.
Pinned right glutes today

Did legs yesterday
Chest and triceps today.

I am eating a ton. And its paying off. Diet consists of everything lol.

Eating well around 4500-5000 cals:

And i am getting leaner.

So going to keep this up and be consistant.

Had a great workout today.

Dont feel i need to track macros at the moment, as i just make sure to get 300 g protein, then i slam carbs and the fats i get are just from meats and takeout.
In 4 weeks ill post after pics. I have before pics.

After this cycle.

I am going to cruise test, hgh, and primo/eq.

I have 2 more weeks of npp

So right now i am

350 test, 280 tren, 280 npp

If i have no sides in 3-4 weeks when tren is out, i will up it to 500 mg a week, for 3 weeks. If i get sides ill skip the extra tren and just move into a long bridge/cruise.
Pinned right glutes today

Did legs yesterday
Chest and triceps today.

I am eating a ton. And its paying off. Diet consists of everything lol.

Eating well around 4500-5000 cals:

And i am getting leaner.

So going to keep this up and be consistant.

Had a great workout today.

Dont feel i need to track macros at the moment, as i just make sure to get 300 g protein, then i slam carbs and the fats i get are just from meats and takeout.
Always track, when something goes wrong, you have no idea how to fix it. Not tracking is just lazy.
Back and shoulders today

Pinning both shoulders today since working them out. 22 gauge needles, yikes! Hrabbing smaller needles asap.

Took.5 arimidex.
Back and shoulders today

Pinning both shoulders today since working them out. 22 gauge needles, yikes! Hrabbing smaller needles asap.

Took.5 arimidex.
Todays workout,

Shoulder focused, bicep focused, lat focused
Weighed my food today and tracked.

I am going for 3800 cals and hit.

333 protein
380 carbs
104 fats

I hit this with room to spare.

And the past week i hit these goals and some. So i was pretty dam close to what i was going for.

The past 3 days i carb loaded a ton more though. So i hit 4300 ish cals the past 3 days, just upong the carbs from whats above.

Will hit these macros for the next 3 days and see what the scale does. Probably need to up it more.