Time for some size!

Today my diet was

Oatmeal a cup dry, with 1/4 cup brown sugar
Sweet potatoes
Mexican food (chimichanga) 700 cals
Protein shake

And then seltzer and water.

So the above hit my macros.
Pinned 200 test cyp, 70 tren, 40 npp.
Legs day

I am pinning cyp 2x this week same dose until my prop comes. I ran a bit low should be here this week.
Pinned 200 test cyp, .3 tren, .3 npp left VG.

Did a monster leg workout.

Hit macros
Ate 59 fats, 600 carbs, 340 protein.

So it was above 3800 cals, 4300 cals which i am ok with. But for now on going for 4000.

350 protein
400 carbs
111 fats

I eat 60 % of my carbs in a 2.5 hours before and after workout.
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So i did 20 min abs, today and 10 min cardio.

Pinned right vg. 200 cyp, .3 npp, .3 tren.

.5 mg adex
Should rest days consist of no exercise at all?

goal of a restday: rest the previously muscles so they are recovered for the upcoming workout and give your CNS rest.

Does all exercise interfere with that? no, it depends what it is, how much and what intensity as to if it interferes with your recovery or not.
goal of a restday: rest the previously muscles so they are recovered for the upcoming workout and give your CNS rest.

Does all exercise interfere with that? no, it depends what it is, how much and what intensity as to if it interferes with your recovery or not.
I always leave 2 days of rest between that muscle being worked.
I just did 8 straight days of destroying myself. At 48, I have no business behaving this way, honestly. I took today off, and I’m doing absolutely nothing. Shutting the machine off for a day.
Lol, good shit!

See thats why, because i go without stopping, like only rest when something happens, like sick, or some event.

Machine Crunches
Axe Twists using rope
Rope kneeling crunches
Suitcase carries
Decline crunches

3 sets if each

30 minutes
Gained 12 lbs thus far. But half is easily water.

6 foot 1 243 lbs 15 percent bf

Actually look leaner then before
Today is Back and Shoulders

I pinned Right Quad .5 cc test cyp, .3 tren a, .3 npp.

I am done with the npp.

So now its just

420 mg tren A
350 mg test prop
Today is Back and Shoulders

I pinned Right Quad .5 cc test cyp, .3 tren a, .3 npp.

I am done with the npp.

So now its just

420 mg tren A
350 mg test prop

so you went from what?

350 test, 420 tren, 300 NPP to 350 test and 420 tren?
so you went from what?

350 test, 420 tren, 300 NPP to 350 test and 420 tren?
I went from timeline is approximate

-0 everything for 8 weeks
-Test cyp 200 for 3 weeks
-Test cyp 400 3 weeks (then said i need to blast)

-Test Prop 500 mg, NPP 420 mg, Superdrol 12 mg (ran for 3 weeks)
-Test Prop 350, NPP 280, Tren 280 (2 weeks)

Up to now

-Test Prop 350, upping tren to 420 (will run for 4-5 more weeks)

Dropped superdrol due to lethargy
Ran out of npp
so you went from what?

350 test, 420 tren, 300 NPP to 350 test and 420 tren?
So up 10 lbs in 5-6 weeks

Edit - i lowered the test since adding tren

-I am done with npp because i dont like running 2 19 nors for too long, as my gyno grows a bit.

So just tren and test, hence raising tren a bit and sides are tolerable.

I pin .3 mL tren ed now, ED pinning is great for lessening sides.
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Pinned right quad today

I am trying to hit lats a bit more moving foward.

Did back and shoulders today.

One arm dumbell row
Smith OHP
Lat Pulldowns Cable
Machine OHP
Lat Machine
Machine OHP again as it hit shoulder nice
Seats Lat Raises
Lat Pushdowns

Tomorrow Chest and arms.

Then Next Day Legs.

Pinning left quad tomorrow.

Workouts have been pretty dam solid.
Ok here are some mid cycle pictures
I dont know how to pose for shit.
I weight 240 i am 6 foot 1.


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Things i want to grow more on, my chest, and arms.

Lats and arms are my weakest points.

Areas i want to be biggest, legs and back

I took pics that would show no tattos, the other side, my back, my calfs, have tattoos.

Five more weeks of cycle. So far working hard.

Edit i guesstimate 15-16 bf?
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