Time for some size!

Pinned in my left delt.

.5 mL test cyo to cut .3 mL tren A.

When pin tren A alone its pippy.

Did legs, quad focused

Leg Press
Belt squats
Quad extensions
Hammy curls

Tomorrow is Back and shoulders.
Then Cheat Arms
Then Legs
Then i will rest.
Are you big yet?
I posted some pics mid cycle a page back. I am getting there, not there yet. Definite progress though.

I am aiming for 250 lbs at 15 percent bf. I am 6 foot 1. So i will be running tren and test for 5 more weeks. I think i can get there. Eating 4200 cals a day, 330 protein, 400 carbs, 112 fats
I posted some pics mid cycle a page back. I am getting there, not there yet. Definite progress though.

I am aiming for 250 lbs at 15 percent bf. I am 6 foot 1. So i will be running tren and test for 5 more weeks. I think i can get there. Eating 4200 cals a day, 330 protein, 400 carbs, 112 fats
Looking good!
I am shedding a little more than i would like. I have a week left in this vial. I think i am going to take 1-2 weeks off tren. Instead of going out and getting more. To give my mind and body a break/moment. Then feb 1 i will get more tren as my source doesnt come back until then. Will still keep test at 350.

Legs today
Glute and hammy focused
Did back and shoulders today

Pinned right glute

Cable low rows
Lat pulldown machine
Shoulder machine press
Lat pulldown cable
Shoulder press smith
Lat pulldown different grip
Lat rasies seated
Lat pushdown
Machine shrugs
Lat raises standing

Chest and arms tomorrow.

Eating a good 4300 cals

60-100 grams of protein from shake depending on day
30-60 grams of carbs from iced tea mix depending on day

Rest is real food.
Pinned Left Butt Cheeck

Chest, arms, core.

Taking a 2 week break from tren after this week. And running the superdrol i have left. 12 mg a day with 350 test.

Trying to think what i should run next.

I am eating 4300 cals and staying at 240. But little water retention at the moment.
Did chest and arms today

Chest press
Seated flys
Bicep curls machine
One arm rope
Chest flys bent over cables
Upper chest cable flys
Bicep cables
Tricep rope
Dip machine
Seated curls

Pinned tren a, superdrol, test

Adding a small amount of superdrol to syringe just 4-8 mg.
Legs today

Legs Press
Quad Ext
Calf Raises
Leg Press
Spilt squat
Hammy Curls
Calf press

Dam superdrol is like instant lethargy. If anyone has insomnia from tren superdrol will make you sleep lol
I might sub out one of the presses with a hip hinge.
Yes, i agree. I did leg press up, and feet apart on press pad and leg press feet down feet close. I usually do one day focused on quads, and one day focused on hammys and glutes. But even if its quad focused i should do a hinge i agree.
Today was quad focused.

Do you think this method is benficial? Or just hitting total legs 2x a week is better?
I might sub out one of the presses with a hip hinge.
So to specify

My anterior days are 70% quads and 30% hammys and glutes

My posterior days 70% glutes and Hammys and 30 % quads.

As most exercises target quads but still use hammys and glute just not as much and vica versa.

I do legs 2x a week.
Dammit ran into a problem. So i have plenty of test, almost done with tren and i have half vial superdrol.

I want to homebrew again, but the order would take a while 3-4 weeks so going to place an order in.

So looks like i will be running just test and superdrol for 3 weeks. If the lethargy from superdrol isnt too much. If it is ill run just test.

I am going to brew again, but to get everything will take 4 weeks.

Thinking of running Deca, Test, and other crap.

So there will be a week or two of just test, which is fine as i need a moment to recalibrate whats causing what.

As funds have been tight, so i have been stretching crap, and running premade gear is so much more money then brewing.
I ran tren and EQ high doses once, and it was bad.

I am thinking of running Bold Cyp or Bold U, with Deca as my base. The. Add orals and various compounds along with it.


Just tren. Lol.

Will grab raws of all. But.

I am curious of Bold CYP. Anyone run bold Cyp?
I ran tren and EQ high doses once, and it was bad.

I am thinking of running Bold Cyp or Bold U, with Deca as my base. The. Add orals and various compounds along with it.


Just tren. Lol.

Will grab raws of all. But.

I am curious of Bold CYP. Anyone run bold Cyp?
I have, what’s your question about it?
I have, what’s your question about it?
Does your hemocrit raise faster being its cyp vs U? I was thinking since the hormone is in your system at peak faster.

Are the results the same just faster?

Did you donate blood?

Edit- i guess, is it the same? Like NPP and Deca is? Just the hormone is in system quicker?

