Time for some size!

Legs yesterday
legs works

Leg exten
Hammy curl
Leg pushback

Pinned right bicep

Back and shoulders

6-7 back workouts back
2-3 shoulders

Pinned left Glute 100 mg prop

245 lbs at the moment. Still eating 4300 cals in my “cruise” as i am cruising 500 mg test.

Progress going to keep going like this all through next cycle. As soon as product come running it.
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Back and shoulders

6-7 back workouts back
2-3 shoulders

Pinned left Glute 100 mg prop

245 lbs at the moment. Still eating 4300 cals in my “cruise” as i am cruising 500 mg test.

Progress going to keep going like this all through next cycle. As soon as product come running it.
Wednesday you were cruising at 350, now it’s 500?
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Wednesday you were cruising at 350, now it’s 500?
I am growing like crazy, i did 100 mg today. Ill stay at 350. So far this week i am at 350. So ill take tomorrow off pinning. As since i said that it hasnt been a week.

I am just growing alot. So i dont want to hinder that by using to little. My diet and exercise is solid.
I weigh 250 and i am actually the same bf. I gained alot of water this week because i stopped all AI for a bit, since i am ok with gyno worries as i have been using an ai heavier while on tren. Since dropping tren and just running test lowish, i dont need much ai. Just have to be mindful how much water i am carrying. Will use an ai soon.

Today i did chest and triceps.

Still eating 4000 cals.

Pinned left VG

Cant wait to cycle again, i am about to pass the biggest i have been.

All my clothes dont fit anymore. Lol.
Had to get new snowboard pants.

I am trying to really keep this run going.

I usually relapse by bow and lose all my muscle. Which is why i have been able to gain so much.

I would say 250 and 15 % bf 6 foot 1.

Next cycle i will be going for 265. But i will be doing cardio as i want to be mindful about heart and lung health.

Also did yoga today.

Chest press
Cheat machine
Landmine press
Tricep one arm rope
Tricep c bar
Chest dips
Tricep dips
Legs(hammy glute focused)

Pinned left bicep

Warm up
One leg butt backward machine press
Leg press
Hip thrusts
Hammy curls

Killed my leg workout today

My knee has not been hurting

My form on squats is so much better

Really great progress all around

Took an AI to see what i look like with less water, and to gauge a correct weight. I let water rise to increase pumps and anabolism.

All PRs around

If i keep this going, will be looking good.

Eating 4000 cals same macros
But couldnt sleep last night and ate a ton
5000 cals, carbloaded for early legs.

Taking tomorrow off for sure.
Ok so, i am doing core and cardio today as an active rest day. Yoga at night.

I weigh 251 lbs. i know 5 lbs is for sure water weight. Maybe more. But i am cruising on 350 test, and took. .5 mg AI for last 2 days. Will take .25 mg today. And then in the next two days i will lose half the amount of water around i am holding now approx. from the excess i have now. As i let it ride up high.

Will see what my normal weight will be.

Eating a ton! But am not fat yet. Would say 16% bf.
Today took off. I am
building furniture from raw wood and got alot done today. I lost alot of water weight as expected weighted 247.

Pinned test cyp 200 mg yesterday. As i am getting ready to transition from prop to cyp moving foward.

Messed up taking my synthroid past 5 days and feel it. Also my e2 is a bit low now.

Tomorrow doing chest.

Joints are aching.
Ordered last pins

R delt, L delt, right bicep, left bicep, left Quad, Left Glute, Right Glute

Legs today

Hammy curls
Leg press
Split squats
Quad ext
Getting ready for next blast. I had success with this cruise, was a 5 weekish cruise. And will blast tren friday. Starting 420 mg tren a week.

Lost bf during cruise but still weigh, 240 ish. Lets go! Waist got slimer, by a good amount.
Pinned 1 cc test cyp and .5 mg tren a in left shoulder. 2/3 thurs

Will be pinning just tren a ed. .3 mL ed.

I do not want this to come across as an attack (it's not), but I have been reading, following you for almost the entire time I have been on this site. You lift, you are decently big, and have impressive enough strength.

But your diet is kind of shit, you have not been lean in years (ever?) and you don't take breaks (or stick to the breaks for long enough to give your body a break for health).

It causes me some concerns for your long term health.

Would you ever consider addressing those 3 issues - diet, leanness, and taking breaks from the gear?

If this comment is unwelcome just say so, and I will leave it be, but I felt like I should say something just to get you to consider whether you are on the best path you can be on for you.

I do not want this to come across as an attack (it's not), but I have been reading, following you for almost the entire time I have been on this site. You lift, you are decently big, and have impressive enough strength.

But your diet is kind of shit, you have not been lean in years (ever?) and you don't take breaks (or stick to the breaks for long enough to give your body a break for health).

It causes me some concerns for your long term health.

Would you ever consider addressing those 3 issues - diet, leanness, and taking breaks from the gear?

If this comment is unwelcome just say so, and I will leave it be, but I felt like I should say something just to get you to consider whether you are on the best path you can be on for you.
I totally agree with you 100 percent. I have a goal in mind.

At the moment my diet has improved. But 100% can get better. See I feel like i am just about where i want to be, so dam close.

So i hear what your saying, by the summer i will asses what you said. As i am getting to my goal soon. I will say my bloodwork was perfect recently, but i know some things dont show on bloodwork.

So to answer you, lol i guess my stubborness and ego is taking over here. I will consider these suggestions once the spring/summer comes.
I totally agree with you 100 percent. I have a goal in mind.

At the moment my diet has improved. But 100% can get better. See I feel like i am just about where i want to be, so dam close.

So i hear what your saying, by the summer i will asses what you said. As i am getting to my goal soon. I will say my bloodwork was perfect recently, but i know some things dont show on bloodwork.

So to answer you, lol i guess my stubborness and ego is taking over here. I will consider these suggestions once the spring/summer comes.
what is your goal and what will change, and what will you do or change when you reach it?
what is your goal and what will change, and what will you do or change when you reach it?
My goal is 250-255 at 15-16% bf. Thats one. I will clean up diet now, starting this week. I have been tracking and weighing. I honestly eat pretty dam good, but always room for improvment. I will add cardio in for heart health, and will be doing yoga.

I will drink 1 gallon water ed.

Once this cycle is complete i will cruise for same time off or until bloodmarkers are good. I will cruise on a reasonable amount of stuff and just maintain, which would basically be a slight cut/recomp.

I do not know of other things needed that should be changed, do you have any in mind? Speak freely please
I also have strength goals, but thats just get strong no specific amount. This can take a year i can careless.

I think a 405 squat sounds nice
A 500 dL would be cool
I only dumbell press so the 120’s 3x10
All raw no straps or anything

Right now i do all raw and i am close, but not risking any injury for strength over physique.
Most importantly i just want to enjoy my time and myself. And i find for me, i feel amazing when i look it.
I totally agree with you 100 percent. I have a goal in mind.

At the moment my diet has improved. But 100% can get better. See I feel like i am just about where i want to be, so dam close.

So i hear what your saying, by the summer i will asses what you said. As i am getting to my goal soon. I will say my bloodwork was perfect recently, but i know some things dont show on bloodwork.

So to answer you, lol i guess my stubborness and ego is taking over here. I will consider these suggestions once the spring/summer comes.
Periodization will set you free …