Time for some size!

I took .5 mg adex 3 days ago
.25 mg today


Squats PR
Leg press
Hammy curl
Quad ext
Split squats
Did chest and arms today

4 chest
3 bis
3 tris

Going snowboarding tomorrow, taking tomorrow off gym.
Pinned glute yesterday, pinning right bicep today

Snowboarding today.

Packed my meals and protein shakes to bring with me.
Well went to pin, and i have been getting the cough or that feeling alot feom this tren, as i never did before. And i am aspirating now, i pulled back full blood, thank goodness i pulled back first, with tren 200 with guac that would have sucked
I think 330 is great. If you are getting a lot of it from beef and whole eggs with yolks and peanut butter and stuff, though, well, LOL!, that is probably not going to continue very long, due to the high fat content (9 calories per gram!)
What's your opinion on boiling fatty meats such as pork and beef to lower the fat content?
What's your opinion on boiling fatty meats such as pork and beef to lower the fat content?
That sounds gross, why not just drain off the fat while cooking? Sometimes I’ll cook my ground beef on a stove top and then drain AND rinse it in hot water, but boiling meat IMO always ruins it
That sounds gross, why not just drain off the fat while cooking? Sometimes I’ll cook my ground beef on a stove top and then drain AND rinse it in hot water, but boiling meat IMO always ruins it
Actually boiled chicken taste fine. I would not eat it plain. But if you boil and put in soup. Good. Come to think of it, i need to utilize soup more.
Pinning right quad today doing back and shoulders.

I took a wipeout yesterday, and went for one more run, then stopped, i am going to skii for now on, snowboarsing i feel has a bigger chance of catching an edge, and i dont want to mess up my progress at gym.

Aspirated again today, thank goodness, full of blood when pulled back. 2 days in row, aspirating for now on, as that would have sucked. I wasnt that good at hittinf blood when i purposely would try to, years ago.


Pinned .4 mL test and tren took .25 ai.
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That sounds gross, why not just drain off the fat while cooking? Sometimes I’ll cook my ground beef on a stove top and then drain AND rinse it in hot water, but boiling meat IMO always ruins it
Boiling spare ribs, and then putting them on a broiler or grill afterwards, with low carb bbq sauce is pretty good imo. The boiling isn't the final preparation. The idea would be to follow up with either broiling or grilling.
I hit a wall at 2:40 lbs. i did take a decent amount of AI this week, as gyno was flaring. So now libido is back higher and morning wood.

But i am eating a ton, and stuck at 240. I guess i have to increase to 4,300 cals?

I honestly ate 4600 cals yesterday, and 4200 cals day before, 3800 cals, and 4000 before that. Yet still 240. I will fine tune my tracking and eat a bit dirtier for a couple weeks.

Chest and arms, today. My legs are still sore from bicycling and snowboarding. Then skipping legs this go around and doing active rest or rest day.
Pinned .4 mL trenA and .4 mL test cyp left quad. 50 mg anadrol preworkout.

70 mg tren a
70 mg test cyp
50 mg adrol

Last 5 pin spots

6 days ago to recent

Right glute, left glute, Right bicep, left bicep, right quad, left quad

Hold off on AI for 5-7 days let what i took do its thing.
Today my stuff comes, so i will be brewing my raws. I actually was going to run Bold cyp, but i have had anxiety with this combo before.

I think running tren a at 500 a week and test at 500 a week, with anadrol is good for now. I may add a tiny bit of npp for my joints. But honestly i am seeing results and feel solid. A little sides from tren mentally. I guess if it aint broke dont fix it. Or however that goes.

I love the look eq and tren together give, but its also anxiety in a pin. So not sure what to do, really curious as to how bold cyp is.

I also donated blood yesterday.

Going to be tracking food better and make sure i am getting the amounts i am, i weigh and use my fit pal, so i may just have to up cals.
I hit a wall at 2:40 lbs. i did take a decent amount of AI this week, as gyno was flaring. So now libido is back higher and morning wood.

But i am eating a ton, and stuck at 240. I guess i have to increase to 4,300 cals?

I honestly ate 4600 cals yesterday, and 4200 cals day before, 3800 cals, and 4000 before that. Yet still 240. I will fine tune my tracking and eat a bit dirtier for a couple weeks.

Chest and arms, today. My legs are still sore from bicycling and snowboarding. Then skipping legs this go around and doing active rest or rest day.

focus on changes over time, not acute changes in weight/intake/changes in regards to calorie intake and scale/body comp. Your body doesnt work that acutely in this regard.
I hit a wall at 2:40 lbs. i did take a decent amount of AI this week, as gyno was flaring. So now libido is back higher and morning wood.

But i am eating a ton, and stuck at 240. I guess i have to increase to 4,300 cals?

I honestly ate 4600 cals yesterday, and 4200 cals day before, 3800 cals, and 4000 before that. Yet still 240. I will fine tune my tracking and eat a bit dirtier for a couple weeks.

Chest and arms, today. My legs are still sore from bicycling and snowboarding. Then skipping legs this go around and doing active rest or rest day.
I don't recall how tall you are, but I had to increase above 4000 to go from 240 to 250 ( I am 6')

I don't care what anybody claims. That is a lot of food.