Did legs today. I do need to maybe get 2 more 45 lb plates, or just up the reps, or slow the TUT.
No straps or bands on anything
Bike ride 30 minutes warm up
when i do deadlifts its 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down. I do not drop the weight, at all. Its gently taps the ground.
squats i go all the way down, 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down.
315 x 10
315 x 10
315 x 9
315 x 8
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 8
Landmine press squat
Bar and 25
20, 20, 20, 20
Will do yoga for 30 min.
Will go on a walk for 1 hr.
No straps or bands on anything
Bike ride 30 minutes warm up
when i do deadlifts its 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down. I do not drop the weight, at all. Its gently taps the ground.
squats i go all the way down, 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down.
315 x 10
315 x 10
315 x 9
315 x 8
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 8
Landmine press squat
Bar and 25
20, 20, 20, 20
Will do yoga for 30 min.
Will go on a walk for 1 hr.