Time for some size!

Feel like i am not growing…. When i get my order i am blasting the shit out of my body and going to get growing. I dont get how all the food i am eating is going nowhere. I weigh 230.

I am just on test and i run superdrol preworkout. I am started to feel its because i am lifting too hard. And not taking a rest day. Tomorrow i will take a day off from the gym.

But will do cardio in morning fasted hgh
Well did a stupid hard leg workout instead of taking the day off. Focus was on hammy. But i did calves too. And ended up doing quads lol. So basically the whole leg. But when i did the deadlifts and everything i focused on form and getting the best hammy contraction i can.

Also my hait is shedding annoyingly, so taking a week off if everything to let that die down. Cant wait to get the DHB i have no aide effects from it. Will be runni g DHB and DECA and TEST. Like 500 mg each, when they get here.
Hell yea after a protein shake, will hit my macros on the nose. 300 protein,500 carbs, 89 fats.
About 4000 cals.

Did legs today 7 leg workouts
Legs Today

7 workouts

Spent 30 minutes on just barbell squats.
Spending time on form and felt much better, with lower weight. Focusing on “sitting on a chair” and going low. Squats are my weakest point. Will be working on them alot. Not pushing heavy weight.

Leg Press
Hip Thrust
Hammy curl
Leg Ext

Pinned Left VG.
Did just back today

Tomorrow is chest and arms, maybe chest and shoulders.

Also been eating less than 100 g fats and getting my macros in everday for 4 days. Willl continue to do so. 3800 cals thus far.
I found 600mg / week the sweet spot with bold cyp. Anxiety came in waves started around week 2 or 3 but was manageable. When I pushed the dosage to 800mg / week for 2 weeks was struggling with anxiety so decided to stop. So I hope you find what's best for you
Legs today, working from the basics, and starting to focus on squattting, ti get that going to hit my legs good.

Hack squats machine
Leg exten
Glute leg push back
Leg press hammy focus
Hammy curl

Felt good.
Well did a stupid hard leg workout instead of taking the day off. Focus was on hammy. But i did calves too. And ended up doing quads lol. So basically the whole leg. But when i did the deadlifts and everything i focused on form and getting the best hammy contraction i can.

Also my hait is shedding annoyingly, so taking a week off if everything to let that die down. Cant wait to get the DHB i have no aide effects from it. Will be runni g DHB and DECA and TEST. Like 500 mg each, when they get here.

You're shedding hair again and only on test?
How much test.
( I fucking hate test)

What happened to the NPP?

You're shedding hair again and only on test?
How much test.
( I fucking hate test)

What happened to the NPP?
No, i through in superdrol for a little. But dropped it. I am on 600 mg test. But going to lower when i get my other stuff. I am waiting on stuff. On just test i dont shed.

No more superdrol for me.i shed on it everytime.
On 40-50 Var I was definitely shedding. No more Var.
Small test / large npp moving forward.
Nothing else.
No, i through in superdrol for a little. But dropped it. I am on 600 mg test. But going to lower when i get my other stuff. I am waiting on stuff. On just test i dont shed.

No more superdrol for me.i shed on it everytime.
Good to hear.

What about the NPP?
Taking a break?
On 40-50 Var I was definitely shedding. No more Var.
Small test / large npp moving forward.
Nothing else.

Good to hear.

What about the NPP?
Taking a break?
I ran out, of npp.

Var is no good for me either, i shed.
I am leaning out but eating much more, yesterday chest, today back and shoulders.

I am 230 but i can see my abs without flexing them now, i think its from changing the hgh to preworkout vs fasted i AM.