Been MIA for a bit. Have had a ton of stuff going on. Did my first meet with an injury which I'm still recovering from. Finally back into somewhat of a routine if you can call it that for now. I found that I'm am completely out of shape and need to focus on conditioning with some higher reps for a while. Dont judge but have been learning/practicing new movements. Lots of sets of 20. Yeah I know y'all will call it crossfit and basically is. Basically on a 4 day split. 3 days PLing high volume. 1 day all compound movements consisting of 4 sets of 20 in circuits. Really focusing on my weaknesses. Core strength. Growing my legs to support bigger weights. Trying to become a better lifter from the ground up. I'm doing another meet sometime in April with @theprodgicalson @Perrin Aybara and possibly a few others. I have big goals for that one. So I gotta get healthy focused and move some fucken weight