Tren forever


Viewing another thread where someone was running tren for years; I was wondering how feasible is running tren at low doses forever? I’m talking like trt+.

If someone were to do their normal trt and add 25-50mg a tren a week, what do you think would happen? What would happen to health? What would happen for gainz?


(Trenbolone pic just for fun)


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I like the idea. I've toyed with the idea myself.
I wouldn't get locked in for life tho. I would use acetate, and quit if and when I wanted to.
Great idea in theory, but out of all available AAS, the Tren is just damm too poisonous, its like taking shot of whiskey a day.

Turn into a horse in 10 years maybe? who knows
How are you going to dose a low-end dose without having relatively large waste? Do people have some low dose low waste syringes and pins?

Why would anyone use acetate for trt+? You can just quit whenever you want to, doesn't matter which ester. Only difference is with acetate you'd have to pin more frequently and I'd say that induces more risks than having a little bit more fluctuation in your blood serum levels by just pinning enanthate once a week.

Why do people still claim tren is poisonous? There is one case where they reported liver failure in someone claiming to do 700mg/wk tren ace. And it did not include any other details to what the patient was using, nobody uses 700mg/wk Tren alone. Was his liver going to fail anyway because of genetics? What was his alcohol consumption? What was his liver health before the tren ace? What were the other AAS he was using? What supplements did he use (many can be hepatoxic)? What medication he was using?

After 2 years of Tren at 200-600mg/wk (and while still on Tren@400mg/wk), and towards the end of 3month oral bulk cycle of 50mg Anadrol, 30mg Dianabol and 20mg Winstrol and not exactly avoiding alcohol, only one of my liver enzymes was slightly above reference range. I just don't see where the poison in Tren is.

t. member of the Tren fanclub
How are you going to dose a low-end dose without having relatively large waste? Do people have some low dose low waste syringes and pins?

Why would anyone use acetate for trt+? You can just quit whenever you want to, doesn't matter which ester. Only difference is with acetate you'd have to pin more frequently and I'd say that induces more risks than having a little bit more fluctuation in your blood serum levels by just pinning enanthate once a week.

Why do people still claim tren is poisonous? There is one case where they reported liver failure in someone claiming to do 700mg/wk tren ace. And it did not include any other details to what the patient was using, nobody uses 700mg/wk Tren alone. Was his liver going to fail anyway because of genetics? What was his alcohol consumption? What was his liver health before the tren ace? What were the other AAS he was using? What supplements did he use (many can be hepatoxic)? What medication he was using?

After 2 years of Tren at 200-600mg/wk (and while still on Tren@400mg/wk), and towards the end of 3month oral bulk cycle of 50mg Anadrol, 30mg Dianabol and 20mg Winstrol and not exactly avoiding alcohol, only one of my liver enzymes was slightly above reference range. I just don't see where the poison in Tren is.

t. member of the Tren fanclub
I would assume the idea to use acetate is just in case buddie has mental sides he can just bail and it will clear quickly , extremely unlikely at the doses he is suggesting there will be any mental issues ….but you know he’s not gonna be pinning 10mg a day for long ….

Judging by his opening post I’d wager to bet he has never played with tren before so , may as well do ace just in case it don’t agree with him and then he can just bail out and it’s outta his system in a few days …

Pins and syringes are cheap no sense in factoring the cost into cycle choices …
After 2 years of Tren at 200-600mg/wk (and while still on Tren@400mg/wk), and towards the end of 3month oral bulk cycle of 50mg Anadrol, 30mg Dianabol and 20mg Winstrol and not exactly avoiding alcohol, only one of my liver enzymes was slightly above reference range. I just don't see where the poison in Tren is.
cool. you did bloodwork. but did you get your heart checked? lvh and ekg. there are things that change that bloodwork alone doesnt tell you
I would assume the idea to use acetate is just in case buddie has mental sides , which is extremely unlikely at the doses he is suggesting ….

Judging by his opening post I’d wager to bet he has never played with tren before so , may as well do ace just in case it don’t agree with him and then he can just bail out and it’s outta his system in a few days …

Pins and syringes are cheap no sense in factoring the cost into cycle choices …
I was thinking more along the line of filling your syringe with 0.2ml of Tren and then having that 0.1ml stay in the syringe dead space. Over time this would cause you to lose half of your Tren, and it is not the cheapest AAS around.

With Tren Ena you will get your blood serum peak in 3-4 days. So if you wait that long to see if you have sides you don't like, you will already be on the declining end of the dose. In my opinion better way to test for individual sides is using a longer ester with lower dose, this way the dose will naturally titrate over weeks if you don't frontload. Some of the side effects are definitely related to rapid change in blood serum levels, and short esters will make sure you feel that.

cool. you did bloodwork. but did you get your heart checked? lvh and ekg. there are things that change that bloodwork alone doesnt tell you
Heart is the same or slightly better than before. Slightly better because I had a year of not moving at all due to coronashitshow and after that I hopped on Tren and stayed.
Here are some points to consider:

-Mental effects... effects on mood and behavior, are they worth the long run?
-Even at low doses you are not skipping health risks,
-Regular blood tests, blood pressure monitoring, and heart health assessments are a must-have, cuz there is limited evidence on Tren all year round, so you must monitor it by yourself,
-Neuroprotective effects of Trenbolone

Go watch Derek's video from MorePlatesMoreDates about this subject on youtube it's about 20 min long. Its called -

Using Trenbolone FOREVER As "TRT"!?

*To the tune of Roxanne*

It must have been Tren, but it’s over now.
From the moment we touched, ‘till the vial had run out.

(Would love to get that tattooed on my calf’s)
Majority of aas users can’t handle Tren, that’s enough proof for me that it’s not healthy, but none of us here are to be healthy.

Out of all available compounds if you want to run all year round there are much better choices

Or just turn into a horse
Btw guys I’m just creating discussion, I’m not going to be running tren for trt+ haha, especially since I’ve never used it before.
Majority of aas users can’t handle Tren, that’s enough proof for me that it’s not healthy, but none of us here are to be healthy.

Out of all available compounds if you want to run all year round there are much better choices

Or just turn into a horse
When you say most people can't handle tren, what do you mean? I've cycled on it twice, something like a decade ago, and the worst part i recall was feeling like my cardio tanked (at a time when I wasriding a bicycle about 30 miles a day; not awesome).
How are you going to dose a low-end dose without having relatively large waste? Do people have some low dose low waste syringes and pins?

Why would anyone use acetate for trt+? You can just quit whenever you want to, doesn't matter which ester. Only difference is with acetate you'd have to pin more frequently and I'd say that induces more risks than having a little bit more fluctuation in your blood serum levels by just pinning enanthate once a week.

Why do people still claim tren is poisonous? There is one case where they reported liver failure in someone claiming to do 700mg/wk tren ace. And it did not include any other details to what the patient was using, nobody uses 700mg/wk Tren alone. Was his liver going to fail anyway because of genetics? What was his alcohol consumption? What was his liver health before the tren ace? What were the other AAS he was using? What supplements did he use (many can be hepatoxic)? What medication he was using?

After 2 years of Tren at 200-600mg/wk (and while still on Tren@400mg/wk), and towards the end of 3month oral bulk cycle of 50mg Anadrol, 30mg Dianabol and 20mg Winstrol and not exactly avoiding alcohol, only one of my liver enzymes was slightly above reference range. I just don't see where the poison in Tren is.

t. member of the Tren fanclub
So you are saying you believe people who claim tren is liver toxic, and that all the androgens may be an issue in regards to long term exposure for your neurological health, are completely wrong?

You are saying you can just run tren 400 a week year round, and as long you were healthy to begin with you have nothing to worry about?
How are you going to dose a low-end dose without having relatively large waste? Do people have some low dose low waste syringes and pins?

Why would anyone use acetate for trt+? You can just quit whenever you want to, doesn't matter which ester. Only difference is with acetate you'd have to pin more frequently and I'd say that induces more risks than having a little bit more fluctuation in your blood serum levels by just pinning enanthate once a week.

Why do people still claim tren is poisonous? There is one case where they reported liver failure in someone claiming to do 700mg/wk tren ace. And it did not include any other details to what the patient was using, nobody uses 700mg/wk Tren alone. Was his liver going to fail anyway because of genetics? What was his alcohol consumption? What was his liver health before the tren ace? What were the other AAS he was using? What supplements did he use (many can be hepatoxic)? What medication he was using?

After 2 years of Tren at 200-600mg/wk (and while still on Tren@400mg/wk), and towards the end of 3month oral bulk cycle of 50mg Anadrol, 30mg Dianabol and 20mg Winstrol and not exactly avoiding alcohol, only one of my liver enzymes was slightly above reference range. I just don't see where the poison in Tren is.

t. member of the Tren fanclub
Really you're lucky, I feel like death on higher doses of it. Do you take anything meds/supps to mitigate the side effects? Regardless, I hate the dry, flat look it gives. Not a fan.
So you are saying you believe people who claim tren is liver toxic, and that all the androgens may be an issue in regards to long term exposure for your neurological health, are completely wrong?

You are saying you can just run tren 400 a week year round, and as long you were healthy to begin with you have nothing to worry about?
Who are these people you are referring to? Our fellow broscientists here? Yeah, I think I can afford to disagree with them. Are these neurological health problems speculated from animal studies? For some reason when one's hypothesis is supported by animal studies they are fine, but when they go against your beliefs, they can go to trashcan.

I feel like you are trying to put words in my mouth, I only discussed the hepatoxic aspect and the proofs which have been provided for it. But now since I'm not completely convinced by that, I have to have an opinion on the neurological aspect as well? How are these even related? What is the argument you are trying to construct?

And yes, I believe personal health is best indicator for what works for you. There are million things to worry in life and inventing new ones just out of fear is quite useless.

Really you're lucky, I feel like death on higher doses of it. Do you take anything meds/supps to mitigate the side effects? Regardless, I hate the dry, flat look it gives. Not a fan.
In my experience, your body adjusts. Month or two starting Tren it felt like maybe the side effects are not worth it, but they mainly went away (still have night sweats and varying insomnia).

For night sweats I don't use blanket, I have fan if I need it and sleep most nights with windows open (welcome mosquito season).

For insomnia I take weed, 5-HTP and long books. Also naps sometimes.

For cramps I used multivitamins and tried to adjust diet so it had everything. For crazy pumps at the start I don't have anything, just train more and be careful not to pull muscles when they are pumped. Same goes for the feeling of having aerobic capability reduced (out of breath), just train more and see it go away.
The day will come when you have to stop running Tren and you will feel the crash and burn if your invincible and can run it forever Rock hard