Triple B Solutions

No fuck this lab. I don't care if he overfills, the levels should be consistent and shipping gear in paper towels just put the nail in the coffin.

I think you may have misunderstood:
Paper towels hiding the gear inside of a vacuum filled bag.
Would you rather he wrap them in paper? It's just to cushion the vials INSIDE a vacuum sealed bag.
The vials hold over 14ml of oil. Uneven fill was something I discussed with customers over at SST. Instead of having unfinished vials at the end of my process I over fill some vials. I can certainly stop this if you would like, but this only benefits the end user.
Fortunately the packages are bubblewrapped. On the off chance one of the vials break, having an absorbent barrier is preferable.

In the picture you see one vial that has more than the others due to me putting extra product in the vial rather having half filled vials at the end of my process.

As far as the other user who said my gear is untested - I am offering a $400 credit for blind tests. The products that I submitted to Jano tested extremely well. I have many bloodwork reports available. I cannot force users to get blind testing.
Fortunately the packages are bubblewrapped. On the off chance one of the vials break, having an absorbent barrier is preferable.

In the picture you see one vial that has more than the others due to me putting extra product in the vial rather having half filled vials at the end of my process.

As far as the other user who said my gear is untested - I am offering a $400 credit for blind tests. The products that I submitted to Jano tested extremely well. I have many bloodwork reports available. I cannot force users to get blind testing.
Why would you have more than one under filled vial at the end of your run? Toss it or keep it for personal use and keep the vials at consistent levels. Fucking common sense here.
We need to see more testing, not only on finished products but your raws as well. You need to provide that. I'm not going to buy shit from a lab that has raws tested at 75% pure and you need to know what you are working with.
Where is your donation to Anabolic Lab? We need to see that banner to let us know that you are committed to MESO. Advertising your lab here is free, but it comes with a price.
Lab pics: You're going to have to provide those now. I'm not going to buy from anyone brewing out of their bathtub. Your word doesn't mean shit to me. We want proof.
Look man I don't think you are ready to sell here. It takes an investment and I don’t think you have the funds.
Just received my order, going to send them off to get tested. It might be a bit until I get the results but you can noticed how they are not evenly matched. I didn’t see any particles or anything weird in the vials. I’m currently cruising right now so it will be about 2 months before I try using the anadrol.View attachment 140567
Those look like Sasquatch fill levels
Once again, the vials hold well over 10ml. I asked customers about this months ago and they requested that I continue the practice of overfilling vials. At the end of the day - you are simply getting more for your money. I can certainly stop this practice if my customers request me to do so. None of the vials are underfilled.
Why not just fill everything the same - say 12ml if you are going to overfill...or 10ml if you are not.

Anything else just comes off as lazy. Tag on the douchey label and you are coming off as another dipshit meathead trying to source where he shouldn’t.
Why not just fill everything the same - say 12ml if you are going to overfill...or 10ml if you are not.

Anything else just comes off as lazy. Tag on the douchey label and you are coming off as another dipshit meathead trying to source where he shouldn’t.
I could switch to pharmacy style labels, I've thought of doing this.

Vials are consistently overfilled. You will find most have close to 11ml. I calibrate to at least 10.5ml even though the vials are sold as 10ml. The overfill I believe we are talking about is in reference to me topping off certain vials rather have extra unfilled vials at the end of the process.
I could switch to pharmacy style labels, I've thought of doing this.

Vials are consistently overfilled. You will find most have close to 11ml. I calibrate to at least 10.5ml even though the vials are sold as 10ml. The overfill I believe we are talking about is in reference to me topping off certain vials rather have extra unfilled vials at the end of the process.

I'm impressed with your level headedness and calm responses while taking so much flaming and mud slinging, I'll give you that.

The labels... I'd go with clean pharma style labels but that's just a preference. I've seen worse labels though, far worse, from loved sources. You don't get many resellers wanting your stuff looking like that though. But that's not me. Vials from direct come with no labels at all, and his gear has zero bad reviews or test results.

I don't agree on showing your setup, but again I don't give a shit because brewing sterile potent gear doesn't require a 5k setup.

The vial thing: if they are in fact all over filled, then we are bitching to bitch. I'm used to inconsistent fill levels due to over filling by UGLs.
If even one is under filled though, then you've completely lost credibility because that's lazy and sloppy for a lab.

Edit: just being transparent here, but you should know that while I'm clearly not a hater at the moment, the minute a lab does anything unquestionably shitty or shady, I'm the loudest person on the internet and I'll never shut up about how bad a lab is. Scrioxx is an example: he walks on water now but his shippers fucked me 5 years ago and I haven't shut up about it on any forum he's posted on since that happened. Same with Dutch, DrugsGear, PharmaCom, IA, and CrazySteroids.
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I'm kind of mixed on the filling levels. Nice and even shows consistency but personally would like a little extra.

As far as labels go I would rather a more pharma looking. Perhaps even labeled as something legal and each substance have its own specific label. But thats just me and most won't agree with that.