Started pinning Test E last week, 1ml 2x per week. Been a learning process on virgin muscle, pip has been moderate to awful but not crippling. Pretty crazy how different it can be depending on used site and technique.
Now that I know what im doing, pip is pretty minimal. Pinned 1 ml in my quad and absolutely no swelling, and a minor, almost pleasent amount of soreness. Could have comfortably done a leg workout at any point in time. I was getting a little worried I was going to be one of those people that cant tolerate Test E but it seems to have been operator error.
Things i started doing based on what I didnt do when PIP was the worst:
- Warming the oil in a water bath before injection
-1.5" needles to ensure i'm getting deep AF. 1" left too much room for error. Had a really painful lat injection where i did not go in cleanly at 90 degrees and i suspect this is why. Similar with a glute injection, currently have a fucking golf ball under the skin and it is super tender. Don't think i got deep enough on injection. BF is a bit on the high .
- Taking time when pushing the oil ~ 15-20 seconds at the minimum for 1 ml.
-Applying pressure had pressure for 30 seconds after injecting
- Keeping a warming pad over the injection site for a couple minutes. Seems to make it less painful but my sample size is kind of low.
We'll see how the bloods look 4-5 weeks from now.