Triple B Solutions

dude that’s bodybuilding. You can’t hate on someone’s preference about wearing a Speedo when your preference is rolling around and bear hugging with half naked sweaty dudes.
Don’t say that one is weird and the other is not. Both can be construed as “gay”
How can you say that wrestling is gay?

There’s nothing inherently gay about two sweaty men grabbing at and mounting each other in skin-tight leotards.
I’m not trying to defend anyone here, but to try to bash one of the few people on this forum that actually posted a picture of what they look like, when they look like that is insane to me.

The amount of dedication, and sacrifices one has to make to get down to that level of conditioning is no small feat. Then to maintain/continue to make improvements since he’s still a few weeks out takes more willpower then probably 99% of the people on this forum can understand.

We all have different goals, and do this for different reasons so to bash anyone is just fucking stupid. But bro if that looks like panties to you, your wife needs get some sexier underwear man no wonder you’re an “addict”
Yeah, never been a fan of bashing people's physiques. Only time I've said something about someone's physique is if they are pushing crazy doses and look like it could be achieved with much smaller amounts of gear.
@Athlete127 has not answered the question when is his show and I am not sure how recent that pic is he posted. If he did mention it I may have missed it.
I wouldn't answer that question either. Why would he want to post which show if he wants to maintain anonymity.

And nobody is saying he's lying. Are you?
My bad as wasn't sure how recent his pic was. So if not too far out then that's good...and sill wish him luck on his show.
I’m not trying to defend anyone here, but to try to bash one of the few people on this forum that actually posted a picture of what they look like, when they look like that is insane to me.

The amount of dedication, and sacrifices one has to make to get down to that level of conditioning is no small feat. Then to maintain/continue to make improvements since he’s still a few weeks out takes more willpower then probably 99% of the people on this forum can understand.

We all have different goals, and do this for different reasons so to bash anyone is just fucking stupid. But bro if that looks like panties to you, your wife needs get some sexier underwear man no wonder you’re an “addict”
Like I said. I'm no bodybuilder. My interest is different. That's all.

And I agree. That guy is a jacked 190 or so. Props to him. Athlete, if you're reading this. Congratulations. That's quite a feat you've accomplished there.

But, they still look like panties to me.

Just sayin.

I hope nobody else is offended.
@justanoob @Athlete127, get one if you don't. Definitely a game changer. If I'm planning on being out more than 15 min I use mine.
@justanoob, what is causing you to wake up? Have you guys seen a specialist?
I’ve been considering looking into them. Most of the time I wake up it’s to piss. I’ll wake up to pee 3-4 a night so I wasn’t sure if a CPAP machine would help that.