Triptorelin (GnRh)


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10+ Year Member
Ok, it's been a while since I did any follow up on trip (ie: 1 / 100mcg injection) can restart ones suppressed HPTA with no SERMs or hcg...

I researched it over a year ago and want some fresh perspective on if you guys believe its valid or horse shit!

I remember that earlier opinions seemed split...some vouched and some refuted its effects.

Feedback please....

Here is how you answer your own question! LOL!
This wouldn't be hard to test I theory. Ill probably try it myself down the line since I BNC. It would just take me or anyone who stays on to switch to short esters, come off for a few days until there are no more steroid esters left, do a shot of triptorelin and get blood work a week later. If your are still shutdown then it either goes to show your triptorelin is bunk or the shit doesn't work (or you overstimulated your testies and shut yourself down even further).

Could be a godsend to guys who just refuse to come off.