TRT for medical / physical / health


New Member
Hi everyone,

I’m a 27 male, planning on jumping on TRT. I know, why the fuck a 27 want to jump on TRT ? Let me explain.

I suffer from a condition named POIS, post orgasmic illness syndrome which there is no cause yet found (working on it as a patient with studies by my doctor and by my self as I myself am a Doctor), and one of the treatment could be hormonal therapy.

So I plan on having a testosterone close to the upside of the range or 10% higher to shorten the refractory period of orgasm and get less symptoms of that. It’s one approach to the solution but yet not the best or the only solution.

By doing that I hope to get some other benefits, brain frog and tiredness being the main symptoms but also get a little bit of more muscle and less fat, and being overall in better condition.

I had one hormonal dosage which show a diminution of Total T, Free T, normal E2 and normal FSH/LH. Going to have a check on that probably nothing but yet the numbers were very low.

On that, I planned a protocol for myself and would have a bit of advice on everything.

For the test part :

  • 50 to 100mg Test E E3,5D
  • 375 UI HCG or 75 UI HMG E3,5D

For the control of the E2 and for some benefits I was planning to add :

  • 30 to 50mg Primo E3,5D

What would be better Primo or AI AS amiridex 0,125 to 0,250 in my condition?

For the limitation of risk I plan of multiples things as supplements and medication to live happily and in good health :

  • Telmisartan 20 to 40mg 1x every night for blood pressure and renal protection

  • Finasteride / RU -58841 / Minoxidil / Luxeol shampoo / Oil for the hair

  • Beta Alanine / Citruline for blood pressure

  • Berberine for glucose contrôle

  • Nattokinase : for blood knot

  • Red Rice : for lipids

  • Saw Palmetto for hair

I also plan to add sometimes like 2x time a year 20 to 40mg Anavar for 4 to 8 weeks, just didn’t really understood the protection, which and when to take exactly, research weren’t successful ..

Do you guys see something especially stupid ? Or any advice on how to make it better ?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long text.
OESTRADIOL (AC) 29 pg/ml
FSH 5,1 UI/L
LH 4,5 UI/L
TEST 1,8 ng/ml or 6,2 nmol/l
TeBG 18ng/ml
Test Free 13,6 pmol/L
AH MAN, ur gonna feel fantastic on TRT.
I was low T but not that low. Its a must have to enjoy life normally
Yeah really looking forward that ! But still looking for some answers on Primo / Anavar protection and overall impression of my potential TRT
Is there a reason you need glucose control?

I assume you only take lipid protection if your lipids get wrecked. Why wouldn't you just take a low dose statin instead of red rice extract, especially as a doctor?
A European red rice extract pill usually claims to contain up to 3 g monacolin K which is the same as Lovastatin. If available, I'd rather take a low dose (2.5 g) modern statin like rosuvastatin instead of red rice extract. You know exactly what you get and you safe money.
I dont really understand. You wont need AI on trt most likely.
Primo is a AI but idk what do you want anavar to do?
Even with almost 200 mg of test + 750 HCG I won’t need any AI ? And does primo at low dose impact my physique ?

For Anavar it’s to get a bit of athlétism, strength and physique
Even with almost 200 mg of test + 750 HCG I won’t need any AI ? And does primo at low dose impact my physique ?

For Anavar it’s to get a bit of athlétism, strength and physique
Oh hcg too mb, but yea depends I can run 500test without ai but you will need primo prob yea.
bloodwork will give the right answer with hcg and test in the system tho. Hard to guess now. My natty e2 was lower.

We are going out of TRT range with that var.

Hcg+test, adapt primo to e2

Thats what I would do
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Is there a reason you need glucose control?

I assume you only take lipid protection if your lipids get wrecked. Why wouldn't you just take a low dose statin instead of red rice extract, especially as a doctor?
A European red rice extract pill usually claims to contain up to 3 g monacolin K which is the same as Lovastatin. If available, I'd rather take a low dose (2.5 g) modern statin like rosuvastatin instead of red rice extract. You know exactly what you get and you safe money.
Not really, but as a doctor, getting you glucose on point seems interesting. Plus I am quite a big fan of sugary food and having my glucose on point seems to make me less crave it, so that’s why !

I actually taught of using low dose dose of statins, but quite hate the side effects and was hoping to get less of it with Red Rice but if it’s the same I would actually consider going to a statins. You think it would be smarter ?
Oh hcg too mb, but yea depends I can run 500test without ai but you will need primo prob yea.
bloodwork will give the right answer with hcg and test in the system tho. Hard to guess now. My natty e2 was lower.

We are going out of TRT range with that var.

Hcg+test, adapt primo to e2

Thats what I would do
Alright so taking out the Var, just everyone keeps telling me how Var makes you feel also fantastic.

So basically HCG + TEST, blood works a few weeks in, add primo it E2 too high.

Then if E2 low I lower primo
If E2 still high I up primo

And does primo at a low dose does something more than E2 control ?
I myself tried red yeast rice extract that supposedly contains 2.5 mg Monacolin K (active substance of lovastatin) and had no side effects.
I will be using rosuvastatin in the future though.
Statins have a pronounced nocebo effect.

Anyways, aren't you French? Aren't you guys immune to cholesterol anyway?

Yeah really looking forward that ! But still looking for some answers on Primo / Anavar protection and overall impression of my potential TRT
Just take Test Cyp not E.

Nothing else to start. You listed a boatload of stuff you don’t need.

Test Cyp 200 or 250 mg/ml

Inject 50 mgs 3 times a week. Monday / Thrs/Sat

Reassess in a couple months with feel and bloodwork.
I myself tried red yeast rice extract that supposedly contains 2.5 mg Monacolin K (active substance of lovastatin) and had no side effects.
I will be using rosuvastatin in the future though.
Statins have a pronounced nocebo effect.

Anyways, aren't you French? Aren't you guys immune to cholesterol anyway?

Yeah I am French, but hell no I treat patient with high cholesterol everyday ! But it seems that we aren’t the country with the most cases indeed. Just want to know if my lipids going high what’s the must have !
Just take Test Cyp not E.

Nothing else to start. You listed a boatload of stuff you don’t need.

Test Cyp 200 or 250 mg/ml

Inject 50 mgs 3 times a week. Monday / Thrs/Sat

Reassess in a couple months with feel and bloodwork.
What will cyp give me more than E ? Cause I will maybe have some pharma grade Test E (Androtardyl as prescription) so that’s why I was on it.

Quite would like to keep HCG, to still make my pituitary gland stimulate