Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump demanded on Thursday that the poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty be revised immediately to exclude nations he considered “shithole countries.”

Speaking to reporters, Trump said that the poem as it currently stands “is basically an open invitation that says, like, if you come from a shithole country, welcome aboard.”

“I don’t know the entire poem, but it’s something like ‘Give us your tired, your poor, your yadda yadda yadda,’ ” he said. “We could keep all that but then put in, right at the end, in big letters, maybe, ‘except if you’re from a shithole country.’ ”

“I think if a boat from a shithole country came and saw that poem with those words at the end, they would turn around and go right back to wherever they came from,” he said.

Shortly after Trump made his remarks about “shithole” countries, representatives of the countries he designated as such released a joint response.

“We do not understand President Trump’s aversion to so-called ‘shithole countries,’ since he is doing his best to turn the United States into one,” the statement read.

Thursday was a very disgusting day.

I was revolted, disgusted, ashamed, and angered by the president of the United States “shithole” comment. Most of all, I’m tired.

I’m tired of the daily insanity emanating from the White House. I’m tired from the president telling over 2,000 lies within a year. I’m tired of Trump people trying to explain racism, sexism, and stupidity as something other than it is. I’m tired of people who believe it’s racism that’ll make America great again. I’m tired that this is becoming normal. The new normal is “shithole” being repeated over and over on CNN.

I’m tired of waiting for Trump supporters, who claimed Obama was the most racially divisive president in history, to stop defending this excuse of a human being in the Oval Office and for them to react with some dignity and reason. That’s not going to happen.

Trump supporters took to the airwaves and social media last night and tried to defend Trump by talking about “merit based” for immigration. Shithole is not about merit based. They defended Trump by stating he’s open to allowing more people from Asian nations to immigrate here. If you hate black people but like Asians, you’re still a racist.

Former congressman and relentless Trump defender Jack Kingston went on CNN and said if Trump was a racist that we’d know it by now. I’m too tired to laugh. I’m also too tired to go over, again, every instance of Trump’s racism over the past four decades.

The White House isn’t even denying Trump’s statements, with some believing it’ll go over well with his base. It makes me tired knowing they’re right. Trump’s racism is the number reason most white people voted for him.

During an immigration meeting with senators which included a discussion of the fate of immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and some African nations, Trump reportedly said, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He said, “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out.”

He then said he’d like to see more people come here from Norway. In case you’re geographically ignorant, those “shithole” nations are majority black. Norway is home to the whitest people on the planet.

The inscription on the Statue of Liberty reads in part, “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Nobody tired, poor, and in huddled masses yearning to breathe free is coming from Norway.

We should accept people into this nation based upon who they are, not where they’re from. When I was a child I was led to believe that America is a melting pot and our diversity is our greatest strength. It might sound naive but a few things from childhood have remained with me to adulthood. I still love Snoopy. The Chicago Cubs will always be my team. Ketchup on a hot dog is un-American. And, America’s greatness comes from its immigrants. It’s our blending of cultures that make us unique in the world. Immigrants built this nation.

Since Trump is so infatuated with Norwegians, you would think the White House would be capable of spelling “Norway.” On Wednesday, they announced that Trump was meeting with the Prime Minister of Normay. Trump does have a thing about Scandinavia as he once claimed he was of Swedish descent when his ancestors, the Drumpfs, are actually from Germany. Then again, maybe he’s just a fan of the Smedish Bikini Team.

Trump’s comments aren’t as much about the “shitholes” as they are about the people from those places. There are shitholes in the world. According to, I’m 55% British (19% Irish and 14% Scandinavian. Eat your heart out, Trump. The rest is all Euromutt). I bet there’s a lot of people in the UK that can point out places in their nation they think are shitholes. But, if someone is strong enough and has the perseverance to climb out of a shithole and make something of themselves, isn’t that the exact type of person we need in our nation? If you say that only people from the white countries can make our economy stronger, you’re a liar and a racist. Plus, if someone believes their country is so bad that even a nation led by a shithead like Trump is an improvement, then let’s give that poor bastard a shot.

I’m not afraid of not being in the majority anymore. Our nation will continue to grow stronger from our diversity, even if white people aren’t leading the way. I’m already taking Spanish lessons. Mis pantalones son negros.

As I said, I’m tired. I’m not even laughing at this crap anymore. I don’t even like this cartoon that much because I’m tired of having to confront this repeatedly. But I can’t remain tired because I refuse to lie down and accept this “new normal.” I will reject it again and again. No matter how many times he hits me, I’m hitting back. When Trump hits my country, he’s hitting me. There are more of us than there are of them and we all have to hit back, no matter how tired we get from throwing punches.

It’s been said that when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Donald Trump likes to say “believe me.” He has shown us who is again and again. He has shown us he is a racist. It’s about time that each of us believes him.


Donald Trump has cancelled a visit to Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London, amid fears of mass protests.

The president claimed on Twitter that the reason for calling off the trip was his displeasure at Barack Obama having sold the current embassy for “peanuts” and built a replacement for $1bn (£750m). “Bad deal,” he wrote.

But the embassy’s plan to move from Mayfair to Nine Elms in London was first reported in October 2008, when George W Bush was still president.

The London mayor, Sadiq Khan, said Trump had “got the message” that many Londoners staunchly opposed his policies and actions.
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