Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Ivanka Trump has such grace, such beauty, such poise. Why, she could be a model…for nepotism.

The only reason Ivanka is working as an unpaid adviser to the president is because her daddy is the president. And, as an unpaid adviser she is worth every penny.

Her presence in the White House was reasoned by her being a rational and sobering influence upon her father, which is an admittance that he’s freaking insane. She has openly discussed how she would be an advocate for women’s issues, especially pay equity. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Ivanka’s promise of being an advocate for women has gone the way of Melania’s anti-online bullying campaign. It would be like Michelle Obama promoting eating vegetables while sitting in bed eating cheeseburgers every night.

Ivanka and Melania were both silent over accusations from 19 women of Trump’s sexual harassment, and his boasting of “grabbing pussy,” except when they have defended Trump for it. Ivanka was silent when Trump went after Mika Brzezinski’s looks and criticizing her for cosmetic surgery, which I’m sure is totally foreign to the Trump family. She was silent when Trump tweeted that New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand would do anything for money. She has been silent every time Trump has racially thumped Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren by calling her “Pocahontas.” She was silent when Trump went after Yulin Cruz, the female mayor of San Juan, or the Congresswoman Frederica Wilson and a war widow. She’s also made no remarks on reports that Trump requires women in the White House to “dress like women,” whatever that means.

She has not promoted equal pay, or taken her father to task for taking healthcare away from women and threatening reproductive rights. He likes to grab ’em and legislate ’em.

Maybe, the very worst of this is her silence after Daddy Dumbass endorsed Roy Moore. Ivanka tweeted that there’s a special place in Hell for people who prey on children, but her strong position evaporated after the cheeseburger-loving Cheeto endorsed the pedophile.

After Oprah Winfrey drew praise for her speech at the Golden Globes, standing up for women and denouncing sexual harassment and assaults, Ivanka decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Straight from the department of Are You Freaking Kidding Me, Ivanka tweeted, “Just saw @Oprah‘s empowering & inspiring speech at last night’s #GoldenGlobes. Let’s all come together, women & men, & say #TIMESUP.”

Time’s up? You’re late to the party. You don’t have a freaking clue what time it is. “Let’s all come together?” Comes together and do what? Sit silently when Daddy attacks another woman?

Ivanka standing up for empowering women has as much credibility as Sebastian Gorka in a pussy hat. She has more “togetherness” with the propaganda ministers Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Stephen Baby Goebbels Miller. The only hashtag President Daddy’s little million dollar princess should be sending out is #complicit.

Ivanka needs to leave the White House and end the ruse she’s perpetuating that she’s actually serving a purpose. With that, we can say “time’s up.”

Americans now find themselves the ultimate sandwich generation (Opinion | Americans now find themselves the ultimate sandwich generation)

Yes, we are the sandwich generation. On one side are the millennials: underemployed, underpaid, in debt and for some reason disaffected. On the other side is a failing boomer grandpa, who won’t acknowledge his manifest limitations, spends increasing amounts of time staring at the television set and requires expensive around-the-clock supervision.

The rest of us are confused. What to do? Let’s review what we’ve BEEN doing.

During the past year, we allowed Grandpa to change the tax laws to give even more money to the already rich, who are not, generally speaking, the millennials. We let Grandpa out of our sight long enough that he disconnected the solar panels that he thought were sending messages from an alien ideology. We watched him load up the furnace with coal in an effort to have cheap energy now, at ultimate cost to … you guessed it … the millennials. Grandpa is also endeavoring to punish blue states and cities where, surprise!, the millennials are trying to make a living.

You could say that we are not managing this sandwich optimally. On top of that, since Grandpa is disinclined to sit and be lectured, we have taken to lecturing the millennials instead about their political proclivities. They seem somehow swayed by such outlandish ideas as universal health care and less expensive education. We tell them that this is impractical and that they should let us continue to mismanage their health and education systems for them.

One might think that the obvious beginning of a solution would be to take away Grandpa’s car keys. Then start actually addressing some of the millennials’ needs. Like health care, debt and climate, for a start. Maybe millennials would stop being so disengaged if they saw a system that seemed to be working for them and their future.

Or we can wait around and let Grandpa run rampant long enough that the millennials start thinking that we look just like him.
1992: Bill Clinton vows to move the embassy.

1995: Congress approves the relocation of the embassy by the year 1999. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2000: George W. Bush bashes Clinton for failing to move the embassy and promises to do so.

2008: Barack Obama says, “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.”

2017: Trump fulfills another campaign promise announces U.S. embassy is moving to Jerusalem.

In August, a quarter of the president’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council quit their posts, saying that the president had devoted “insufficient attention” to cybersecurity threats to critical infrastructure. A report on Russian interference released this week by Senate Democrats highlighted “President Trump’s refusal to publicly acknowledge the threat posed by the Russian government,” and offers over 30 recommendations to protect the country’s elections and infrastructure, including new sanctions to punish states that initiate cyberattacks and an international summit meeting focused on such threats.

Though Trump signed an executive order vowing stronger cybersecurity in May, the administration did nothing substantial until December, when it released a document noting the threats to infrastructure and vaguely vowing that hackers from a number of countries–including China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia–will be defeated. Notably, in the document, elections were no longer counted as part of infrastructure, despite President Obama designating them “critical infrastructure” shortly before he left office–another indicator that the Trump administration’s unwillingness to take on Russian hacks is marred by self-protection and partisanship.

While the Trump administration stalls, America’s power grid remains vulnerable. In the last month alone, there have been several dramatic mass outages, including a blackout at the Atlanta airport due to a fire that crippled both the main system and the backup, and a blackout at Disneyland, due to a problem with a transformer, that left people trapped on rides. That these outages were a result of flawed infrastructure and not purposeful hacks should not reassure anyone, as they showcase weaknesses and highlight how easy it would be for a hostile state actor to cause chaos and panic without ever crossing the border.

As a candidate, Trump spoke frequently of his desire to repair U.S. infrastructure, a plan which would have provided jobs while strengthening national security. Like most of his campaign promises, this one was broken, but it is essential that both decaying infrastructure and hackers who seek to exploit it be seriously addressed. It is also critical that elections be again counted as critical infrastructure so that attempted Russian hacks of voter databases and institutions in the 2018 midterms are thwarted. And if the Trump administration makes no move to remedy these obvious threats to American democracy and public safety, Americans should consider what kind of leverage the Kremlin may already have.