Fox News was the only media outlet that was reporting the truth. The rest of them CNN cbs CNBC abc ect ect ect were all payed to report bogus stories and discredit anything and everything trump said. If you want to know the truth, take whatever the under dog is saying because when it comes to the media they band together like flies on shit. Or more specifically they flock to the first person who will pay them out. Federal crime!! I wonder how hillary is going to repay all her special interest groups and foreign Muslim contributor back now that she can't keep her promises as president elect. When media groups like CNN go on a year long smear campaign and promote there own views and opinions and completely ignore everyone else, that is a federal crime believe it or not. So not only has hillary been proven a criminal, surprise surprise so to the media will face there day. Biased media=Unfair advantage and federal crime.