Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Trump just rage-tweeted an adamant denial of CNN’s explosive scoop last night, which reported that estranged lawyer Michael Cohen is prepared to testify that Trump knew of and approved the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting before it happened. Trump has regularly insisted he did not know of the meeting — which Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials took in the expectation of receiving dirt on Hillary Clinton furnished by the Russian government.

So this revelation, if true, would directly implicate Trump himself in an effort to conspire with a foreign power to tip the election to him, and a subsequent effort to cover that up. We already know that Trump (helped dictate a statement lying to America) about the real purpose of the meeting, and, if Cohen is right, the coverup would also include falsely denying not just knowledge of the meeting, but also his approval of it.

But the importance of this story may not lie in what Cohen is willing to say about Trump’s alleged knowledge of this meeting. Rather, its real significance may be that it signals a further unraveling of the Cohen-Trump relationship that could lead Cohen to share previously undisclosed information about other matters related to Trump and Russia that still remain shrouded in mystery.
8 years and loser 44 couldn't get anything better than a 2.9. Gotta hand it to him, he was consistently terrible at running the country.



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