Chest injection

Can be either great or pretty bad imo. I dont ever experience pain and it’s probably the easiest shot for me to do. Small amount only cause I pin ED.

That said, once I pinned too close to my sternum and it leaked out. The oil lumped like right on my sternum somehow and it fuckin hurt for a week and had a big visible knot there…like the 3 titty lady in total recall.

Another time I stupidly pinned my chest, after working it in the gym. I guess because of the pump I had a lot of blood and it bruised terribly for a week.
Can be either great or pretty bad imo. I dont ever experience pain and it’s probably the easiest shot for me to do. Small amount only cause I pin ED.

You pin ED and rotate to other spots as well or you doing only chest shots?
Not a fan, but I have pinned my chest quite a bit. It's important to use insulin syringe and be quite precise with your injection technique, cuz there's lots of nerves.
You pin ED and rotate to other spots as well or you doing only chest shots?
I rotate to 7 diff spots - both v. glutes, both delts, both lats, and right side chest…I don’t do left side cause it freaks me out that close to my heart lol.
I rotate to 7 diff spots - both v. glutes, both delts, both lats, and right side chest…I don’t do left side cause it freaks me out that close to my heart lol.

Haha man i guess you've seen pulp fiction, i think you need a really big needle to reach your heart.

So far i've done only subc, cruise and cycle, but i'm thinking for my upcoming cycle to try IM to see if there's any difference. Thing is i want to pin frequently for stable levels and especially with the gear i'm having now which is MCT and disperse fast, ED would be the best or at least EOD.

I'm already having a good stack of slin pins and thought about starting with side and rear delts, chest and traps. I want to skip quads and glutes. Perhaps VG would be a nice spot also but i think with 6 spots for EOD i'll be covered.
Haha man i guess you've seen pulp fiction, i think you need a really big needle to reach your heart.

So far i've done only subc, cruise and cycle, but i'm thinking for my upcoming cycle to try IM to see if there's any difference. Thing is i want to pin frequently for stable levels and especially with the gear i'm having now which is MCT and disperse fast, ED would be the best or at least EOD.

I'm already having a good stack of slin pins and thought about starting with side and rear delts, chest and traps. I want to skip quads and glutes. Perhaps VG would be a nice spot also but i think with 6 spots for EOD i'll be covered.
Haha yes I love that film actually. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it…just freaks me out. I also get increased anxiety whenever I’m on a cycle anyway.

I’ve found that ED injections are superior for me personally. Yes it’s a pain to deal with but it’s worth it for me to keep stable levels and minimum spikes/dips.

I’ve tried traps because it’s easy and I have pretty thick ones…but it’s a no-go for me. The next day my whole neck is sore like i slept wrong. I honestly do like chest - it’s the easiest and least painful. But there is risk as i mentioned.