Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Not true

Also, Obama was blasted for having a cabinet lacking in diversity. Charlie Rangel blasted him on MSNbc for a lack of diversity in his cabinet for his second term at a whopping 69% white males.
Trump isn't even done choosing his cabinet.

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So Not true because Trump hasn't finished choosing? For kicks wanna bet on the final results ? Loser donates $100 to the Anobolic program.
So Not true because Trump hasn't finished choosing? For kicks wanna bet on the final results ? Loser donates $100 to the Anobolic program.
What is the bet?

Also, not true because you said whitest presidential cabinet ever. Really? Ever?
Lol wow ok let's just hire some more Supremacy white males then. Who cares about skin color right?
Oh, I see...because they are white and wealthy they are supremacists? What like, going to kkk meetings together? I don't what's worse, the nitpicking dems or the fact that we're going to have to listen to all this crying for another 4 years.
Oh, I see...because they are white and wealthy they are supremacists? What like, going to kkk meetings together? I don't what's worse, the nitpicking dems or the fact that we're going to have to listen to all this crying for another 4 years.
Nah I'm far from crying brother I'm Canadian so in reality you have the 4 yrs to deal with it.
This^^^^ is the bet lol When he's done picking i bet it will be "the whitest" cabinet ever.
It's already an impossible bet. There was a time when only white men were "allowed" to serve on the presidential cabinet. Unfair bet, lol. Lincoln himself had, I believe, 16 white men on his cabinet.
Could you post the proof that the report is false please?
The FBI stated there is "no new evidence of tampering" meaning that all of this CIA based data isn't really data at all! It's speculation! Plain and simple. Want a link? Google
Oh, I see...because they are white and wealthy they are supremacists? What like, going to kkk meetings together? I don't what's worse, the nitpicking dems or the fact that we're going to have to listen to all this crying for another 4 years.
In that regard I find every single NBA owner guilty of racism for not having equal representation of white people. Essentially the same standard he is applying to Trump's cabinet choices. It's very narrow minded and devoid of any rationale.
The FBI stated there is "no new evidence of tampering" meaning that all of this CIA based data isn't really data at all! It's speculation! Plain and simple. Want a link? Google

You said the report posted was PROVEN to be incorrect though... It hasn't. The FBI and CIA aren't totally on the same page about it just now but even the FBI acknowledges it was entirely possible.

It's crazy to me that citizens of the US would dismiss these reports as they are developing. Calling them regurgitated lies is profoundly ignorant.
At least 5 different government agencies hacked HRC's email server. Where's the outcry there?
The first thing the dems tried was a recount. FAIL.
Next, make people believe the election was tampered with. FAIL Zero evidence whatsoever that the hacks had any affect on the election results.
Now, publicize total speculation through as many media outlets as possible to sway opinion
on Trump and try to get him kicked out of office before he's even begun. If that happened, there would be a backlash of apocalyptic proportions by Trump supporters and our whole democratic illusion would be thrust out in the open for all to see.
"Oh, you voted and elected a president we don't like? Ok, we'll just do what we wanted anyway and ensure he never sits in that seat". You think that would go down ok?
You said the report posted was PROVEN to be incorrect though... It hasn't. The FBI and CIA aren't totally on the same page about it just now but even the FBI acknowledges it was entirely possible.

It's crazy to me that citizens of the US would dismiss these reports as they are developing. Calling them regurgitated lies is profoundly ignorant.
Call my failure to align with your opinion whatever you like. My blinders have been off for a very long time. I know what's what with our political machine
In that regard I find every single NBA owner guilty of racism for not having equal representation of white people. Essentially the same standard he is applying to Trump's cabinet choices. It's very narrow minded and devoid of any rationale.

2 down and I'm sure there's more to come :)

Another Donald Sterling: NBA owner to sell team after revealing racist email
How about between trump and jimmy carter? Percentage wise. Carters a liberal democrat.
I'm good man just gonna sit back and watch how it turns out.
Call my failure to align with your opinion whatever you like. My blinders have been off for a very long time. I know what's what with our political machine

My opinion to not make decisions before I've seen all the cards? Glad you have your blinders off...
My opinion to not make decisions before I've seen all the cards? Glad you have your blinders off...
These reports are all coming from the same place. It's a corrupt place that HRC and Obama know well. They both chastised Trump for saying he may not agree with the election results, both had vehemently stated how he was attacking our very democratic system with his remark.

Then they lose the election and guess what? Apparently their hypocrisy knows no bounds does it? They do the very same thing they supposedly were against! You back their play? Fine, I'm the idiot I guess
Even if the Russians had a hand in trying to tamper with our election what does that have to do with trump? Election tampering, or the attempt, happens all the time. We do it all the time. Obama spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money trying to get benjamin netanyahu ousted in Isreal.
These are predictably sad efforts to sway public opinion in their favor and it's working on a few like yourself, but a lot of people are beginning to see it for what it is. It's the reason he was elected in the first place.

I'm no Trump thumper believe it or not. I just call the bullshit bullshit when I see it. The elitists who've run this country for decades are pulling out all the stops and in doing so, they're making their presence known for all to see. I hope they try to change the election results after the fact. I'll gladly sit back in a chair in my country home with my guns loaded and watch
Obama made a video basically letting illegal immigrants know they can go out and vote and won't get in trouble.

Obama made a statement just before the elections ridiculing trump saying "quit whining" said there has never been any evidence of election foul play. This was after the whole Russian hacking rhetoric. No new evidence has come to light since Obama made that statement, but since hillary lost now we've got hacking, miss counts, voter fraud, trump some sort of Russian spy. Sounds kind of like claiming Obama is a Muslim terrorist. Just flat out silly.
These reports are all coming from the same place. It's a corrupt place that HRC and Obama know well. They both chastised Trump for saying he may not agree with the election results, both had vehemently stated how he was attacking our very democratic system with his remark.

Then they lose the election and guess what? Apparently their hypocrisy knows no bounds does it? They do the very same thing they supposedly were against! You back their play? Fine, I'm the idiot I guess

When were we talking about the recount? We're talking about the possibility that Russia had an influence in the election... you're saying no, it's false regurgitated claims... I'm saying why make a decision to dismiss it now without following the developing reports?

uess what? Apparently their hypocrisy knows no bounds does it? They do the very same thing they supposedly were against! You back their play? Fine, I'm the idiot I guess

Again, who the fuck said I back their play? That was a pivot I don't even know exactly how to keep up with.

Even if the Russians had a hand in trying to tamper with our election what does that have to do with trump? Election tampering, or the attempt, happens all the time. We do it all the time. Obama spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money trying to get benjamin netanyahu ousted in Isreal.

Well, putting Trump aside, let's say the reports are proven true. How would you feel about Russia having an influence in our election? Honest question.

Also, this isn't Israel...