Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

When were we talking about the recount? We're talking about the possibility that Russia had an influence in the election... you're saying no, it's false regurgitated claims... I'm saying why make a decision to dismiss it now without following the developing reports?

Again, who the fuck said I back their play? That was a pivot I don't even know exactly how to keep up with.

Well, putting Trump aside, let's say the reports are proven true. How would you feel about Russia having an influence in our election? Honest question.

Also, this isn't Israel...
Obviously wouldn't like it at all. Imo, would be an act of war. Also imo when we found out Obama tried to sway the election of one of our allies he should have been kicked out of office to say the least. I would have liked to see charges be brought up on him (obama). Not like he just gave an endorsement. But back to Russia, when we have unmistakable evidence, We should do something about it. But we don't have any evidence from my understanding.
Obviously wouldn't like it at all. Imo, would be an act of war. Also imo when we found out Obama tried to sway the election of one of our allies he should have been kicked out of office to say the least. I would have liked to see charges be brought up on him (obama). Not like he just gave an endorsement. But back to Russia, when we have unmistakable evidence, We should do something about it. But we don't have any evidence from my understanding.

There is evidence however, it's not substantial.

Regardless, you agree it's not something that should be automatically dismissed. Do you think it's wise for Trump to automatically dismiss the claims? It's not like he knows something we don't... He's rejected listening to intelligence briefings and boasts how well he'll get along with Putin. Doesn't seem very professional or well thought out... Of course, neither does producing the apprentice while he's in office.
There is evidence however, it's not substantial.

Regardless, you agree it's not something that should be automatically dismissed. Do you think it's wise for Trump to automatically dismiss the claims? It's not like he knows something we don't... He's rejected listening to intelligence briefings and boasts how well he'll get along with Putin. Doesn't seem very professional or well thought out... Of course, neither does producing the apprentice while he's in office.
Both sides are playing politics. Trump is dismissing it and Obama and hillary is making it seem like Trump is in cahoots.
Obama and hillary is making it seem like Trump is in cahoots.

It would appear moreso that the CIA is making it seem like that and Trump is dismissing it.

Putin is clearly in favor of Trump being elected... Honestly, even if I was a major Trump supporter, I would certainly have had mixed feelings about voting for the same guy fucking Putin wanted in office.
It would appear moreso that the CIA is making it seem like that and Trump is dismissing it.

Putin is clearly in favor of Trump being elected... Honestly, even if I was a major Trump supporter, I would certainly have had mixed feelings about voting for the same guy fucking Putin wanted in office.
Not sure if I even believe the CIA. They're the same agency that went along with Obama and hillary with the benghazi attack being due to a YouTube video lie. You don't think Obama has the pull to have the CIA say what he wants them to?
Oh, I see...because they are white and wealthy they are supremacists? What like, going to kkk meetings together? I don't what's worse, the nitpicking dems or the fact that we're going to have to listen to all this crying for another 4 years.

Neither @CdnGuy or @Eman were saying you or all trump supporters are racist. You and @GigaloRob keep bringing up the racist stuff.
Even if the Russians had a hand in trying to tamper with our election what does that have to do with trump? Election tampering, or the attempt, happens all the time. We do it all the time. Obama spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money trying to get benjamin netanyahu ousted in Isreal.

It might have something to do with the fact that trump publicly gives Putin praises every chance he gets and his secretary of state has been buissness partners with putin for the last ten years?

Yeah pretty sure that has something to do with trump. You guys really need help connecting the dots on this? This is about his plans for making himself and his buddys even richer.

Or is that crazy talk?
[QUOTE="DedLift, post: 1779652,

I'm no Trump thumper believe it or not. I just call the bullshit bullshit when I see it. The elitists who've run this country for decades are pulling out all the stops and in doing so, they're making their presence known for all to see. I hope they try to change the election results after the fact. I'll gladly sit back in a chair in my country home with my guns loaded and watch[/QUOTE]

You dont consider trump an elitist?
While your sitting back watching and waiting with your guns...dont forget your tinfoil hat:)
Can anyone show me the evidence of a
Neither @CdnGuy or @Eman were saying you or all trump supporters are racist. You and @GigaloRob keep bringing up the racist stuff.
We were responding to remarks made about Trump being a bigot/racist for having white cabinet picks or at least I was. So it was not me that brought it up as I was just responding to the post. Reading is one thing but comprehension is something that apparently needs a little work.
Can anyone show me the evidence of a

We were responding to remarks made about Trump being a bigot/racist for having white cabinet picks or at least I was. So it was not me that brought it up as I was just responding to the post. Reading is one thing but comprehension is something that apparently needs a little work.

I'm just saying it's always you guys bringing up the racist stuff. Always
I'm just saying it's always you guys bringing up the racist stuff. Always
No, it's always me pointing out that calling everyone racist when there is no grounds for it is the tactic used continuously by liberals. It's old and tired. Actually read the thread and see how many hitler,white supremacist,racist, tweets or comments are made here towards Trump and others. Suggesting that me and another are the ones bringing up racism constantly is factually incorrect.

I don't necessarily believe Trump will be a good president. I simply will just wait and see what happens. I do know what would of happened if Clinton would have won and I could not stand another 4-8 years of failed liberal policy. Plenty of time to chastise Trump for poor decisions. I prefer to wait until the guy takes office and has some time to implement his policy for better or worse. I took a chance on the unknown rather than settling for the known. If he ends up being a complete idiot that ruins the country don't worry I will still be here for people to say they were right and my optimism was misplaced.
No, it's always me pointing out that calling everyone racist when there is no grounds for it is the tactic used continuously by liberals. It's old and tired. Actually read the thread and see how many hitler,white supremacist,racist, tweets or comments are made here towards Trump and others. Suggesting that me and another are the ones bringing up racism constantly is factually incorrect.

I don't necessarily believe Trump will be a good president. I simply will just wait and see what happens. I do know what would of happened if Clinton would have won and I could not stand another 4-8 years of failed liberal policy. Plenty of time to chastise Trump for poor decisions. I prefer to wait until the guy takes office and has some time to implement his policy for better or worse. I took a chance on the unknown rather than settling for the known. If he ends up being a complete idiot that ruins the country don't worry I will still be here for people to say they were right and my optimism was misplaced.

You guys are like the mob, I try to stay out but you keep pulling me back in:)
It might have something to do with the fact that trump publicly gives Putin praises every chance he gets and his secretary of state has been buissness partners with putin for the last ten years?

Yeah pretty sure that has something to do with trump. You guys really need help connecting the dots on this? This is about his plans for making himself and his buddys even richer.

Or is that crazy talk?
So, what did Russia do to help sway the election? Supposedly hack some emails and prove that Hillary Clinton is a traitor and a criminal and give those emails to Julian assange? Now the talking point is Russia hacked the DNC and helped Donald, not that Hillary is a traitor and a criminal. And when the FBI was investigating hillary because she's a traitor and a criminal the talking point wasn't that Hillary is a traitor and a criminal, but that the FBI wrongfully swayed the election for Trump?... who's wearing the tin foil hat? Shit, nobody even denied the emails authenticity only that it wasn't fair because how they were obtained. And we're to believe trump has something to hide because he won't show his tax returns? He did say he'd show them if hillary would show those emails she illegally destroyed. Also, don't you find it curious that bill and hillary went from admittedly flat broke to almost billionaires in a few short years on an income of a few hundred thousand dollars a year?
I really could care less if he gets richer in power, I care that America is better off! The Russian hacking talk is funny because they don't say that they hacked any votes, they say they swayed the election hacking email accounts. I say they did us a huge favor bringing out in the open all the corruption coming from the left! We dodged a huge bullet not electing Hillary!!!
These are predictably sad efforts to sway public opinion in their favor and it's working on a few like yourself, but a lot of people are beginning to see it for what it is. It's the reason he was elected in the first place.

I'm no Trump thumper believe it or not. I just call the bullshit bullshit when I see it. The elitists who've run this country for decades are pulling out all the stops and in doing so, they're making their presence known for all to see. I hope they try to change the election results after the fact. I'll gladly sit back in a chair in my country home with my guns loaded and watch

Do you not think Trump is an elitist?
Well, putting Trump aside, let's say the reports are proven true. How would you feel about Russia having an influence in our election? Honest question.

It's not true, at least not the crap being spread on every Western TV and newspaper right now. It's a complete fabrication. I watched the narrative develop and morph all through the election. It was and is an establishment tactic to maintain control and to push for more war.

However, if it were true, I would be less concerned about it than the influence the pro war media has every election, every war, and not just US media, but US, Europe, Israel etc. It's less concerning than foreign governments backing the Hillary campaign financially. And it's MUCH less concerning than US intelligence services engaging in US politics.

The fact that the main accusation is Russia provided Wikileaks with factual data about the corrupt acts of a presidential candidate, her campaign and a registered political party, as well as the influence she was peddling to other governments like the Saudis, means it was information an informed public should have had anyway.