Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The fact that the main accusation is Russia provided Wikileaks with factual data about the corrupt acts of a presidential candidate, her campaign and a registered political party, as well as the influence she was peddling to other governments like the Saudis, means it was information an informed public should have had anyway

So which is it? They did or didn't have an influence in the election? You started the post saying no way but you finished it saying something different.

This is also a discussion we can leave out the, "But, but Hillary..." We're not talking about Hillary and how she's so evil... We're talking about something totally separate.
This is also a discussion we can leave out the, "But, but Hillary..." We're not talking about Hillary and how she's so evil... We're talking about something totally separate.
well, to a lot of us it has everything to do with hillary. A lot of us, my self included, didn't vote for Trump. We voted "against" hillary.
So which is it? They did or didn't have an influence in the election? You started the post saying no way but you finished it saying something different.

I was entertaining your what-if fantasy in the second half. You know, after I wrote, "if it were true...".

This is also a discussion we can leave out the, "But, but Hillary..." We're not talking about Hillary and how she's so evil... We're talking about something totally separate.

You asked how I would feel if the accusations were true. I told you I thought it a minor issue compared to the proven influence of other organizations. It is absolutely NOT a separate issue. Neither is the type of influence, accurately informing the public, a separate issue. The proven influence of other organizations has not generally been that of informing as much as deceiving the public, pushing it to support actions a properly informed public would reject.
I was entertaining your what-if fantasy in the second half. You know, after I wrote, "if it were true..."

No I don't think so, read what I quoted you on.

It's also not a fucking fantasy... You can fuck right off with that shit. It's a matter of not dismissing the reports and following along. Making up ones mind before that is foolish... I don't know one way or the other. It certainly wouldnt surprise me...

What's funny is, if it were Hillary we were talking about you'd have a totally different viewpoint...
Starting to sound like the whole Russia hacking and backing trump thing is fake. The intelligence community won't go before Congress as they are bound to. Someone afraid to answer questions are they?
No I don't think so, read what I quoted you on.

You want to take a part of my post out of context and tell me my meaning? OK, but you should at least read and comprehend it yourself.

The fact that the main accusation is Russia provided Wikileaks with factual data about the corrupt acts of a presidential candidate, her campaign and a registered political party, as well as the influence she was peddling to other governments like the Saudis, means it was information an informed public should have had anyway.

So what part of, "the main accusation is", is not clear?

It's also not a fucking fantasy... You can fuck right off with that shit. It's a matter of not dismissing the reports and following along. Making up ones mind before that is foolish... I don't know one way or the other. It certainly wouldnt surprise me...

complete fucking fantasy

What's funny is, if it were Hillary we were talking about you'd have a totally different viewpoint...

We ARE talking about Hillary. Hillary, the DNC and the whole pro-war globalist establishment.
Not sure if I even believe the CIA. They're the same agency that went along with Obama and hillary with the benghazi attack being due to a YouTube video lie. You don't think Obama has the pull to have the CIA say what he wants them to?
Seems like someone else in here is picking up what's being thrown down.
Do you not think Trump is an elitist?
If he were a member of their particular club, they wouldn't be trying so hard to manipulate the opinions of the masses against him. They would be embracing him. They are not at all pleased the players who've already proven they'll play ball are no longer in office very soon. The icing on this corrupt cake will be when they try to keep him from taking office. If they are successful, all hell Will break loose. People will have had enough and I've no doubt they will act on their anger.
Seems like someone else in here is picking up what's being thrown down.

If he were a member of their particular club, they wouldn't be trying so hard to manipulate the opinions of the masses against him. They would be embracing him. They are not at all pleased the players who've already proven they'll play ball are no longer in office very soon. The icing on this corrupt cake will be when they try to keep him from taking office. If they are successful, all hell Will break loose. People will have had enough and I've no doubt they will act on their anger.

Or it could be playing into a bigger deception...
Or it could be playing into a bigger deception...
It absolutely could. Very shrewd of you to notice. I see that they've succeeded in diverting the public attention on WHO hacked the HRC server to keep us too busy to ask the real question here. What was in those emails? What were they about?
Politics aside. This election was different in many ways. It used to be if our candidate didn't win the election , we'd shrug our shoulders and say "oh well". We are very divided this time around. Moreso than usual. The amount of emotion being showed by both sides is astounding and shows just how divided this once great nation truly is. What I'd like to see, is people on both sides coming together against the common enemy. Who is the common enemy? That's a good question but very hard to answer. They've been called many names but basically they're responsible for keeping everyone of us in the dark on what is truly going on behind the scenes of our own and many other governments. I won't get into the theories because they sound crazy but eventually the truth will come out and when it does the way we look at the world will change forever. We are on the verge of our own spiritual renaissance. This is what I am waiting for