Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Politics aside. This election was different in many ways. It used to be if our candidate didn't win the election , we'd shrug our shoulders and say "oh well". We are very divided this time around. Moreso than usual. The amount of emotion being showed by both sides is astounding and shows just how divided this once great nation truly is. What I'd like to see, is people on both sides coming together against the common enemy. Who is the common enemy? That's a good question but very hard to answer. They've been called many names but basically they're responsible for keeping everyone of us in the dark on what is truly going on behind the scenes of our own and many other governments. I won't get into the theories because they sound crazy but eventually the truth will come out and when it does the way we look at the world will change forever. We are on the verge of our own spiritual renaissance. This is what I am waiting for

Its the corporations browski. They run the world now. We are the schmucks letting it happen.

And Trump is thier man.
Its the corporations browski. They run the world now. We are the schmucks letting it happen.

And Trump is thier man.

So, despite the uniform global reaction against Trump, from media and politicians, Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, academics - all of whom are major parts of the (yes, corporate!) establishment - you still think Trump is one of them? Interesting.....

So, Hillary, with her long record of only interacting with the creme de la creme of mega corporations and their owners is for the little guy? Aha.... yes, that is plausible.... if you live in an airstream trailer with 10 cats and lots of postit notes all over the walls.
Shouldn't there be a picture of everyone in Hollywood holding Hillary the same way? Liberals are the most bitter, spiteful people on earth when things don't go their way. It's really sad. Didn't Kanye say that GW Bush "hates black people" after hurricane Katrina. Isn't Trump supposedly a bigot and racist? Why would Kanye like him then? Hmm....

The man whose mother couldn't spell Kenya.

I never knew a man
could tell so many lies
He had a different story
for every set of eyes
How can he remember
who he's talking to?
Cause I know it ain't me,
and hope it isn't you.

I never knew a man
could tell so many lies
He had a different story
for every set of eyes
How can he remember
who he's talking to?
Cause I know it ain't me,
and hope it isn't you.

I don't hold Neil Young in high regard. He looks like the local town bum in my town when I was growing up.
So, despite the uniform global reaction against Trump, from media and politicians, Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, academics - all of whom are major parts of the (yes, corporate!) establishment - you still think Trump is one of them? Interesting.....

So, Hillary, with her long record of only interacting with the creme de la creme of mega corporations and their owners is for the little guy? Aha.... yes, that is plausible.... if you live in an airstream trailer with 10 cats and lots of postit notes all over the walls.

They both suck cock. Your guy is way more practiced at it though. So do you not consider trump an elitist?

Also, I dont think you answered me..didnt you serve during the cold war?
Yeah, we've declared war against ourselves with all this controversy. You can rest assured other countries are looking at all the fallout here and realizing just how weak and divided we are as a nation. We're on the brink. The knifes edge. None of this will end well
Who gives 2 shits about the Russians. They are just a distraction. The Republicans want to dismantle the social safety net that ensures that the most vulnerable in our country will be hurt and the wealthiest will get huge tax breaks when most of them pay a lower percentage than most who work a 9-5 job.

Who is more dangerous the Russians or the Republicans? Mom and dad can forget about social security and medicare so that cocksucker trump can buy a new jet.

Americans are stupid but we are not that stupid. My guess is that so many people will be hurt by the republican party these next 4 years that we will see through the bullshit that got that bastard elected.
Who gives 2 shits about the Russians. They are just a distraction. The Republicans want to dismantle the social safety net that ensures that the most vulnerable in our country will be hurt and the wealthiest will get huge tax breaks when most of them pay a lower percentage than most who work a 9-5 job.

Who is more dangerous the Russians or the Republicans? Mom and dad can forget about social security and medicare so that cocksucker trump can buy a new jet.

Americans are stupid but we are not that stupid. My guess is that so many people will be hurt by the republican party these next 4 years that we will see through the bullshit that got that bastard elected.

"Americans are stupid but we are not that stupid."