Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

True or Not??
Or does it make a difference?

> Leak: When someone physically takes data out of an organization and gives it to some other person or organization, as Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning did.
> Hack: When someone in a remote location electronically penetrates operating systems, firewalls or any other cyber-protection system and then extracts data.
> All signs point to leaking, not hacking. If hacking were involved, the National Security Agency would know it – and know both sender and recipient.
Yeah, a lot of people's love Snowden for bringing get the truth to light, but are pissed at the email leak that wrecked hillary. But, the thing is, all those emails that brought to light what kind of person hillary is were truthful. Nobody affected by those emails claimed they were false. So folks are pissed at the truth, in this instance, coming to light. The defense on hillarys side was not that they were fake, but called foul when someone published them. We weren't supposed to know the real hillary. Actually, we still don't know the extent of her criminality because she erased most of the damaging eveidence. As bad as trump may be, we certainly dodged a bullet with that one. Hillary is one evil bitch.
Yeah, a lot of people's love Snowden for bringing get the truth to light, but are pissed at the email leak that wrecked hillary.
Hillary wrecked hillary with a string of poor decisions. I can't understand what made here think that a private server would be okay. She also became overconfident and pulled resources out of battleground states.

As for the the leaks it's not so much the substance of the leak as much as a foreign power being behind it with the intention of bringing about a more favorable outcome to the election. Trump still will not speak of it because his ego is so fucking fragile and he can't admit that he did lose the election. Now he says that the electoral college is genius, a couple months ago he called it a threat to democracy.
Hillary wrecked hillary with a string of poor decisions. I can't understand what made here think that a private server would be okay. She also became overconfident and pulled resources out of battleground states.

As for the the leaks it's not so much the substance of the leak as much as a foreign power being behind it with the intention of bringing about a more favorable outcome to the election. Trump still will not speak of it because his ego is so fucking fragile and he can't admit that he did lose the election. Now he says that the electoral college is genius, a couple months ago he called it a threat to democracy.

I wouldn't call what she did "poor decisions". It goes far beyond that. But in the end, the Democrats only have themselves to blame. They put in front of trump the only person he could beat. The worst possible candidate.

And as for the leaks I understand the anger towards Russia if 8n fact that was the "real" case. I posted earlier that if Russia hacked our servers in an attempt to throw our election that it would be an act of war. But the fact that Obama has used our intelligence community to lie to us previously for political purposes I would be ignorant if I wasn't a bit skeptical. Not to mention, Obama used multiple resources to try and change the outcome of the Israeli election. What should happen to obama?

All that being said, the fact remains, what was used to sway the election was nothing more than the truth. The truth will set you free, big_p. It will set you free.
Hillary wrecked hillary with a string of poor decisions. I can't understand what made here think that a private server would be okay. She also became overconfident and pulled resources out of battleground states.

As for the the leaks it's not so much the substance of the leak as much as a foreign power being behind it with the intention of bringing about a more favorable outcome to the election. Trump still will not speak of it because his ego is so fucking fragile and he can't admit that he did lose the election. Now he says that the electoral college is genius, a couple months ago he called it a threat to democracy.
BP Just curious as to why you believe the source of the leaked emails are more important than the substance?
I have a problem with foreign governments involving themselves in our already screwed up political system.

It happened to the democrats this time. Say Russia doesn't take shine to the new administration. Republicans could be next. If the RNC was hacked I'm sure it would have been just as harsh on various cantidates. There are no saints in politics.
So, despite the uniform global reaction against Trump, from media and politicians, Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, academics - all of whom are major parts of the (yes, corporate!) establishment - you still think Trump is one of them? Interesting.....

So, Hillary, with her long record of only interacting with the creme de la creme of mega corporations and their owners is for the little guy? Aha.... yes, that is plausible.... if you live in an airstream trailer with 10 cats and lots of postit notes all over the walls.

Whats wrong with an airstream??
Who gives 2 shits about the Russians. They are just a distraction. The Republicans want to dismantle the social safety net that ensures that the most vulnerable in our country will be hurt and the wealthiest will get huge tax breaks when most of them pay a lower percentage than most who work a 9-5 job.

Who is more dangerous the Russians or the Republicans? Mom and dad can forget about social security and medicare so that cocksucker trump can buy a new jet.

Americans are stupid but we are not that stupid. My guess is that so many people will be hurt by the republican party these next 4 years that we will see through the bullshit that got that bastard elected.

We will see. I find it funny that alot of the same people who supported the iraq invasion now admit it was wrong.

Not only that but at the time I was accused of being unamerican because I saw through the iraq bs.

We have short memories. Look how we vote. One extreme to the othet. We never learn.
I wouldn't call what she did "poor decisions". It goes far beyond that.
Incompetent. To send her husband out there was a huge mistake also. I can't believe that demented asshole thought it would be okay to visit with the current AG on the tarmac for half han hour. That was buffoonery. I never thought that stupid son of a bitch was as smart as he thinks he is.

The DNC knows how I feel about super delegates. My US senator and representative know how I feel about the electoral college. I chew those republican cocksuckers out every other month anyway. That's nothing new. :)
I have a problem with foreign governments involving themselves in our already screwed up political system.

It happened to the democrats this time. Say Russia doesn't take shine to the new administration. Republicans could be next. If the RNC was hacked I'm sure it would have been just as harsh on various cantidates. There are no saints in politics.
OK...fair enough...I guess the ostrich and the three monkeys had the right idea.:)
We will see. I find it funny that alot of the same people who supported the iraq invasion now admit it was wrong.
That was based on poor intel, and Bush held a grudge against Saddam. I don't think anyone can deny that it was a disaster to become involved in a shia vs sunni shit storm.That entire nation wasn't worth one American life.
That was based on poor intel, and Bush held a grudge against Saddam. I don't think anyone can deny that it was a disaster to become involved in a shia vs sunni shit storm.That entire nation wasn't worth one American life.

Yeah, the CIA guys aren't up to snuff anymore, probably too many layers and too much CYA instead of CIA.

Those on the left should note the near unanimous Senate vote, and substantial House bipartisanship on this. So nobody should be smug and point fingers at W now.

There's also the issue with how much was concealed, lots of neighbors, and lots of desert over there.
Banana republic watch
TheMoneyIllusion » Banana republic watch

How do you know when your country is becoming a banana republic? Let’s call our imaginary banana republic “Costaguava”.

1. Voter do not judge foreign leaders on the basis of whether they are mass murderers, but rather on how they get along with the leader of Costaguava:

2. When political parties lose an election in Costaguava, they try to change the rules to invalidate the will of the voters:

3. In Costaguava, it’s difficult to discern the line between the leader’s official duties, and the ruling family’s far-flung business empire:

4. It’s hard to draw the line between real news and fake news in Costaguava.
"Arguing about facts is, in fact, the ultimate distraction"

If there is one trait that Mr. Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia share over all others, it is their understanding of the power of separating facts from truth. By denying known and provable facts — as when Mr. Trump denies making statements he has made — or by rejecting facts that are not publicly known, as with the C.I.A.’s information on Russian hacking, Mr. Trump exercises his ever-growing power over the public sphere. The resulting frenzy of trying to prove either the obvious known facts or the classified and therefore unknowable facts — two fruitless pursuits — creates so much static that we forget what we are really talking about.
