Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I might be wrong but im pretty sure we have more people in prison than russia!
We do. I think we have more than China. I know we have 25% of the world's prisoners. For profit prisons will make reform harder than ever. Those fucking cunts in congress pimp out the public every chance they get for a small campaign contribution. The one we have here is one of the worst in the country, and has more problems than all of the state run prisons combined.

You put someone in an environment like that, it's stupid to think he isn't going to have a bad attitude when released. Ain't Capitalism great?
One thing that has me a bit optimistic about Trump is that he's already declared he has a big problem with government spending. He's remarked about the ridiculous amount of TAXPAYER money being spent on Air Force 1 Boeings. If he can limit the wasteful spending of our hard earned money, I'm all about it.
Trump's spending plans are far more aggressive than Hillary's ever was. I wouldn't count on him to reduce debt or actually get a budget under control, at least not willingly. That won't happen unless and until the free flow of funds through the Fed ends, either through more reasonable policy or due to a crashing USD. The big numbers are entitlements, anyway, and if Trump wants to go after those he will have to settle for a single term in office, assuming TPTB let him live that long under those conditions.
One thing that has me a bit optimistic about Trump is that he's already declared he has a big problem with government spending. He's remarked about the ridiculous amount of TAXPAYER money being spent on Air Force 1 Boeings. If he can limit the wasteful spending of our hard earned money, I'm all about it.

Agree with you 100%.

We need to see what gets cut and what gets diverted and quadrupled when no one's looking. Like subsidies to gas and oil companies, more corporate welfare, ridiculous increases in military weapon systems.

We will see. What would be your guess Of the cost of a wall between Mexico and the entire United States?

You know 1 mile of Highway cost $4 millions dollars?

Total waste of money. They will just start coming here by boat or they'll build tunnels or they will just start flying in. fixes absolutely nothing.
So the fact that he says he's going to build a wall absolutely proves he's not serious about saving money.

Or fixing a illegal immigration. His donors love cheap labor that they can pay without benefits.
So the fact that he says he's going to build a wall absolutely proves he's not serious about saving money.

Or fixing a illegal immigration. His donors love cheap labor that they can pay without benefits.
Any wealthy donor that benefits from cheap labor enjoys the benefits of continued illegal immigration. It's not mutually exclusive to either party or candidate.
I think no matter how well any presidents intentions may be, they will always face fierce opposition from the opposing party. A democratic president will have republicans in the house vetoing every bill and vice versa. If this country is going to have any chance to sidestep the imminent economic collapse that's coming it will take both parties working together to make it happen.

We are going to face the future and overcome these adversities as a solid unit or we are all going down with the ship. Whose fault it will be won't even matter at that point
Any wealthy donor that benefits from cheap labor enjoys the benefits of continued illegal immigration. It's not mutually exclusive to either party or candidate.

100% in agreement. They both benefit from votes as well. The immigration problem would've been solved years ago. it's not rocket science. there's no motivation to solve it on either side of the aisle because it is beneficial to the people in power
What Actions are Shared to All Fascist Movements? (What Actions are Shared to All Fascist Movements?)

Today’s leisure reading is Robert Paxton’s essay (The Five Stages of Fascism) (downloadable PDF). It’s a followup to my previous post on Umberto Eco’s essay on fascism.

According to Paxton (link to biography), even though fascist movements had varying stated goals, the shared elements lay in what they actually did.

He lists the following five steps. The links go to events in 2016 that approximate Paxton’s steps.

  1. Intellectual exploration, where disillusionment with popular democracy manifests itself in discussions of (lost national vigor);
  2. Rooting, where a fascist movement, aided by political deadlock and polarization, becomes a player (on the national stage);
  3. Arrival to power, where conservatives seeking to control rising leftist opposition (invite the movement) to share power;
  4. Exercise of power, where the movement and its charismatic leader control the state in balance with state institutions such as the police and traditional elites such as the clergy and business magnates; and
  5. Radicalization or entropy, where the state either becomes increasingly radical, as did Nazi Germany, or slips into traditional authoritarian rule, as did Fascist Italy.
He also says that only Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy progressed through all five of these stages.

An argument can be made that in its own way, filtered through its election mechanisms, the U.S. is approximately at stage 3 of this process. Starting decades ago, a radical wing of the Republican Party went through step 2. This wing coalesced in fall 2016, early in the primary season. If you are among those who agree with this, then the next question for you is how to slow or prevent the fourth step.
"Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."

I. F. Stone,
1907 - 1989
It seems like it. .Nothing got done the last 8 years because of divided government.

At the least Trump understands that Europe, Japan and korea need to pay for their own defence. The only reason they have universal healthcare is because they don't pay for tgeir defense. We defend the world at the expense of our own society.
It seems like it. .Nothing got done the last 8 years because of divided government.

At the least Trump understands that Europe, Japan and korea need to pay for their own defence. The only reason they have universal healthcare is because they don't pay for tgeir defense. We defend the world at the expense of our own society.

You are 100℅ correct about overextending our military budget to protect other countries.
Well, some of us say "fuck those free loading bastards on welfare. I work 60 to 70 hours a week so a good portion of America can sit at home watching cartoons and smoking weed". Some of us say "fuck those bastards at the top getting rich of all us that are out here doing all the work". Question is... where's the middle ground. Both may be true, but are getting lost in politics. I know damn well I don't want to work my ass of all week so my neighbor can sit at home when they aren't even trying to better themselves. What is the right play here?
I see where "hillary" won the popular vote by 2 million something..... So what? What does that mean? More real people wanted her?....Anybody take a look at the demographics lately? In 2015 in California for example latins became the majority. The whole make up of the country is changing. All the States... You eventually become a pure democracy and the majarority gets it way you'll lose a hell of a lot more of the "personal rights" you think you have left. Which is precious few as it is.
I see where "hillary" won the popular vote by 2 million something..... So what? What does that mean? More real people wanted her?....Anybody take a look at the demographics lately? In 2015 in California for example latins became the majority. The whole make up of the country is changing. All the States... You eventually become a pure democracy and the majarority gets it way you'll lose a hell of a lot more of the "personal rights" you think you have left. Which is precious few as it is.

Without California, Hillary wouldn't have won the misnamed popular vote. The electoral college is one of the things that keeps the country together. Without it, the breakup would happen much sooner. Imagine the two party system campaigning only in Ca cities, because that's where all the votes live.

On having "precious few" personal rights remaining here, I disagree. Most of us here probably can't even imagine living under real tyranny. There are tons of ridiculous laws, but most of them can be worked around by motivated individuals. Combined with the unprecedented standards of living generated by a still largely capitalist system, I feel we are very lucky to have been born here and in this era.

The tyranny becomes evident outside our borders where our governments use the capital we produce to destroy the lives and cultures of other people. It is an insult to a moral people to allow such a thing to continue while politicians base their campaigns and win elections on abstract differences between two nearly identical parties.
Without California, Hillary wouldn't have won the misnamed popular vote. The electoral college is one of the things that keeps the country together. Without it, the breakup would happen much sooner. Imagine the two party system campaigning only in Ca cities, because that's where all the votes live.

On having "precious few" personal rights remaining here, I disagree. Most of us here probably can't even imagine living under real tyranny. There are tons of ridiculous laws, but most of them can be worked around by motivated individuals. Combined with the unprecedented standards of living generated by a still largely capitalist system, I feel we are very lucky to have been born here and in this era.

The tyranny becomes evident outside our borders where our governments use the capital we produce to destroy the lives and cultures of other people. It is an insult to a moral people to allow such a thing to continue while politicians base their campaigns and win elections on abstract differences between two nearly identical parties.
I am not comparing our personal rights with the rest of the world. I am saying that the rights we had have been infringed upon little by little over the last 50 or so years. And you can't miss what most of you here never had.