Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Now this tweet I can see and respect you posting. This tweet you posted by him is not just conjecture or propaganda and yes him saying that bothers me.

So the FACT that our nukes are now ancient - many were designed and built before we set foot on the moon FFS. We're talking SERIOUSLY OLD equipment here - ref the LA Times article below:

"Over the last two decades, nuclear capabilities have been far from the U.S. military's top priority. Most of the attention has gone to high-tech conventional weapons that evolved after the first Gulf War. Two decades have gone by without developing a nuclear strategic weapon.

All the while, U.S. nuclear-capable bombers, submarines, intercontinental ballistic missiles and their launch-control bunkers have been allowed to become virtual Cold War museums.

In rural Great Falls, Mont., a small ranch house stands on the prairie with a sign at the gated entrance that reads "Ace in the Hole." The house, tucked amid the rolling hills just off Highway 200, is a facade for what lies beneath it.

In a cramped capsule 70 feet below the house, Air Force Lt. Katie Grimley, 26, and Lt. Wesley Griffith, 28, command a fleet of 10 towering missiles capable of obliterating any spot on Earth in 30 minutes or less.

The underground capsule is one of many launch-control centers spread across 28,852 acres at Malmstrom Air Force Base. When it was first built, it was equipped with the latest gadgetry that 1962 had to offer.

Now, a 6-foot-high digital translator must be used to convert tones and whistles into signals a computer can read. The computers use 8-inch floppy disks that became obsolete even before the era of personal computers. Spare parts are so hard to find that on occasion they've had to be pulled from military museums.

"It's a little like going back in time," Griffith says.

It's not just the missile launch centers: Each of the U.S. nuclear delivery systems is approaching obsolescence. The Air Force's largest fleet of bombers dates back to the Kennedy administration. The Navy's armada of missile-carrying submarines is nearing the end of its designed life, and the warheads they carry are nearly three decades old, on average."

As U.S. nuclear arsenal ages, other nations have modernized


Feeling less bothered now?
The fact that we feel the need to carry WMD's and almost every other foreign power is just another sign that our priorities are fucked. Let's create weapons that ensure their use will decimate the global population and make the only home we've got (earth) unlivable for thousands of years. These are things that make me feel we are just a virus to this ecosystem and deserve to blow ourselves to extinction.

Have we learned nothing from the past? If we are to survive and keep this planet inhabitable, we better start evolving very soon and change our capitalistic hate filled ways. Let there be light
The fact that we feel the need to carry WMD's and almost every other foreign power is just another sign that our priorities are fucked. Let's create weapons that ensure their use will decimate the global population and make the only home we've got (earth) unlivable for thousands of years. These are things that make me feel we are just a virus to this ecosystem and deserve to blow ourselves to extinction.

Have we learned nothing from the past? If we are to survive and keep this planet inhabitable, we better start evolving very soon and change our capitalistic hate filled ways. Let there be light

Si vis pace, para bellum - those who want peace, prepare for war - even the Romans pondered this - it's human nature - unlikely to change.

What is guaranteed is that Aristotle's idea of "horror vacui" - nature abhors a vacuum - applies to power just as well. If we step down, prepare your children: make them learn Chinese and Russian.
Trump's plans?

You are clearly unaware that (in Nov of 1995 - 21 years ago!) the US Congress (yes, the Senate and the House both) decided that the US Embassy in Israel should be located in Jerusalem - but all the administrations since have stubbornly refused to comply with Congress. Just another piece of evidence that the office of the POTUS has gotten out of control.

It passed in the Senate with a 93-5 vote in favor - pretty unanimous - and with a 374-37 vote in the House, i.e. about 90% in favor, so fairly close to unanimity.

Ref the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995

Finally, WTF does the UN have to do with the USA's decisions on where we have our bleeping embassies anywhere? Fuck the UN - disband that entire POS organization, it's only an opportunity for 1st world pinkoes and 3rd world nepotist cronies to mingle on the US taxpayer's dime.
I was aware that the congress and the senate had "decided" that it should be located in Jerusalem back in 1995. GEE.. I wonder where they got that idea?
Irregardless of our bought and paid for congress and senate's decision it bothers me that Trump now plans to relocate the embassy.
It's a fucking stupid move!
So the FACT that our nukes are now ancient - many were designed and built before we set foot on the moon FFS. We're talking SERIOUSLY OLD equipment here - ref the LA Times article below:

"Over the last two decades, nuclear capabilities have been far from the U.S. military's top priority. Most of the attention has gone to high-tech conventional weapons that evolved after the first Gulf War. Two decades have gone by without developing a nuclear strategic weapon.

All the while, U.S. nuclear-capable bombers, submarines, intercontinental ballistic missiles and their launch-control bunkers have been allowed to become virtual Cold War museums.

In rural Great Falls, Mont., a small ranch house stands on the prairie with a sign at the gated entrance that reads "Ace in the Hole." The house, tucked amid the rolling hills just off Highway 200, is a facade for what lies beneath it.

In a cramped capsule 70 feet below the house, Air Force Lt. Katie Grimley, 26, and Lt. Wesley Griffith, 28, command a fleet of 10 towering missiles capable of obliterating any spot on Earth in 30 minutes or less.

The underground capsule is one of many launch-control centers spread across 28,852 acres at Malmstrom Air Force Base. When it was first built, it was equipped with the latest gadgetry that 1962 had to offer.

Now, a 6-foot-high digital translator must be used to convert tones and whistles into signals a computer can read. The computers use 8-inch floppy disks that became obsolete even before the era of personal computers. Spare parts are so hard to find that on occasion they've had to be pulled from military museums.

"It's a little like going back in time," Griffith says.

It's not just the missile launch centers: Each of the U.S. nuclear delivery systems is approaching obsolescence. The Air Force's largest fleet of bombers dates back to the Kennedy administration. The Navy's armada of missile-carrying submarines is nearing the end of its designed life, and the warheads they carry are nearly three decades old, on average."

As U.S. nuclear arsenal ages, other nations have modernized


Feeling less bothered now?
The context of his tweet can be interpreted in several ways. If the interpretation is what you are illustrating then modernizing and upgrading wouldn't be all that bothersome to me. Again at times he tweets things that can be interpreted several different ways. Only later on did his team decide to clarify his statement which I was not aware of at the moment of my posting. I don't have the ability to predict the future and certainly not able to predict his team clearing up what he meant to say later in the day.
I was aware that the congress and the senate had "decided" that it should be located in Jerusalem back in 1995. GEE.. I wonder where they got that idea?
Irregardless of our bought and paid for congress and senate's decision it bothers me that Trump now plans to relocate the embassy.
It's a fucking stupid move!

So it bothers you that the President actually follows what Congress has legislated?

Obama must have been to your liking, he couldn't stop pissing on both Congress and the Constitution.

Why exactly does it bother you where the US has its embassy in Israel? If you're anti-Israel, it'd be more honest to say so instead of hiding behind the UN.

BTW, "irregardless"? Ugh... are we 10?
The context of his tweet can be interpreted in several ways. If the interpretation is what you are illustrating then modernizing and upgrading wouldn't be all that bothersome to me. Again at times he tweets things that can be interpreted several different ways. Only later on did his team decide to clarify his statement which I was not aware of at the moment of my posting. I don't have the ability to predict the future and certainly not able to predict his team clearing up what he meant to say later in the day.

I think you and I are on the same page (I admit to not reading most pages in this never-ending liberal sob story over their butthurt) so it looks like I called you on the carpet over nothing.

Still, Trump's tweet (considering how little can be conveyed in 140 characters) was pretty clear (feel free to elaborate on the other ways it can be interpreted - and let's avoid the delusional ideas of liberal tinfoil loons):

"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes"

It was clearly about our capabilities - which have gotten quite rusty and ossified.

Personally, I'm more annoyed by his use of "its" instead of "her" when referring to the United States - I think that's ignant.

So it bothers you that the President actually follows what Congress has legislated?

Obama must have been to your liking, he couldn't stop pissing on both Congress and the Constitution.

Why exactly does it bother you where the US has its embassy in Israel? If you're anti-Israel, it'd be more honest to say so instead of hiding behind the UN.

BTW, "irregardless"? Ugh... are we 10?
More like anti-Zionist.
More like anti-Zionist.

So we should just kill off those pesky kikes, right? Once and for all, git'er done! /sarcasm

That's the logical conclusion of your statement - if you're anti-Zion, you're really anti-Jew.

Sure, there are ultra-conservative Jews who oppose the modern state of Israel, for various reasons that make about as much sense as nonstop elevators and Sabbath lamps. However, I don't think you're one of those, considering that you post on Meso during the Sabbath. Or maybe you have a pet goy doing your typing? Seems like you are somehow obsessed with Israel however, judging by past posts.

In my book, the Israelis are the only civilized humans in that region.
If you find posts and twitter comments that involve nothing more than "Trump may,can,might,or could do not ridiculous propaganda I can't help you inside your liberal bubble. I don't agree with quite a few people here on political matters but some make points I can agree with or see their point. For example I don't care for most of what @Big_paul has to say but I see his point and like some of his views. Also I'm not here to defend the entire nation on what they decide to tweet or say. I could pull tweets all day from random liberals as well as black lives matter loons who have caused real death and violence with their rhetoric but that's not the subject of my statement.

Liberal bubble? Thats actually funny. Try again. The difference is im not talking about random tweets from just anybody.

Im referring to tweets and press reports from TRUMPS TRANSITION TEAM. You know, people he has personally approved to advocate for him pushing bogus news and lies.

Michael Flynn, steve banon, do you know who these people are? This goes back to my earlier point. It seems people no longer have the ability to differentiate between bias in media and flat out lies when gathering information and forming thier opinions.

Absolutely a failure of critical thinking and education.
I think you and I are on the same page (I admit to not reading most pages in this never-ending liberal sob story over their butthurt) so it looks like I called you on the carpet over nothing.

Still, Trump's tweet (considering how little can be conveyed in 140 characters) was pretty clear (feel free to elaborate on the other ways it can be interpreted - and let's avoid the delusional ideas of liberal tinfoil loons):

"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes"

It was clearly about our capabilities - which have gotten quite rusty and ossified.

Personally, I'm more annoyed by his use of "its" instead of "her" when referring to the United States - I think that's ignant.

When he decides to talk about nuclear weapons/capabilities I don't believe Twitter is the place to do it. Your characters are limited and you are unable to get across a clear message that can't be misinterpreted. What you think he means and what I and another person thinks he means can be entirely different. Now if my wife tweeted " I'm about to get a good stretch" that can be interpreted by me differently than you. I know it to mean my husband is about to stretch this pussy, for you it could mean she is perhaps doing yoga or stretching in literal terms. That is my issue in that something that you interpret from him doesn't mean others will draw the same conclusion. Considering the limitations of Twitter my point would be that it's not the place to discuss such serious matters (nuclear weapons) for example. After his team cleared it up I understand what he meant but that's in hindsight. I would prefer he talks about those types of important matters in a more open forum as opposed to Twitter where he can elaborate and remove any other possible meaning of what he is saying.
Liberal bubble? Thats actually funny. Try again. The difference is im not talking about random tweets from just anybody.

Im referring to tweets and press reports from TRUMPS TRANSITION TEAM. You know, people he has personally approved to advocate for him pushing bogus news and lies.

Michael Flynn, steve banon, do you know who these people are? This goes back to my earlier point. It seems people no longer have the ability to differentiate between bias in media and flat out lies when gathering information and forming thier opinions.

Absolutely a failure of critical thinking and education.
You can feel free to attach any tweet or comment someone said and if I believe it is reckless and stupid I have no issue in agreeing. Would you also agree that President Obama speaking on Mike Brown and other black men being killed by cops before all the evidence was out to also be reckless and dangerous as well?
When he decides to talk about nuclear weapons/capabilities I don't believe Twitter is the place to do it. Your characters are limited and you are unable to get across a clear message that can't be misinterpreted. What you think he means and what I and another person thinks he means can be entirely different. Now if my wife tweeted " I'm about to get a good stretch" that can be interpreted by me differently than you. I know it to mean my husband is about to stretch this pussy, for you it could mean she is perhaps doing yoga or stretching in literal terms. That is my issue in that something that you interpret from him doesn't mean others will draw the same conclusion. Considering the limitations of Twitter my point would be that it's not the place to discuss such serious matters (nuclear weapons) for example. After his team cleared it up I understand what he meant but that's in hindsight. I would prefer he talks about those types of important matters in a more open forum as opposed to Twitter where he can elaborate and remove any other possible meaning of what he is saying.

More open than Twitter? What would that be? Certainly not via the filters of mainstream media (MSM). And come on, that was a pretty damn clearcut tweet - no ambiguity really. Your "stretch" example OTH is totally ambiguous, not comparable.

Again, this is his tweet:

"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes"

He's not discussing nukes, just stating a vision, a direction. That's a pretty brilliant vision statement re our nuclear arms actually.

You're just objecting to the format, and the distribution, not the content as such. I think it's clear that Trump is moving beyond mainstream media in his adoption of modern ways of communication. Additionally, the MSM has shown themselves to be utterly corrupt.

Enjoy the holidays - Merry Christmas - happy lifting - stay away from the carbs!
You can feel free to attach any tweet or comment someone said and if I believe it is reckless and stupid I have no issue in agreeing. Would you also agree that President Obama speaking on Mike Brown and other black men being killed by cops before all the evidence was out to also be reckless and dangerous as well?

Oh no, you did it, you told a liberal the TRUTH - that's downright cruel that. :)
So we should just kill off those pesky kikes, right? Once and for all, git'er done! /sarcasm

That's the logical conclusion of your statement - if you're anti-Zion, you're really anti-Jew.

Sure, there are ultra-conservative Jews who oppose the modern state of Israel, for various reasons that make about as much sense as nonstop elevators and Sabbath lamps. However, I don't think you're one of those, considering that you post on Meso during the Sabbath. Or maybe you have a pet goy doing your typing? Seems like you are somehow obsessed with Israel however, judging by past posts.

In my book, the Israelis are the only civilized humans in that region.

"if you're anti-Zion, you're really anti-Jew."
Thanks...At least now I know where your coming from.
"if you're anti-Zion, you're really anti-Jew."
Thanks...At least now I know where your coming from.

Huh? Where *I'm* coming from? I'm supportive of Jews and staunchly pro-Israel - does that hurt your feelings?

So you're pro "Palestine" then? That'll be a nice little experiment, watching Jerusalem go down in flames.
Liberal bubble? Thats actually funny. Try again. The difference is im not talking about random tweets from just anybody.

Im referring to tweets and press reports from TRUMPS TRANSITION TEAM. You know, people he has personally approved to advocate for him pushing bogus news and lies.

Michael Flynn, steve banon, do you know who these people are? This goes back to my earlier point. It seems people no longer have the ability to differentiate between bias in media and flat out lies when gathering information and forming thier opinions.

Absolutely a failure of critical thinking and education.
From earlier I assume you are speaking about General Flynn and his tweet supposedly being about pizza-gate. I will include the article from a completely liberal biased media source aka Washington Post for you to read.

Michael Flynn’s tweet wasn’t actually about #PizzaGate, but his son is now defending the baseless conspiracy theory
You can feel free to attach any tweet or comment someone said and if I believe it is reckless and stupid I have no issue in agreeing. Would you also agree that President Obama speaking on Mike Brown and other black men being killed by cops before all the evidence was out to also be reckless and dangerous as well?

Jesus Christ dude, try staying on topic. We wernt talking about obama. Obama sucks a bag of dicks. But ok lets go there. Pretty sure obama never said

1 trump is not an american citizen
2 trump is a secret muslin symphathetic to terrorists
3 trump is running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop in washinton
Etc etc etc

There is a big difference between saying something that is irresponsible and telling lies.

I would think people would be insulted and furious that thier source for information regularly lies to them.

Apparently, its all about us versus them. Most people dont care if they are being lied to as long as it makes the other guys look bad.

So, @GigaloRob its not the same. Your guy has had great success in lying and manipulating the true and misleading his supporters and everyone is ok with it.

Both sides do it. But Trump has mastered it and has proven most people will believe anything no matter how ridiculous it is.
More open than Twitter? What would that be? Certainly not via the filters of mainstream media (MSM). And come on, that was a pretty damn clearcut tweet - no ambiguity really. Your "stretch" example OTH is totally ambiguous, not comparable.

Again, this is his tweet:

"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes"

He's not discussing nukes, just stating a vision, a direction. That's a pretty brilliant vision statement re our nuclear arms actually.

You're just objecting to the format, and the distribution, not the content as such. I think it's clear that Trump is moving beyond mainstream media in his adoption of modern ways of communication. Additionally, the MSM has shown themselves to be utterly corrupt.

Enjoy the holidays - Merry Christmas - happy lifting - stay away from the carbs!
You are missing my point to be honest. It's not that twitter isn't "open". Twitter has a limit on how many characters can be used and I simply said that discussing nuclear weapons in that format to me isn't the best option. Also the word capability could also mean "building more nukes makes us capable to launch more" I think we agree on just about everything here but I would just prefer he uses a platform where his thoughts and plans can be presented better.
Jesus Christ dude, try staying on topic. We wernt talking about obama. Obama sucks a bag of dicks. But ok lets go there. Pretty sure obama never said

1 trump is not an american citizen
2 trump is a secret muslin symphathetic to terrorists
3 trump is running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop in washinton
Etc etc etc

There is a big difference between saying something that is irresponsible and telling lies.

I would think people would be insulted and furious that thier source for information regularly lies to them.

Apparently, its all about us versus them. Most people dont care if they are being lied to as long as it makes the other guys look bad.

So, @GigaloRob its not the same. Your guy has had great success in lying and manipulating the true and misleading his supporters and everyone is ok with it.

Both sides do it. But Trump has mastered it and has proven most people will believe anything no matter how ridiculous it is.
"Both sides do it but Trump has mastered it" If thats case then what exactly is your argument here?