Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

If I remember correctly Clinton and Bush did the same thing.
Its best to not respond to his posts considering he has no free thought of his own. Almost all of them are straight propaganda or twitter posts about what Trump can,may,or will do without actually doing it. Next to follow is "Trump may nuke the democratic party and then pardon himself" That's the type of substance he continues to flood this thread with.
Its best to not respond to his posts considering he has no free thought of his own. Almost all of them are straight propaganda or twitter posts about what Trump can,may,or will do without actually doing it. Next to follow is "Trump may nuke the democratic party and then pardon himself" That's the type of substance he continues to flood this thread with.
I know.... Just wanted to make the statement...Thanks:)
Its best to not respond to his posts considering he has no free thought of his own. Almost all of them are straight propaganda or twitter posts about what Trump can,may,or will do without actually doing it. Next to follow is "Trump may nuke the democratic party and then pardon himself" That's the type of substance he continues to flood this thread with.

That's a tad bit overly dramatic don't you think? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that it's propaganda or untrue.

And while we're on the subject any comment about trumps transition team who got busted and sending out fake tweets that could of got somebody killed at that pizza shop in Washington DC?

Nothing Dr. Scarry has posted even remotely close to the blatant lies that have been put out by trumps people.

Any comment on this?
That's a tad bit overly dramatic don't you think? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that it's propaganda or untrue.

And while we're on the subject any comment about trumps transition team who got busted and sending out fake tweets that could of got somebody killed at that pizza shop in Washington DC?

Nothing Dr. Scarry has posted even remotely close to the blatant lies that have been put out by trumps people.

Any comment on this?

I don't mind Dr. Scally's posts even though I don't agree with most of them. But I'll post an answer to one every once and a while even though I know I won't get a reply.
I'm sure that your spelling of his name was in error, but it was kind of funny.
That's a tad bit overly dramatic don't you think? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that it's propaganda or untrue.

And while we're on the subject any comment about trumps transition team who got busted and sending out fake tweets that could of got somebody killed at that pizza shop in Washington DC?

Nothing Dr. Scarry has posted even remotely close to the blatant lies that have been put out by trumps people.

Any comment on this?
If you find posts and twitter comments that involve nothing more than "Trump may,can,might,or could do not ridiculous propaganda I can't help you inside your liberal bubble. I don't agree with quite a few people here on political matters but some make points I can agree with or see their point. For example I don't care for most of what @Big_paul has to say but I see his point and like some of his views. Also I'm not here to defend the entire nation on what they decide to tweet or say. I could pull tweets all day from random liberals as well as black lives matter loons who have caused real death and violence with their rhetoric but that's not the subject of my statement.
Now this tweet I can see and respect you posting. This tweet you posted by him is not just conjecture or propaganda and yes him saying that bothers me.
Another thing that I see that bothers me is his plans to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. That would be a statement that we would recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. I believe the UN wanted Jerusalem to have international status.
Corpus separatum (Latin for "separated body") is a term used to describe the Jerusalem area in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. According to the plan the city would be placed under international regime, conferring it a special status due to its shared religious importance.
This would be in my opinion a stupid move adding more fuel to a fire thats already out of control.
For example I don't care for most of what @Big_paul has to say but I see his point and like some of his views.
There is nothing wrong with that. Members on this board take things personal or make things personal when there is no need to. Politics can be an explosive topic, and most of us are on steroids. I'm one of the leading offenders, but I have been cooling my jets. :)
That's a tad bit overly dramatic don't you think? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that it's propaganda or untrue.

And while we're on the subject any comment about trumps transition team who got busted and sending out fake tweets that could of got somebody killed at that pizza shop in Washington DC?

Nothing Dr. Scarry has posted even remotely close to the blatant lies that have been put out by trumps people.

Any comment on this?
Lmao... Dr scarry.

Another thing that I see that bothers me is his plans to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. That would be a statement that we would recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. I believe the UN wanted Jerusalem to have international status.
Corpus separatum (Latin for "separated body") is a term used to describe the Jerusalem area in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. According to the plan the city would be placed under international regime, conferring it a special status due to its shared religious importance.
This would be in my opinion a stupid move adding more fuel to a fire thats already out of control.

Trump's plans?

You are clearly unaware that (in Nov of 1995 - 21 years ago!) the US Congress (yes, the Senate and the House both) decided that the US Embassy in Israel should be located in Jerusalem - but all the administrations since have stubbornly refused to comply with Congress. Just another piece of evidence that the office of the POTUS has gotten out of control.

It passed in the Senate with a 93-5 vote in favor - pretty unanimous - and with a 374-37 vote in the House, i.e. about 90% in favor, so fairly close to unanimity.

Ref the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995

Finally, WTF does the UN have to do with the USA's decisions on where we have our bleeping embassies anywhere? Fuck the UN - disband that entire POS organization, it's only an opportunity for 1st world pinkoes and 3rd world nepotist cronies to mingle on the US taxpayer's dime.