Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

If you think we had it bad for the last eight years...get ready.

Your going to wish things had never changed. By the time trump and Ryan are done, medical insurance will be even higher, companies will offer even less benefits and lower wages than they do now and your going to get less out of your social security.

The whole time being feed the lie this is necessary to save the system.

While in truth its fullfilling campaign promises to donors.

Your going to miss the kenyan.
Oh, really? I kind of doubt myself or anyone else will miss "the Kenyan". On what evidence do you base these opinionated warped beliefs? Considering the guy you're speaking of hasn't even taken office yet. What crystal ball do you possess that forcasts what Trump will or won't do?
Nope, how you came to that conclusion is what is beyond comprehension.

Try stating a reasoned position on anything for once. Might change your life.


Here is some free advice, if your not reaching your goals with 8 weeks of tren use well it's not gonna happen in 40 weeks. peroid.
No sir. I agree with 90% of what you just said wholeheartedly. The only part I wouldn't agree with is that its Obama care that made it hard for you to get affordable insurance. Insurance was not affordable before Obama even took office. I remember when a policy for my girlfriend and her son cost $1200 a month with zero prior medical issues that was during George Bush reign.

I know a lot of employers have told her employees that they could no longer afford to get them insurance because of Obamacare and that's a flat out lie. that's employers not wanting to shoulder a percentage of the cost anymore.

Medical insurance has always been out rages and it's always going to be outrageous. Obama didn't fix that.

It just drives me bat shit crazy when I hear people say they can't have insurance because of Obamacare. people couldn't afford insurance for the last 30 years even before Obamacare.

Merry Christmas man

My reason for blaming obamacare is that the mandate that was claimed to be mandatory for the concept to work was a total bust. If you were an insurance company selling a product to customers who did not have to buy your product, you would have to price your product to compete with other insurance companies as well as to compel those customers and convince them that they would be better off with your insurance rather than just taking the risk of being self insured. The mandate did just the opposite. The companies can charge exorbitant prices for sub-standard policies because if we don't buy it, we will be penalized.

I own a medium sized small business below the threshold requiring me to provide healthcare to my employees. I had to terminate my company provided insurance since it was going to be over 25% of my salary cost. I just gave my employees a raise so they could go buy their own insurance. My own policy has more than doubled and I used to have $500 deductible and $20 copayment. Now I have $3000 deductible and it cost twice as much. I want the old system back.

Merry Christmas to you and your family as well
Oh, really? I kind of doubt myself or anyone else will miss "the Kenyan". On what evidence do you base these opinionated warped beliefs? Considering the guy you're speaking of hasn't even taken office yet. What crystal ball do you possess that forcasts what Trump will or won't do?

Past behavior my man and cabinet picks.
Its not rocket science dude. Unlike "most people" I actually know who he is aligning himself with.

They have reputations for holding certain beliefs and agendas. Thats why they have been chosen.

Not rocket science.
My reason for blaming obamacare is that the mandate that was claimed to be mandatory for the concept to work was a total bust. If you were an insurance company selling a product to customers who did not have to buy your product, you would have to price your product to compete with other insurance companies as well as to compel those customers and convince them that they would be better off with your insurance rather than just taking the risk of being self insured. The mandate did just the opposite. The companies can charge exorbitant prices for sub-standard policies because if we don't buy it, we will be penalized.

I own a medium sized small business below the threshold requiring me to provide healthcare to my employees. I had to terminate my company provided insurance since it was going to be over 25% of my salary cost. I just gave my employees a raise so they could go buy their own insurance. My own policy has more than doubled and I used to have $500 deductible and $20 copayment. Now I have $3000 deductible and it cost twice as much. I want the old system back.

Merry Christmas to you and your family as well

Please don't misinterpret my posts. I fricking hate obama care. It is a terrible system. I personally dont know enough about it in your particular situation to comment on it.

I do know this though. It has always been ridiculously expensive. And it will always continue to be ridiculously expensive until they put some cost controls on what these insurance companies can charge.

Its a terrible system that should of been structured diffrent. No argument from me there. Single payer is the only way in my opinion.

Please note the word OPINION before the statement. The waters are plenty muddy enough without any more brilliant opinions. How about presenting some facts for once.
Fact-Previous presidential candidates would tell us one thing, do the opposite. We were not in the loop so to speak. The fact that Trump tweets everything on his mind at least puts him closer to allowing the public access to what's going on and gives him at least some level of transparency.
Fact-He has surrounded himself with some of the greatest minds of this generation. If they can't as a group bring some new ideas to the table, no one can.
Fact-People who are already filthy rich should be less likely to be corrupted by the idea of financial gain as they are already billionaires.
Fact-Obama is one of the most charismatic and well spoken liars to have ever taken office.
He'd tell us one thing, do the other.
I was quite skeptical with Trump's cabinet picks until I heard an interview with Lou Dobbs. The gist of it was that these guys trump picked from the business world, like the oil guys and bankers, are not politicians who succeed personally even if they fail at their job. These guys are doers and are in the positions they are in because they are great at what they do. You don't get to be a CEO because your weak or bad at what you do. You've risen to that level because you are the best. I'm actually a bit excited and curious to see where this all goes. All rhetoric aside we've seen what voting in career politicians has gotten us.
I was quite skeptical with Trump's cabinet picks until I heard an interview with Lou Dobbs. The gist of it was that these guys trump picked from the business world, like the oil guys and bankers, are not politicians who succeed personally even if they fail at their job. These guys are doers and are in the positions they are in because they are great at what they do. You don't get to be a CEO because your weak or bad at what you do. You've risen to that level because you are the best. I'm actually a bit excited and curious to see where this all goes. All rhetoric aside we've seen what voting in career politicians has gotten us.

Hell yeah they are doers. They "DO" a great job making money, they are going to "DO" a great job outsourcing more jobs, they are going to "DO" a great job rolling back the few environmental safeguards we have in the name of the almighty dollar, and they are going to "DO" thier level best at keeping the middle class in the trenches paying for all of it.

Trump 2017!!
Hell yeah they are doers. They "DO" a great job making money, they are going to "DO" a great job outsourcing more jobs, they are going to "DO" a great job rolling back the few environmental safeguards we have in the name of the almighty dollar, and they are going to "DO" thier level best at keeping the middle class in the trenches paying for all of it.

Trump 2017!!
What your saying is possible, but what I'm saying is quite possible as well well. We have never seen a president or cabinet like this before. One thing is for sure, we have seen what hillary would have done and it is exactly what anti trump people are fearful of.
“Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
Speaking of the Bilderburgers...

Bilderberg chooses Hillary Clinton for 2016
Posted on June 9, 2015 by Intellihub


(INTELLIHUB) — The “official” Bilderberg Group website a list of participants for this years upcoming conference. The website also released a list of bullet points that they claim is the agenda for the secretive globalist confab.

In the past, Intellihub News and others have confirmed that while the list released by the Bilderberg website does include many who will be there, it also leaves out those that would rather not have their name released to the public.

It is also well-known that whatever agenda is discussed at Bilderberg will have repercussions for the entire world for years to come. (past attendees have claimed that the idea for the Euro was first discussed at Bilderberg)

Perhaps the biggest piece of news coming out of Austria and Bilderberg 2015 so far is the fact that a major (Hillary Clinton advisor) is on the list and set to attend.

Longtime Clinton friend and ally Jim Messina of The Messina Group will be attending the globalist conference where the globalist favorite for United States 2016 election will surely be decided. This news indicates that the powers that be have most likely decided to back Clinton for President.
one of my New Years resolutions will be no more political talk. It's exhausting and not worth the energy. All that energy will be put back into building up myself physically and spiritually
one of my New Years resolutions will be no more political talk. It's exhausting and not worth the energy. All that energy will be put back into building up myself physically and spiritually
Just think of this as mental dead lifts or squats.
Speaking of the Bilderburgers...

Bilderberg chooses Hillary Clinton for 2016
Posted on June 9, 2015 by Intellihub


(INTELLIHUB) — The “official” Bilderberg Group website a list of participants for this years upcoming conference. The website also released a list of bullet points that they claim is the agenda for the secretive globalist confab.

In the past, Intellihub News and others have confirmed that while the list released by the Bilderberg website does include many who will be there, it also leaves out those that would rather not have their name released to the public.

It is also well-known that whatever agenda is discussed at Bilderberg will have repercussions for the entire world for years to come. (past attendees have claimed that the idea for the Euro was first discussed at Bilderberg)

Perhaps the biggest piece of news coming out of Austria and Bilderberg 2015 so far is the fact that a major (Hillary Clinton advisor) is on the list and set to attend.

Longtime Clinton friend and ally Jim Messina of The Messina Group will be attending the globalist conference where the globalist favorite for United States 2016 election will surely be decided. This news indicates that the powers that be have most likely decided to back Clinton for President.

I always ask them to leave me off the list...
What your saying is possible, but what I'm saying is quite possible as well well. We have never seen a president or cabinet like this before. One thing is for sure, we have seen what hillary would have done and it is exactly what anti trump people are fearful of.

Merry xmas bro! We could all hope for the best!
Please note the word OPINION before the statement. The waters are plenty muddy enough without any more brilliant opinions. How about presenting some facts for once.
Fact-Previous presidential candidates would tell us one thing, do the opposite. We were not in the loop so to speak. The fact that Trump tweets everything on his mind at least puts him closer to allowing the public access to what's going on and gives him at least some level of transparency.
Fact-He has surrounded himself with some of the greatest minds of this generation. If they can't as a group bring some new ideas to the table, no one can.
Fact-People who are already filthy rich should be less likely to be corrupted by the idea of financial gain as they are already billionaires.
Fact-Obama is one of the most charismatic and well spoken liars to have ever taken office.
He'd tell us one thing, do the other.

Pleae tell, who are these greatest minds of his generation?

You honestly think trump ran for president out of the goodness of his little heart?

You really think billionaires are no longer concerned with making more money once they are billionaires?

He is the very definition of bought and paid for. He is accountable to his shareholders, donors, lobbyists.

He is the elite. Wealth is the standard He measures everything with. Sadam hussein was more humble than this guy.

Have you seen trumps gold plated homes? His golden toilet and fixtures??

You think that wealth and prosperity is going to find its way to you and your family? Your a middleclass working man.
He has no intention of making your world any easier.

How do I know, crystal ball? No. These great minds he is aligning himself with are known for sticking the middleclass with the bill while slashing the benefits of being in the middleclass.

None of us will benefit from trumps america because we are not millionaires or powerful people.

Come on man. Really?