Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Thing is @ronin17 , I'm honestly not For Trump as much as against HRC and the DNC. This is coming from a guy who used to worship Bill Clinton as the guy who oversaw the largest economic expansion in US history. I used to think electing Hillary would be like reelecting Bill but that Bill is no more.

I think we're in a sad state of affairs when HRC and Trump are the best we can come up with. I keep thinking about descriptions of the anti christ and what it really means. Maybe it means someone who worships money and power (trump, basically the opposite of spirituality)will take power in this country. I'm no Trump supporter so much as trying to get everyone to understand the medias attempt to sway yours and mine opinion. Ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell? To me, it's all coming to pass before our very eyes.
I think a storm is coming and I think it's time we evolve as a species or die. Change our greedy capitalist ways or find real inner strength and power and make the world a better place. I don't back any politician. I learned my lesson with Obama. I hope we make it through the next 4 years without having to see our children go off to war. Peace brother
Under the circumstances I don't think we'll make it 4 years:(
I know we're not supposed to go by "feel" here but I feel that everything is coming to a head in our society here and around the world. I feel something earth shattering and life changing is coming. Got a bunker?
Leaked footage of the Rockettes, getting ready for the Inauguration.


They better work on it. These guys are much better.
Russian malware targeted a Vermont utility. The narcissistic sociopath some of you helped elect will not even admit there was a hack at all. Nice work fellas.
Russian malware targeted a Vermont utility. The narcissistic sociopath some of you helped elect will not even admit there was a hack at all. Nice work fellas.
All the Russians did was bring to light the corruption behind your candidate. The sad thing is, the DNC pollutes the headlines with a bunch of nonsense and you eat it right up. I have no problem with the Russians whatsoever. Cold War has been over a long time.

Oh, and comparing Trump to Hitler? Really? You guys are the reason I no longer consider myself a democrat. Pathetic, manipulative losers
All the Russians did was bring to light the corruption behind your candidate.
Brother I don't care if it was your candidate or mine. Fuck Russia and Putin. Clinton was the worst possible Dem to run against Trump. Believe me if the DNC reads their emails they know me, but the fact is Russia changed our election.
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Brother I don't care if it was your candidate or mine. Fuck Russia and Putin. Clinton was the worst possible Dem to run against Trump. Believe me if the DNC reads their emails they know me, but the fact is Russia changed our election.
How? By allowing we the people to see the shady shit going on behind the curtain and therefore make a more informed decision ? They didn't change poll results Paul. People elected Trump. US citizens, not the Russians. It's a sad attempt to make people believe they voted wrong and it's over. Now, we'll wait patiently for their next attempt to slander him because we know they can't go off into the night peacefully with grace and dignity. No, they'll continue to cry and throw temper tantrums just like Obama is doing now. Passing all kinds of legislation to try to gum up the transition and basically not giving a shit about the constitution or yours or my rights as voters.
How? By allowing we the people to see the shady shit going on behind the curtain and therefore make a more informed decision ? They didn't change poll results Paul. People elected Trump. US citizens, not the Russians. It's a sad attempt to make people believe they voted wrong and it's over. Now, we'll wait patiently for their next attempt to slander him because we know they can't go off into the night peacefully with grace and dignity. No, they'll continue to cry and throw temper tantrums just like Obama is doing now. Passing all kinds of legislation to try to gum up the transition and basically not giving a shit about the constitution or yours or my rights as voters.
It's the source that counts. It's like having a family disagreement and some cocksucker adds his 2 cents and both sides stomp the fool into the ground. Lets keep it in the family.
I remember 8 years ago when Obama was elected President:

-- half of the country bemoaned the election result
-- the majority of those opposed to the result claimed that Obama actually was a Muslim who secretly was working with our enemies to destroy America
-- extremists bought generators, stocked up on canned foods, and swore doom and gloom was coming
-- the President elect's supporters claimed the guy in office before him had run the country into the ground
-- the President elect's opponents claimed that he lacked political experience and would disgrace and harm the country

Fast forward 8 years, and.... predictably... more of the same...

Democrats, Republicans - the old two party system, bringing us more of the same. No matter which party is currently in control, half of the nation approves, the other half disapproves, while all of us collectively keep getting played by politicians serving themselves first and foremost.

Disappointing and unfortunate, really.
Love to talk some more politics but it's 2017 and I'm done with it. Good luck to everyone. I'm going out to spend all my savings before the world ends :p
I remember 8 years ago when Obama was elected President:

-- half of the country bemoaned the election result
-- the majority of those opposed to the result claimed that Obama actually was a Muslim who secretly was working with our enemies to destroy America
-- extremists bought generators, stocked up on canned foods, and swore doom and gloom was coming
-- the President elect's supporters claimed the guy in office before him had run the country into the ground
-- the President elect's opponents claimed that he lacked political experience and would disgrace and harm the country

Fast forward 8 years, and.... predictably... more of the same...

Democrats, Republicans - the old two party system, bringing us more of the same. No matter which party is currently in control, half of the nation approves, the other half disapproves, while all of us collectively keep getting played by politicians serving themselves first and foremost.

Disappointing and unfortunate, really.

Bullshit, the Republicans didn't do anything of the kind that butt hurt liberals have done.

Liberals are vindictive little children - or female might be a better comparison. Males, well men at least, don't bitch and cry like this.
Brother I don't care if it was your candidate or mine. Fuck Russia and Putin. Clinton was the worst possible Dem to run against Trump. Believe me if the DNC reads their emails they know me, but the fact is Russia changed our election.

The FACT?????? What facts?

Even if there were facts, would that be more so than the effect of the DNC and Hillary and MSM colluding to shaft Bernie?