Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump said during a New Year’s Eve celebration on Saturday that he knows “things that other people don’t know.”

Trump did not offer details when pressed about what he knows, saying only that, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

Maybe the American public won't be as disappointed in Trump, since they have such low expectations. But I suspect what is coming will be a disaster regardless. Not that I like his protectionist talk/policies, but Trump will make a great scapegoat when the bill for the last several decades finally comes due.
Russian malware targeted a Vermont utility. The narcissistic sociopath some of you helped elect will not even admit there was a hack at all. Nice work fellas.

He was completely correct.

Remember that the original claim by the Washington Post was the Russians hacked the electric grid. Then it was discovered/admitted that only a single laptop, not on the grid, contained the malware, malware that could have been acquired through all sorts of means having nothing at all to do with electric utilities. Employees will use company computers to visit the damnedest sites concerned with everything from porn to politics to steroids. Odds are the (generic) malware was obtained by a user, not through hacking.

Finally, the malware was NOT Russian, but Ukrainian. I didn't notice Obama placing any sanctions on Ukraine for their involvement, quite the opposite actually.
He was completely correct.

Remember that the original claim by the Washington Post was the Russians hacked the electric grid. Then it was discovered/admitted that only a single laptop, not on the grid, contained the malware, malware that could have been acquired through all sorts of means having nothing at all to do with electric utilities. Employees will use company computers to visit the damnedest sites concerned with everything from porn to politics to steroids. Odds are the (generic) malware was obtained by a user, not through hacking.

Finally, the malware was NOT Russian, but Ukrainian. I didn't notice Obama placing any sanctions on Ukraine for their involvement, quite the opposite actually.
We will find out more this week. Do you have the link that shows that the malware wasn't Russian?
We will find out more this week. Do you have the link that shows that the malware wasn't Russian?

It's in the original JAR report (PDF) or you can read a detailed summary here.

I don't think we will find out more this week. I think we will just be exposed to more propaganda. Trump's defenders are becoming almost as brazen and careless as his attackers when it comes to passing BS down the line. It has become too tiresome to verify every little "fact" I encounter in my travels, especially when Occam's Razor almost never disappoints.
I will give Trump points on taste as far as Euro trash pornstars go. Our first lady? This bitch has probably had more pricks in her than a
I will give Trump points on taste as far as Euro trash pornstars go. Our first lady? This bitch has probably had more pricks in her than a porcupine.View attachment 56531

I consider myself neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I find it rather hypocritical and shortsighted that we'd trash the the future first lady for her sexual past, while ignoring the sexual past of the individual (Bill Clinton) that the Democrats tried to make the future spouse of the President had their candidate (Hillary) won?

So Melania Trump lacks the kind of past sexual behavior that you find appropriate of a first lady?
But Bill Clinton, who committed adultery and screwed around in the damned White house itself, DOES have the appropriate past sexual behavior desired to sit in the White House as the Presidential spouse?

Explain your hypocritical reasoning for that gem?

This is exactly the kind of hypocritical double talk and embarrassingly bi-partisan behavior that has made the American public hate politics SO MUCH that they elected a President with very, very little Political experience 8 years ago, and now somehow a guy with EVEN LESS political experience this time around.

Shaking my damned head at how obviously stupid it is to question the past sexual behavior of Mrs. Trump by people who voted to put Bill Clinton and his past in the same position as Mrs. Trump. Brilliant logic.

Have you forgotten how badly Bill Clinton embarrassed our country as he Freed Willy?

while ignoring the sexual past of the individual (Bill Clinton) that the Democrats tried to make the future spouse of the President had their candidate (Hillary) won?
I'm not ignoring that. The guy is a sleeze. I believe Trump is sleezer but I'm not making comparisons as far as morals.
Shaking my damned head at how obviously stupid it is to question the past sexual behavior of Mrs. Trump by people who voted to put Bill Clinton and his past in the same position as Mrs. Trump. Brilliant logic.
I'm shaking my head everytime I hear Trump open his mouth. I'm not denying that she is attractive, but I'd rather see his tax returns than his woman' ass. No one should be easily offended over this election. It was a choice between stupidity and shame. Neither one was acceptable to me. I choose the one I felt could do the least harm.
Explain your hypocritical reasoning for that gem?
Does the above post better explain things? I believe you misunderstood my post. Nothing hypocrital, just calling a whore a whore. Clinton was no better. Don't jump to conclusions my friend.
We were not electing Bill Clinton. Can you understand that @bickel29? Why blame Hillary for Bill's wrong doings. Explain that gem.
We were not electing Bill Clinton. Can you understand that @bickel29? Why blame Hillary for Bill's wrong doings. Explain that gem.


Just more hypocrisy! Democrats can bring Melania Trump into this, but no one is allowed to bring Bill Clinton into this?

Come on, brother....

Using your logic, why blame Trump for Melania's past?
Your on a political thread talking about the first lady being a whore, how's that not political?
Melania Trump is just fine with me. I won't hate her for being a super hot gold digger.
Your on a political thread talking about the first lady being a whore, how's that not political?

X, I am not sure who you are asking the question to. Are you asking me that question? Sorry for my confusion.:confused:
I wasn't saying we were electing Melania. I was giving my opinion on the first lady elect.

The Republican party made this election in part about BC. Who in the Dem Party made the election about Melonia other than her flagrant plagiarism of MO? We were not saying Trump was unfit for office because he married MT. We said he was unfit because of what he speaks and continues to speak. The popular consensus is MT has a nice ass.