Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

But they couldn't pull that off. They blindly and arrogantly chose someone MORE DISLIKED by the American public
The DNC knows how I feel about Hillary. I don't think the FBI will show up at my door, but they know, Sorry your man is a psychopath and I will enjoy his downfall and impeachment.
Bick Trump lost the election. Last time this happened we got Iraq. What are your thoughts? Whats next?

Ugghh... seriously? He lost the election, Paul? Really?

Now it's all becoming clear why you are so emotionally invested in this - you're one of THOSE political people.

The post I copied in this reply tells me I am trying to have a serious, level headed conversation with a crazy person.

We all know how that goes.
Ugghh... seriously? He lost the election, Paul? Really?
By 3 million votes. The republican party will only allow the electoral college to be pried from their cold dead hands, because that is the only way they will win any more national elections.
One person and one vote means no more Republicans.
We will have to overcome all the Gerrymandering that your boys did with congressional districts, but I am convinced we will overcome the party of hate and bigotry.
I can't even, Paul, I just can't...

Now you are wanting the rules for winning the election (the electoral college) changed AFTER your candidate loses?

Ugghh... I'm done with this for the night, because you really are being a crazy person right now.

Good night, my dude.

Edit: By the way, I have previously stated that I don't consider myself either Democrat nor Republican, so don't claim that my "boys" have done anything. That doesn't apply to me. Thanks.
Now you are wanting the rules for winning the election (the electoral college) changed AFTER your candidate loses?
My candidate lost to Hillary after she started with over 400 super delegates. Thats the only reason Sanders isn't Pres.

Let's drop it.
My candidate lost to Hillary after she started with over 400 super delegates. Thats the only reason Sanders isn't Pres.

Let's drop it.

Did it piss you off to learn the fix was in from the beginning? That Sanders campaign was a farce? How about when Sanders sold out his "political revolution" to support Hillary, even after confirming the allegations of the DNC working against him?

Ford cancels Mexico plant. Will create 700 U.S. jobs in 'vote of confidence' in Trump
I consider myself neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I find it rather hypocritical and shortsighted that we'd trash the the future first lady for her sexual past, while ignoring the sexual past of the individual (Bill Clinton) that the Democrats tried to make the future spouse of the President had their candidate (Hillary) won?

So Melania Trump lacks the kind of past sexual behavior that you find appropriate of a first lady?
But Bill Clinton, who committed adultery and screwed around in the damned White house itself, DOES have the appropriate past sexual behavior desired to sit in the White House as the Presidential spouse?

Explain your hypocritical reasoning for that gem?

This is exactly the kind of hypocritical double talk and embarrassingly bi-partisan behavior that has made the American public hate politics SO MUCH that they elected a President with very, very little Political experience 8 years ago, and now somehow a guy with EVEN LESS political experience this time around.

Shaking my damned head at how obviously stupid it is to question the past sexual behavior of Mrs. Trump by people who voted to put Bill Clinton and his past in the same position as Mrs. Trump. Brilliant logic.

Have you forgotten how badly Bill Clinton embarrassed our country as he Freed Willy?

Considering they compared Trump to Hitler, I'm fairly sure they're just throwing mud whenever and wherever they can. Logic isn't there
Considering they compared Trump to Hitler, I'm fairly sure they're just throwing mud whenever and wherever they can. Logic isn't there

I'll agree with ya there.

Unfortunately, eight years ago, the anti-Obama folks claimed that he was a Muslim terrorist sympathizer who was determined to help Bin Laden destroy America. Seems too many people get so wrapped up in defending their political party, and attacking the other party, that they throw logic out the window on both sides.

Unfortunately, too many people vote out of fear (ignorance) of what the OTHER party will do, and not enough people vote out of optimism of what THEIR party will do.

Too many people who voted for Hillary did so because they were scared of what Trump might do.

Too many people who voted for Trump did so because they were scared of what Hillary might do.

Although it is understandable (politicians on both sides have conditioned us to think this way) it's still pretty sad reasoning for casting your vote. You're basically picking the least bad of the two candidates, at that point.
Continuing the saga of Fake News from the media concerning Russian hackers (which BP seems to want to obscure with pics of the future first lady)... As I predicted, it looks like nothing more than an employee visiting the wrong site. In this case opening a message on his personal Yahoo email account containing "suspicious" links.

Washington Post Admits Its 'Russians Hacked A US Utility' Story Was 'Fake News'

Tyler Durden
Jan 3, 2017 10:54 AM

Over the weekend we noted that the Washington Post was caught spreading "fake news" about an alleged attempt by "Russian hackers" to take over a Vermont Utility (see "Washington Post Caught Spreading More Fake News About 'Russian Hackers'"). Within hours of reporting that the "Russian hackers" had gained access to the electrical grid, the Burlington Electric Department in Vermont had to issue a statement confirming that the provocative Wapo story simply wasn't true and that a laptop found to be infected with malware was never actually connected to the grid. An embarrassed Wapo was subsequently forced to change it's sensationalized headline and publish a retraction.

Now, as they often do, it appears this Wapo "fake news" rabbit holes gets even deeper. Not only are "federal officials" now confirming that "Russian hackers" never targeted the Vermont electrical grid, but the whole mishap was derived from an employee's attempt to check his Yahoo email account which, as (Wapo reports), resulted in his computer connecting to a "suspicious IP address" that is "found elsewhere in the country suggesting the company wasn't being targeted by Russians."

Moreover, not only was the malware not linked to a specific attempt of "Russian hackers" to penetrate the U.S. electrical grid, the software in question isn't even linked to the "Grizzly Steppe" group that the Obama administration says is behind the DNC and John Podesta email hacks. Of course, this is a direct contradiction to the opening paragraph of Wapo's original story which directly connected the Vermont "hack" back to "Grizzly Steppe"...apparently with no evidence whatsoever.

full article
Continuing the saga of Fake News from the media concerning Russian hackers (which BP seems to want to obscure with pics of the future first lady)... As I predicted, it looks like nothing more than an employee visiting the wrong site. In this case opening a message on his personal Yahoo email account containing "suspicious" links.

Washington Post Admits Its 'Russians Hacked A US Utility' Story Was 'Fake News'

Tyler Durden
Jan 3, 2017 10:54 AM

Over the weekend we noted that the Washington Post was caught spreading "fake news" about an alleged attempt by "Russian hackers" to take over a Vermont Utility (see "Washington Post Caught Spreading More Fake News About 'Russian Hackers'"). Within hours of reporting that the "Russian hackers" had gained access to the electrical grid, the Burlington Electric Department in Vermont had to issue a statement confirming that the provocative Wapo story simply wasn't true and that a laptop found to be infected with malware was never actually connected to the grid. An embarrassed Wapo was subsequently forced to change it's sensationalized headline and publish a retraction.

Now, as they often do, it appears this Wapo "fake news" rabbit holes gets even deeper. Not only are "federal officials" now confirming that "Russian hackers" never targeted the Vermont electrical grid, but the whole mishap was derived from an employee's attempt to check his Yahoo email account which, as (Wapo reports), resulted in his computer connecting to a "suspicious IP address" that is "found elsewhere in the country suggesting the company wasn't being targeted by Russians."

Moreover, not only was the malware not linked to a specific attempt of "Russian hackers" to penetrate the U.S. electrical grid, the software in question isn't even linked to the "Grizzly Steppe" group that the Obama administration says is behind the DNC and John Podesta email hacks. Of course, this is a direct contradiction to the opening paragraph of Wapo's original story which directly connected the Vermont "hack" back to "Grizzly Steppe"...apparently with no evidence whatsoever.

full article

Gee, that'll help Russian-USA relations. Accusing them of trying to hack into our electrical grids when they were not doing so.

Nice job of reporting, Washington Post. No wonder so many older folks bemoan the current state of journalism and news reporting as nothing more than ratings driven sensationalism and internet click-bait!
Gee, that'll help Russian-USA relations. Accusing them of trying to hack into our electrical grids when they were not doing so.

Nice job of reporting, Washington Post. No wonder so many older folks bemoan the current state of journalism and news reporting as nothing more than ratings driven sensationalism and internet click-bait!
This is what I've been trying to say all along. These media giants are TOLD to run a story and without verifying its truth, they run it and are the puppet masters of the uninformed Americans who think just because it's been put to print, it must be true. You mean our government lies to us to push its own agendas?!? No! Once you start to see these patterns, it's fairly easy to recognize. Our government has been treating us like mushrooms for a long time and it's worked in the past but people are fed up with being lied to. The DNC can be tied to most if not all of these attempts to write a false history into our national book of secrets.

It's the book 1984 come true on so many levels. My number 1 rule is don't believe a word coming from The New York Times and many others who print the same headlines of disinformation.

If the American people truly knew how manipulated we've been there would be a civil war.


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