Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

If the American people truly knew how manipulated we've been there would be a civil war.

If they knew... well, maybe. But that will never happen.

"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" - H.L. Mencken
This is what I've been trying to say all along. These media giants are TOLD to run a story and without verifying its truth, they run it and are the puppet masters of the uninformed Americans who think just because it's been put to print, it must be true. You mean our government lies to us to push its own agendas?!? No! Once you start to see these patterns, it's fairly easy to recognize. Our government has been treating us like mushrooms for a long time and it's worked in the past but people are fed up with being lied to. The DNC can be tied to most if not all of these attempts to write a false history into our national book of secrets.

It's the book 1984 come true on so many levels. My number 1 rule is don't believe a word coming from The New York Times and many others who print the same headlines of disinformation.

If the American people truly knew how manipulated we've been there would be a civil war.

Agreed, and also add the fact that the media giants see the direct benefit (profit) in it for them by running these stories.

Anyone remember the "bird flu" that was going to wipe out half of civilization in 2007-2008? And how the news kept scaring people with it everyday? Prompting our government, and goverments from around the world, to order millions of doses of Tamiflu?

Which benefitted the Pharmaceutical industry that manufactures and distributes tamiflu.

And guess who some of the biggest advertisers on the news programs are? That's right - the pharmaceutical industry.

Most of that tamiflu ended up expiring and had to be destroyed.

So the news kept a pushing a story that financially benefitted one of its biggest advertisers, and the tax dollars spent on the tamiflu went into the trash.
As many professionals were stating that the bird flu wasn't as big of a concern as it was being made out to be, and that it was doubtful that tamiflu would be much help in preventing the spread of the disease anyways.

For those thinking I am a quack or conspiracy theorist, I typically scoff at those people. But just Google this topic and you'll see very credible sources saying the same thing, including BBC news.
Did it piss you off to learn the fix was in from the beginning?
We would have a president Sanders if not for the fix. HC is the only dem that could lose to DT. I'm pissed. That is fair to say, but it's over now, and I will enjoy the show.
We would have a president Sanders if not for the fix. HC is the only dem that could lose to DT. I'm pissed. That is fair to say, but it's over now, and I will enjoy the show.

So aren't you glad you know the truth abut how the DNC operates?

I can't remember if it was gruccifer or Wikileaks that revealed the fix was in for Hillary but if I was a Democrat, I would be disillusioned about what transpired. Furthermore, if I was a Sanders supporter, I would be pissed he sold out to the people that fucked him.

Also, an interesting and now funny side note is that Hillary's team determined Trump was the best candidate to run against.
So aren't you glad you know the truth abut how the DNC operates?
I am certain the RNC is just as bad if not much worse.
if I was a Sanders supporter, I would be pissed he sold out to the people that fucked him.
He realized what a fucking piece of shit Trump is and didn't want to do anything to help him in anyway.

Did you notice that wall street will be heading up his cabinettrumps plan.jpg . I would be pissed if I fell for that cocksuckers rap that he was for the little guy only to see he choose wall street to run the country.
I am certain the RNC is just as bad if not much worse.

He realized what a fucking piece of shit Trump is and didn't want to do anything to help him in anyway.

Did you notice that wall street will be heading up his cabinetView attachment 56708 . I would be pissed if I fell for that cocksuckers rap that he was for the little guy only to see he choose wall street to run the country.
But, you're still falling for false headlines Paul. Lemme give you some advice-stop believing anything you read because most of it is propaganda designed to get you to support someone's agenda.
We would have a president Sanders if not for the fix. HC is the only dem that could lose to DT. I'm pissed. That is fair to say, but it's over now, and I will enjoy the show.

Oh sugar, Prez Bernie.... we'd be royally fucked then. Kleptocrat Hillary might be preferable.
Oh sugar, Prez Bernie.... we'd be royally fucked then. Kleptocrat Hillary might be preferable.
Check out his bankruptcies. He doesn't get to do that as President. He is a good businessman going bankrupt 4 times? He fucked the contractors and paid them pennies on the dollar. Our creditors will not go for that.
I am certain the RNC is just as bad if not much worse.

He realized what a fucking piece of shit Trump is and didn't want to do anything to help him in anyway.

Did you notice that wall street will be heading up his cabinetView attachment 56708 . I would be pissed if I fell for that cocksuckers rap that he was for the little guy only to see he choose wall street to run the country.

I'm not asking about what you think about the RNC (I'm sure they're just as corrupt too), I want to know if you're at least disappointed in the Democrats/DNC, if not disillusioned or all together pissed. Are you still a loyal democrat (assuming this based on your posts) now that all corruption has been exposed? Can you look past your party affiliation and loyalty to see the truth and call them out for what they are?
Lemme give you some advice-stop believing anything you read because most of it is propaganda designed to get you to support someone's agenda.
You must have voted for Trump. Considering damn near everything that spews from his mouth is complete bullshit, I will trust my own judgement.
I am certain the RNC is just as bad if not much worse.

He realized what a fucking piece of shit Trump is and didn't want to do anything to help him in anyway.

Did you notice that wall street will be heading up his cabinetView attachment 56708 . I would be pissed if I fell for that cocksuckers rap that he was for the little guy only to see he choose wall street to run the country.

And BTW, that quote you posted pretty much sums up the essence of the liberal progressive elitist mindset that they know whats best for everyone else and if you disagree, you're stupid. I didn't vote for Trump but what if I called you stupid for choosing Hillary? Is that a good argument to make? Name calling?
I'm not asking about what you think about the RNC
Considering it is a 2 party system, kinda, they have to be compared side by side. Otherwise you slam on party when the other needs a swift kick in the ass as well.

As I said I understood the reason Sanders did what he did in spite of the crap that took place at the DNC. That my friend is patriotism, He place the good of the nation ahead of his own ambitions.

Trump would never do the same. Trump is concerned only about Trump.
Throwing around the word Billionaire like it's a crime to be one?

We love to praise our country and ourselves for some wonderful way of life, the Land of Opportunity, right? Where hard work is rewarded, creativity is applauded, and someone can be anything they wanna be, right?

And then when someone DARES to become wealthy because of working harder and longer than most of society, takes risks that most people won't, puts their life and their savings on the line, and dares to become -- GASP -- a BILLIONAIRE -- well then, damn them, let's hate them and attempt to take them down as much as possible by TAXING THE HELL OUT OF THEM AND HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR COVERING FOR OUR GOVERNMENTS FINANCIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY?!?!

So someone can be anything they want to be in this country, except wealthy, because if they do that, they are evil and must forfeit half of their wealth to a government that has shown repeatedly that it is incapable of spending money responsibly.

So give them more money, straight from the pockets of those mean, mean billionaires. Makes sense.:rolleyes:
No you are stupid! A special kind of stupid. :)

I don't know you well enough to decide whether you're joking or not. Calling me stupid with a smiley face would be a good joke based on what I posted but adding "a special kind of stupid" with a smiling face makes me think you're not joking. Please advise.
Throwing around the word Billionaire like it's a crime to be one?

We love to praise our country and ourselves for some wonderful way of life, the Land of Opportunity, right? Where hard work is rewarded, creativity is applauded, and someone can be anything they wanna be, right?

And then when someone DARES to become wealthy because of working harder and longer than most of society, takes risks that most people won't, puts their life and their savings on the line, and dares to become -- GASP -- a BILLIONAIRE -- well then, damn them, let's hate them and attempt to take them down as much as possible by TAXING THE HELL OUT OF THEM AND HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR COVERING FOR OUR GOVERNMENTS FINANCIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY?!?!

So someone can be anything they want to be in this country, except wealthy, because if they do that, they are evil and must forfeit half of their wealth to a government that has shown repeatedly that it is incapable of spending money responsibly.

So give them more money, straight from the pockets of those mean, mean billionaires. Makes sense.:rolleyes:

Last time I heard, the communists and socialists didn't have a problem with Soros. Interesting how they pick and choose who the "evil" rich people are.