Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

it's a crime to be one?
When the most wealthy, the 1% have a lions share of the wealth and toose a few peanuts to the working class, I would say there is something wrong.

Tell me. Do you believe Trump didn't need to pay federal income tax for 18 yrs? Wake up dude. Don't be a chump.
When the most wealthy, the 1% have a lions share of the wealth and toose a few peanuts to the working class, I would say there is something wrong.

Tell me. Do you believe Trump didn't need to pay federal income tax for 18 yrs? Wake up dude. Don't be a chump.

Do you think, by mere coincidence only of course, that there's some people and corporations funding the dems or holding political office that take advantage of the tax laws too? Or is it just the people that disagree with you that are the problem?
Anyone remember the "bird flu"
This is the comparison you want to make. All 17 intel servies say Russia hacked the dnc to hurt the democrats. You go on believing the shit that comes from the Republicans. I'm not going to change anyone here, but so far Trump is doing what many feared Trump would do.
corporations funding the dems or holding political office that take advantage of the tax laws too?
It's the system. Sanders wanted to change it. Trump said he would and has mislead many of the people who voted for him. Live and learn.
Check out his bankruptcies. He doesn't get to do that as President. He is a good businessman going bankrupt 4 times? He fucked the contractors and paid them pennies on the dollar. Our creditors will not go for that.

Hilarious.... "pennies on the dollar" - kind of like what we got for the $10 TRILLION in new debt that Obama blew on God knows what. Even one penny per dollar would be more than what that produced.

The economy has improved more under Trump before he's even sworn in than during the 8 year "rein" of the Princeling, may he soon be relegated to the history books.

Liberals have no memory, or is it simply no brains?

BTW, what do you know of bankruptcy law? Sometimes it's the only viable option - take a look at FedEx, they went bankrupt twice, almost three times even, and the rest is history. Go back to lifting iron Paul, that's more your skill set.
Paul, your name calling and anger issues with anyone stating opinions that you disagree with is a very, very bad look for you, man.

Believe it or not, you and I and @insertnamehere and anyone else here can have differing points of view and STILL get along and treat each other in a respectful manner. It is possible.

Insertname and myself have refrained from calling you names, despite your intolerance and personal attacks. We have simply stated our opinions. Apparently, you lack the emotional stability to process our thoughts and reply in a mature and intellectual manner. Either you lack that ability, or you are just choosing not to utilize it.
When the most wealthy, the 1% have a lions share of the wealth and toose a few peanuts to the working class, I would say there is something wrong.

Tell me. Do you believe Trump didn't need to pay federal income tax for 18 yrs? Wake up dude. Don't be a chump.

The Top 3% pay over half of all income taxes - which in turn is about half of all gov't revenues.

"In 2014, people with adjusted gross income, or AGI, above $250,000 paid just over half (51.6%) of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed."

So this is not enough for you? You want the Top 3% to pay how much exactly?
Hilarious.... "pennies on the dollar" - kind of like what we got for the $10 TRILLION in new debt that Obama blew on God knows what. Even one penny per dollar would be more than what that produced.
So tell me genius what happens if we default on the national debt. Now that Trump is pres, and that is your fault not mine, he can't use the same tactics he has used in the past.
The Top 3% pay over half of all income taxes -
They have all the money too. Are you one of them? I don't think so. I'm not going to educate you. Blissful ignorance is what you want, I'd rather not go along for the ride, but we are all in this together.
It's the system. Sanders wanted to change it. Trump said he would and has mislead many of the people who voted for him. Live and learn.

Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet FFS, get a clue.

Bernie even departed from the Dems as soon as he could, what do you think that says about his ability to work with politicians?

Had Bernie been elected, heaven forbid, he would have become another "rule by executive pen" failure like the current Princeling who hasn't done jack with Congress, not even during his first 2 years when Dems controlled it. Total train-wreck that guy. Let's hope Trump undoes all his executive orders Day 1.
So tell me genius what happens if we default on the national debt. Now that Trump is pres, and that is your fault not mine, he can't use the same tactics he has used in the past.

I love it! The guys not even in office yet, and you're already holding him responsible for the $19.5 TRILLION debt.

And you do realize how this works, right Paul? They don't LITERALLY hand Donald Trump a blank check book, and say "We need you to spend the rest of the week catching up on repaying our national debt however you personally best see fit".
So tell me genius what happens if we default on the national debt. Now that Trump is pres, and that is your fault not mine, he can't use the same tactics he has used in the past.

You really can't think straight - so Obama blows cash like it's going out of style, then Trump gets elected and now all the blame for the massive debt goes to Trump?

Funny, in your world it went straight from blaming W for everything, to blaming Trump, even before he's in office. I agree that Obama is a big '0' - but you're reducing him to non-existence.
They have all the money too. Are you one of them? I don't think so. I'm not going to educate you. Blissful ignorance is what you want, I'd rather not go along for the ride, but we are all in this together.

What if I AM one of them? What if I DO make more than $250k annually? Would that nullify my opinion or make my opinion less relevant?
Paul, your name calling and anger issues with anyone stating opinions that you disagree with is a very, very bad look for you, man.
Paul, your name calling and anger issues with anyone stating opinions that you disagree with is a very, very bad look for you, man.

Believe it or not, you and I and @insertnamehere and anyone else here can have differing points of view and STILL get along and treat each other in a respectful manner. It is possible.

Insertname and myself have refrained from calling you names, despite your intolerance and personal attacks. We have simply stated our opinions. Apparently, you lack the emotional stability to process our thoughts and reply in a mature and intellectual manner. Either you lack that ability, or you are just choosing not to utilize it.

This is politics. It's ugly. I'm stating my opinion as well. :) I still think you are a valuable member. We just don't share the same political affiliation. Peaceful transfer of power is what is important.

Lighten up.
What if I AM one of them? What if I DO make more than $250k annually? Would that nullify my opinion or make my opinion less relevant?
Good for you, but that is peanuts. That isn't the 1%. The system isn't rigged in your favor. You on the other hand are probably paying much more of you income in taxes. Trump payed zero for 18 years. That is why we will never see his returns.
This is funny. Liberals told us Obama was the best president ever before he even made it a year now trump is the worst president ever and he hasn't even been sworn in. Facts don't matter... just emotion.