Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

They have all the money too. Are you one of them? I don't think so. I'm not going to educate you. Blissful ignorance is what you want, I'd rather not go along for the ride, but we are all in this together.

Educate me.... you're truly funny Paul.

Look at the graph below, the 63% of the country with an AGI below $50K contribute less than 6% of tax receipts. Might as well make incomes below $50K totally tax free - set the baseline deduction to $50K and be done with it. This would exacerbate the already lopsided taxation situation and actually poses a problem for democratic rule - when the majority realizes they can vote to fleece the minority, that's not a good situation.

The Top 4.2% pull 57.5% of the load - and you're still not satisfied? Envy without limits....


BTW, yeah, I have heard that ignorance is bliss, can you describe what that feels like?
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This is politics. It's ugly. I'm stating my opinion as well. :) I still think you are a valuable member. We just don't share the same political affiliation. Peaceful transfer of power is what is important.

Lighten up.

This is not about my level of sensitivity over your name calling. This is about your inability to communicate in a mature manner when having a discussion over something we see differently.

Ironic that you are telling me to lighten up when you are getting angry and calling people names because you don't agree with them. Take your own advice, man.
This is funny. Liberals told us Obama was the best president ever before he even made it a year now trump is the worst president ever and he hasn't even been sworn in. Facts don't matter... just emotion.
You simply can't have a discussion with liberal progressives. They bring their emotions and feelings instead of facts. If pushed for a stance with any facts or reasons they will then resort to "I don't have time to educate you" Soon after the name calling begins along with petty insults. Then comes the hysteria of future events that have yet to happen but have already been presented as absolute fact. You simply can't have a mature conversation with anyone who follows that playbook. It's best to just ignore the thread with it's various meme and twitter postings.
his is not about my level of sensitivity over your name calling.
You have been here awhile. You know this isn't my name calling. It's just a roll up your sleeves political disagreement. Lets not get too sensitive okay.
You have been here awhile. You know this isn't my name calling. It's just a roll up your sleeves political disagreement. Lets not get too sensitive okay.

Says the guy who BY FAR gets the most sensitive in this thread.

I'll say it again - I'm not being sensitive, I just prefer to have mature discussions sans the name calling. I don't know how much more clear I can be than that.
You simply can't have a discussion with liberal progressives.
Or the ultra right. You believe what you choose and I will believe what I do. See you on the steroid board. That is where the heavy lifting is done. That is what give Mesox value. Agreed?

I'm not going to argue with republicans anymore today. Maybe some day the clay will fall from your eyes and figure out you have been snowed by a second rate con artist. Yes I will remind you. :)
I'm funny and you are a special kind of stupid. I can live with that.

Clinically funny, indeed. You're touched alright.

Totally ignoring any kind of factual debate too.

No arguments refuted or responded to, just childish quips.

As others put it, it's hopeless to "debate" liberals, a pointless exercise.
Says the guy who BY FAR gets the most sensitive in this thread.
I'm not being sensitive. I'm not being nearly as crude and disrespectful as president elect Trump. I'm enjoying our conversation. Don't take any of this personal.
Says the guy who BY FAR gets the most sensitive in this thread.

I'll say it again - I'm not being sensitive, I just prefer to have mature discussions sans the name calling. I don't know how much more clear I can be than that.
Trump lost me when he disrespected John Mccain saying he was not a hero because he was captured. At that point I would rather kick that cunt's fucking teeth out and fist fuck his ass.

That truly pissed me off, and I can't understand how any man could justify a cunt speaking that way about a true American hero, even though he is a republican.
How many of you believe Trump was correct about Mccain? and if not, why in the fuck would you vote for him? Doesn't that show you who he is?
Trump lost me when he disrespected John Mccain saying he was not a hero because he was captured. At that point I would rather kick that cunt's fucking teeth out and fist fuck his ass.

That truly pissed me off, and I can't understand how any man could justify a cunt speaking that way about a true American hero, even though he is a republican.

I've already stated that I consider myself neither Democrat nor Republican. I may not pro-Trump, I am just in favor of a set of ideals and beliefs that align themselves with some of the Republicans ideas.

Believe me, I find those comments appalling as well. Ignorant. Disrespectful of a former POW. No logical justification for that in my book, either.
They have all the money too. Are you one of them? I don't think so. I'm not going to educate you. Blissful ignorance is what you want, I'd rather not go along for the ride, but we are all in this together.

You say that as if it was just given. Do you think that everyone that makes 250k+ per year was just magically bestowed this income or do you think intelligence, hard work, risk, and even some luck had something to do with it?
People can't pay tax if they don't make money. Good to see someone is looking out for the uber rich. Nice work.

True - no job, no reportable income, no income taxes. So, why don't these people that "don't make money" find jobs then? Don't they want to contribute to the greater good of government? Are there incentives not to find work? Is there no jobs available? Curious what your thoughts are on this.
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This is politics. It's ugly. I'm stating my opinion as well. :) I still think you are a valuable member. We just don't share the same political affiliation. Peaceful transfer of power is what is important.

Lighten up.
Another uneducated statement. A peaceful transfer of power is the opposite of what Obama and the DNC are creating. Obama has been working like crazy creating more legislature in the past few months than he did the past 4 years specifically to try to tie Trumps hands together so he won't be able to overturn Obamas failed policies. The DNC are upset their candidate didn't win and their response? Read the headlines and tell me they are trying to keep things peaceful. They've created as much controversy as they possibly can while trying to make Trump out to be in cahoots with Russia. They've painted Russia "the enemy" and you ate that up too. Wake up. Your strings are being pulled and your emotions show that the DNC's plans have worked to some degree. The rest of us see the bullshit and call it as such.
Trump lost me when he disrespected John Mccain saying he was not a hero because he was captured.

Really? I think it was a horrible thing to say too and I have nothing but respect for our service men and women but seriously, this was the defining moment for you? Based on your posts, I thought you just disliked him because he's rich and ran as a republican?