Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I will explain why I voted for Trump.

I will not be recognizing the hundreds of made up fairy tale genders the left has embraced. I did not want to spend 4-8 more years watching mass refugee immigration and watch this country transform to what Germany,France,Sweden and others in Europe have become. I did not want Democrats welcoming in a deluge of immigrants to strengthen their voter pool while the citizens foot the financial bill. I was tired of being told I was the problem as a straight white man and that I'm privileged,racist,sexist,islamaphobic,homophobic ect.

I'm tired of diversity and multiculturalism being forced down my throat. Not all cultures are equal and some are just better than others. Diversity is not anyone's strength, having shared values and morals is strength. It's more important to me that I surround myself with people and a community that shares my core values and decency. What difference does the gender or the color of a person's skin make if we don't share basic morals or values? My group of friends isn't "stronger" if it's more diversified. What makes it strong is the people not the gender,race, or sexual preference.

Trump was not embraced by either side and that is a reason I voted for him. I don't think Trump says the right thing all the time and he does say things at times that probably shouldn't be said but he is not a life long political robot reading off a script. I took the chance with the guy that neither side wanted to win and tried everything to thwart it but he still won. I decided to make my own choice and not be told by elites and celebrities who I should vote for because they apparently know what's best for me. Yeah I'm looking at you Beyonce and others ;).

Rooting for Trump to fail is rooting for your own country to fail so think about that for a minute. I thought Obama was a mistake but I didn't root for my country to fail. That is what I see going on with the people who voted against him. I don't regret my vote and I will gladly be called whatever word people want to throw my way. Racist,sexist,homophobic or any other label people want to place on me I will gladly wear that title because it means nothing to me. I hope Trump brings much needed change and puts the United States first before the interests of others. I have hope that he will which is more than the zero I would of had if the status quo of the liberal left continued. No more political discussion for me for awhile as I'm worn out.
I will explain why I voted for Trump.

I will not be recognizing the hundreds of made up fairy tale genders the left has embraced. I did not want to spend 4-8 more years watching mass refugee immigration and watch this country transform to what Germany,France,Sweden and others in Europe have become. I did not want Democrats welcoming in a deluge of immigrants to strengthen their voter pool while the citizens foot the financial bill. I was tired of being told I was the problem as a straight white man and that I'm privileged,racist,sexist,islamaphobic,homophobic ect.

I'm tired of diversity and multiculturalism being forced down my throat. Not all cultures are equal and some are just better than others. Diversity is not anyone's strength, having shared values and morals is strength. It's more important to me that I surround myself with people and a community that shares my core values and decency. What difference does the gender or the color of a person's skin make if we don't share basic morals or values? My group of friends isn't "stronger" if it's more diversified. What makes it strong is the people not the gender,race, or sexual preference.

Trump was not embraced by either side and that is a reason I voted for him. I don't think Trump says the right thing all the time and he does say things at times that probably shouldn't be said but he is not a life long political robot reading off a script. I took the chance with the guy that neither side wanted to win and tried everything to thwart it but he still won. I decided to make my own choice and not be told by elites and celebrities who I should vote for because they apparently know what's best for me. Yeah I'm looking at you Beyonce and others ;).

Rooting for Trump to fail is rooting for your own country to fail so think about that for a minute. I thought Obama was a mistake but I didn't root for my country to fail. That is what I see going on with the people who voted against him. I don't regret my vote and I will gladly be called whatever word people want to throw my way. Racist,sexist,homophobic or any other label people want to place on me I will gladly wear that title because it means nothing to me. I hope Trump brings much needed change and puts the United States first before the interests of others. I have hope that he will which is more than the zero I would of had if the status quo of the liberal left continued. No more political discussion for me for awhile as I'm worn out.

well said brother. Were going to MAGA, and abolish this pc/sjw bs culture.
Or the ultra right. You believe what you choose and I will believe what I do. See you on the steroid board. That is where the heavy lifting is done. That is what give Mesox value. Agreed?

I'm not going to argue with republicans anymore today. Maybe some day the clay will fall from your eyes and figure out you have been snowed by a second rate con artist. Yes I will remind you. :)

Con artist? Weren't you a Bernie Sanders supporter? Paul, show me one country where socialism works. In Venezuela there are shitloads of people eating out of garbage cans in broad daylight. The only people who fall for Sanders should be hipsters, and young college students.
Con artist? Weren't you a Bernie Sanders supporter? Paul, show me one country where socialism works. In Venezuela there are shitloads of people eating out of garbage cans in broad daylight. The only people who fall for Sanders should be hipsters, and young college students.

For real? You obviously need to go back to school bub. Venezuala is a dictatorship. Same as cuba and alot of those other latin countries. I love guys like you that dont know the difference.
Guess what? Communism isnt the same thing as well. Its the whole "ism" that confuses you isnt it?

Canada, england, denmark and most of the scandinavian countries are socialist or have alot of socialist programs. They are failed countries right? Lol.
The Scandinavian countries are semi socialist, get it right "bro". Canada and England are not. A socialist country usually does have a dictator/despot because an educated populace would reject it, duh! No need for me to go back to school. You, on the other hand.
Socialism could never work in America. Too many that depend on welfare and too much political corruption and greed.
First off, not your bro. Second, Your seriously going to dispute that Canada, England, Denmark, and the scandanavian countries arent the most socialistic countries we have in the world?

You sir are a perfect example of a failed education system. That or you were the kid eating paint chips in the corner. Either way, you sound foolish. Keep it up:) happy new year!
@CndGuy could you send me a pm.. We talked a while back but your page is private now. I need some advice . Thanks

This has no bearing whatsoever. All rich people's (including the clintons) are invested in an array of corporations and such. On that note, we know hillary was selling benefits to private citizens and foreign countries for access to government privileges. She should be in prison.
First off, not your bro. Second, Your seriously going to dispute that Canada, England, Denmark, and the scandanavian countries arent the most socialistic countries we have in the world?

You sir are a perfect example of a failed education system. That or you were the kid eating paint chips in the corner. Either way, you sound foolish. Keep it up:) happy new year!
They are not, I repeat not pure socialist! You're backpedaling and now saying "most socialistc" what a crock! By the way, it's "you're seriously" not "your seriously". Repeat after me, you're seriously=you are seriously. "Your" is possessive as in" your education is lacking not mine" get it? What's next, are you going to threaten to beat me up after calling me names?
It seems that nothing brings the bitch out of a guy like bitching about politics.

Always seems to go sideways with name calling, grammar lessons, demeaning memes, etc.

About all that's missing is putting our fingers in our ears and loudly saying "la la la la la la la can't hear what you're saying la la la la la la".
It seems that nothing brings the bitch out of a guy like bitching about politics.

Always seems to go sideways with name calling, grammar lessons, demeaning memes, etc.

About all that's missing is putting our fingers in our ears and loudly saying "la la la la la la la can't hear what you're saying la la la la la la".
Politics and Religeon. I should've learned my lesson by now and just keep my thoughts to myself. Never ends well
The only people who fall for Sanders should be hipsters, and young college students.
Just using the last 2 republican nominees as examples. Trump most likely paid no federal income tax for 18 years and Romney paid 13%. Most taxpayers pay 28%. Is asking the most wealthy to pay the same socialism or is it fair?

Socialism is a word that the right using to frighten Americans because it has a negative connotation. The same can be said of redistribution of wealth. The wealthy in this country pay a much smaller portion of their income in taxes than do the middle and upper middle class.

Trickle down economics has only made the most wealthy more so and the middle class is being squeezed.