Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Settle down, you might just be Anne Coulter too.

I think there are different kinds of "Wrong". Radical anything isn't typically a wise philosophy... Even radical transparency.
True. Such as outlets like fox and CNN. Although, I was doing a small bit of research on the guy a while back and he seems to target everybody. Including Russia. He's targeted conservative groups as well as liberal. Yet, he does seem to have a thing with hillary, but look at the dirt he dug up on them. The Democrats damn near handed him a golden goose egg.
True. Such as outlets like fox and CNN. Although, I was doing a small bit of research on the guy a while back and he seems to target everybody. Including Russia. He's targeted conservative groups as well as liberal. Yet, he does seem to have a thing with hillary, but look at the dirt he dug up on them. The Democrats damn near handed him a golden goose egg.

Julian Assange has been hacking governments since he was a teenager! Doesn't seem to be too concerned about making enemies. It's odd he hasn't "fallen" out of a plane already.

I wonder if he would have actually published anything on Trump if he had gotten it?
Settle down, you might just be Anne Coulter too.

Wouldn't want her as president either.

I wonder if he would have actually published anything on Trump if he had gotten it?

Odds are we will learn the answer to that shortly after Jan. 20th, certainly within the next 4 years. I doubt he had anything before the election, though. The anti-Trump media was already active publishing anything they could dig up, real or fabricated, and were supposedly willing to pay their sources.
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I'm burning the candle at both ends this week, a little more than usual anyway. Trying to keep up with news events and cranking out the cartoons. (And teaching a political cartooning seminar to high school kids for a few days.)

The script for this animation had a few last-minute changes thanks to the House Republicans trying to gut the ethics office. Thanks to Stephanie Riggio for putting up with some after-the-fact voice changes! Enjoy the cartoon, and depending on your reward level, keep your eyes peeled for some new and updated posters and prints!

While everyone has been focusing on President-elect Trump’s tweets, Republicans in Congress are beginning to implement their extremist vision. Sure, an upstart group of House Republicans backed down on gutting the ethics office, but there is plenty more to come. (Claiming mandate, GOP Congress lays plans to propel sweeping conservative agenda)

It’s important to remember that the success of Donald Trump didn’t come out of thin air.

The Congressional Republican agenda (and the party as a whole) has been getting more extreme every year. Now that they’ve got someone in the White House who will sign their right wing plans into law, a lot is about to change.

In some ways, Donald Trump is looking less like a strongman and more like a nutty guy who will rubber stamp a far right policy prescription that has been waiting for him all along. Republican Congress poised to roll back Obama era

The new breed of Republicans has finally found their president “with enough working digits to handle a pen.” (Claiming mandate, GOP Congress lays plans to propel sweeping conservative agenda)

Enjoy the cartoon, and keep your eyes peeled for the actual policies, not just the latest Trump dustup.

Thanks, as always, for your support it helps make these cartoons possible! De-Obamafication | Mark Fiore on Patreon


"The CIA is not an intelligence agency and never has been. In truth, it is essentially "the covert action arm of the president and his foriegn policy advisors.....It shapes it support presidential policy. "Disinformation is a large part of it's covert action responsibility, and the american people are the primary target of it's lies."

Ralph W. McGehee
"Deadly Deceits: My 25 years in the CIA"


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