Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You can't make this stuff up.. Maybe the Russians are manipulating the vote. After all, Americans know how trustworthy their intelligence agencies are.

John Harwood Asks "Who Do You Believe America?" - Gets Surprising Answer

by Tyler Durden
Jan 6, 2017 8:50 AM

CNBC Political reporter, friend of Hillary, and Democratic Party sycophant John Harwood took to Twitter last night to ask:

"Who do you believe America? Wikileaks, or US Intel Officials?"

The response is yet another slap in the face for the establishment's perspective on how the world should really run...


And that Mr. Harwood is why Donald Trump is about to become President! When will you and your ilk wake up to this?

As Trump tweeted earlier in the week: "It is for the American people to make up their minds as to the truth."
During Obamas Administration our electrical grid, NASA, dept of energy, IRS, Oceanic and Atmospheric admin, Dept of interior, White House and many other government agencies have been hacked and they did NOTHING to improve our cyber security even after the Chinese hacked over 20 million files. Fast forward to now. Their candidate loses an election and they blame it on hacking. Seriously?!? They had every opportunity to take action to protect us from cyber attacks but did absolutely nothing until it affected their agenda and their candidate and it's an issue now?

It's been an issue throughout Obamas entire administration but did you see any headlines about it? Nope. Julian Assange has made this weakness apparent for all to see and has been kicking the DNC's ass. He's brought to light the epic failures of Obamas government. Trump is creating an anti cyber terrorist group to combat this major issue to our national security. That's taking action. Maybe Obama should be taking notes
During Obamas Administration our electrical grid, NASA, dept of energy, IRS, Oceanic and Atmospheric admin, Dept of interior, White House and many other government agencies have been hacked and they did NOTHING to improve our cyber security even after the Chinese hacked over 20 million files. Fast forward to now. Their candidate loses an election and they blame it on hacking. Seriously?!? They had every opportunity to take action to protect us from cyber attacks but did absolutely nothing until it affected their agenda and their candidate and it's an issue now?

It's been an issue throughout Obamas entire administration but did you see any headlines about it? Nope. Julian Assange has made this weakness apparent for all to see and has been kicking the DNC's ass. He's brought to light the epic failures of Obamas government. Trump is creating an anti cyber terrorist group to combat this major issue to our national security. That's taking action. Maybe Obama should be taking notes

Of course, Podesta's password was literally "password" while using a public email provider that considers scanning everyone's messages a "feature". This kind of thing happens at all levels in every organization concerned with security. And the more rules security departments impose, the harder other employees will work to get around those inconvenient restrictions. I seriously doubt Wikileaks' sources will dry up due to "improved" cyber security, nor will Russia or the NSA ever want for juicy reading material.
Of course, Podesta's password was literally "password"


while using a public email provider that considers scanning everyone's messages a "feature".

Wasn't he using Gmail?


It wont let me use password as my password.... :(

I kinda like Julian Assange in a way... But I wouldn't trust him any further than I can throw him especially in regard to Hillary Clinton.
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Wasn't he using Gmail?

View attachment 56933

It wont let me use password as my password.... :(

I kinda like Julian Assange in a way... But I wouldn't trust him any further than I can throw him especially in regard to Hillary Clinton.

You are partly correct. I should have been more clear. Podesta's password was sent in clear text via email, and Wikileaks posted that email.

This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key
2 things To: Date: 2015-02-19 00:35

Subject: 2 things

Though CAP is still having issues with my email and computer, yours is good to go.


I warn you, the Windows 8 system is VERY different from what we had back at the WH. Might require a tutorial. It's an operating system that is best with touch screens, which we obviously don't have. If you need tech's help, they're at x5683. Otherwise, I can show you some tricks when I get in. I have it on my home computer, and it took a while to get used to completely. Second thing, because of the snow day, my makeup passport appt is tomorrow at 8 am nearby State. No clue how long this takes. If you haven't seen it, earlier I sent you your schedule in an attachment. First thing is Roger Altman at 10:45 am. I'll have my phone the whole time and will check email often.
During Obamas Administration our electrical grid, NASA, dept of energy, IRS, Oceanic and Atmospheric admin, Dept of interior, White House and many other government agencies have been hacked and they did NOTHING to improve our cyber security even after the Chinese hacked over 20 million files. Fast forward to now. Their candidate loses an election and they blame it on hacking. Seriously?!? They had every opportunity to take action to protect us from cyber attacks but did absolutely nothing until it affected their agenda and their candidate and it's an issue now?

It's been an issue throughout Obamas entire administration but did you see any headlines about it? Nope. Julian Assange has made this weakness apparent for all to see and has been kicking the DNC's ass. He's brought to light the epic failures of Obamas government. Trump is creating an anti cyber terrorist group to combat this major issue to our national security. That's taking action. Maybe Obama should be taking notes

you're hilarious dude. Trumps going to create a cyber task force and it's going to be better than all the might and force of the DOJ? Okey dokey. Lol.

Whenever I hear trump talk about how he knows more about war than the generals or how he is building a wall and fixing immigration or how his investigators are uncovering very interesting truths about Obamas real birthplace, or how he's going to create a cyber anti-terrorism using unit that's going to be better than anything before.... I wonder who actually believes the shit that this man says?

I guess you do?
You are partly correct. I should have been more clear. Podesta's password was sent in clear text via email, and Wikileaks posted that email.

This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key
2 things To: Date: 2015-02-19 00:35

Subject: 2 things

Though CAP is still having issues with my email and computer, yours is good to go.


I warn you, the Windows 8 system is VERY different from what we had back at the WH. Might require a tutorial. It's an operating system that is best with touch screens, which we obviously don't have. If you need tech's help, they're at x5683. Otherwise, I can show you some tricks when I get in. I have it on my home computer, and it took a while to get used to completely. Second thing, because of the snow day, my makeup passport appt is tomorrow at 8 am nearby State. No clue how long this takes. If you haven't seen it, earlier I sent you your schedule in an attachment. First thing is Roger Altman at 10:45 am. I'll have my phone the whole time and will check email often.

I understand. He had another email with another password too. This email is sent to him from someone else in regards to the windows 8 login, not his email.

From my understanding, he has yet to get anything wrong.

Perhaps not? I like parts about what Julian Assange stands for.

But, I also know that Julian Assange was no big Hillary fan... Hell, flenser might actually be Julian Assange, he hated Hillary THAT much. The last thing in the world that Julian Assange wanted to happen was Hillary Clinton becoming president.

Now, with that in mind, I don't know if I'm going to take ALL my news from him. I'll gladly listen to his side of things though. I don't take all my info from Anne Coulter either.
you're hilarious dude. Trumps going to create a cyber task force and it's going to be better than all the might and force of the DOJ? Okey dokey. Lol.

Whenever I hear trump talk about how he knows more about war than the generals or how he is building a wall and fixing immigration or how his investigators are uncovering very interesting truths about Obamas real birthplace, or how he's going to create a cyber anti-terrorism using unit that's going to be better than anything before.... I wonder who actually believes the shit that this man says?

I guess you do?
You think the previous hacks that took place long before this election are hilarious? I think it's sad that the DNC had no problem with it whatsoever until their electoral results were affected. Do I believe everything Trump says? No, but at least he's recognizing problem areas instead of blatantly ignoring them. I listen to Sean Hannity and few others who've proven their reputations can be trusted. My point wasn't about Trumps alleged cyber reaction but more about the facts I posted before my last statements. Selective reader I guess?
I understand. He had another email with another password too. This email is sent to him from someone else in regards to the windows 8 login, not his email.

Perhaps not? I like parts about what Julian Assange stands for.

But, I also know that Julian Assange was no big Hillary fan... Hell, flenser might actually be Julian Assange, he hated Hillary THAT much. The last thing in the world that Julian Assange wanted to happen was Hillary Clinton becoming president.

Now, with that in mind, I don't know if I'm going to take ALL my news from him. I'll gladly listen to his side of things though. I don't take all my info from Anne Coulter either.
Yeah, but hillary is no Assange fan as well. Of course he's gonna try to oust the person that wants to see him sky dive out of a helicopter with no chute. Doesn't mean his message is wrong, though. I actually believe Assange has quite a bit of integrity. And everyone is an Assange fan until they're not.
Julian Assange has proven his sources and credibility are rock solid. When he takes action, governments listen and often times go "Ah shit!" Whether or not you like or dislike him is irrelevant. What is relevant are the corruption and tactics being used by our government and others that he continues to reveal
It's that obvious, huh? Actually, I feared Hillary that much, or her handlers. Still do.

Settle down, you might just be Anne Coulter too.

Doesn't mean his message is wrong, though. I actually believe Assange has quite a bit of integrity.

I think there are different kinds of "Wrong". Radical anything isn't typically a wise philosophy... Even radical transparency.


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