Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You're not particularly well read, are you? Sad.

That was a reference to Jonathan Swift.

If you didn't even get past that low hurdle, no point in going further.
Sir you have no clue how to prove your point. It's not @Eman it's you slept through high school and didn't learn what is critical thinking and good rebuttal. Enjoy your little bubble. It's always sunny in .........
you fill it in sir :)
Historical? Pshaw - now THIS is historical.
View attachment 58832
Not much correlation to be seen there.

This is much more interesting:

View attachment 58835

The correlation between global population and global CO2

My modest proposal is to start killing people - if we take out about 3-4 billion that should really make a dent in the CO2 level.
It would have been interesting if I didn't see it before but this is a terrible study to support your argument. The first graph came from a paper by Pat Moore a consultant for the mining and logging industries not to mention a connection to Exxon through the Frontier center.

Again what do you gain by refuting climate change? Even if you are not convinced despite all the research what would you lose from having better air, water and environment in general?

His cabinet appointees walk away from him when they are asked about some of his prior statements. Trump still feels torture will work even after his chat with Gen. Mattis. His CIA pick said under no conditions would he use torture even if Spray tan man asked him to. Trump may end up in the Hague on trial for war crimes.
NASA launches unofficial Twitter account in defiance of Donald Trump
NASA launches unofficial Twitter account in defiance of Donald Trump

You can count NASA as the third federal agency in the past twenty-four hours to defy Donald Trump by launching unofficial non-government Twitter accounts which Trump can’t control or sensor. First it was the National Park Service, which went rogue on Twitter after Trump forced deletions of factual tweets he didn’t like. Then the EPA went rogue earlier today. And now NASA has launched its own rogue Twitter account in order to make sure its truths are heard against Trump’s will.

The rogue Twitter account in question, which is literally called @RogueNASA, has only existed for five hours and has already gained a significant popular following. It started off by tweeting “We cannot allow Mr. Trump to silence the scientific community. We need peer-reviewed, evidence-based research MORE THAN EVER now,” while adding “How sad is it that government employees have to create rogue Twitter accounts just to communicate FACTS to the American public?” The account has since been tweeting the kinds of scientific facts and climate change data which Trump is most likely to want censored — and there’s not a thing he can do about it.
Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript.
Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript.

In the interview with ABC's David Muir, the narcissist-in-chief couldn't stop obsessively returning to the topic of his perceived grudges over inauguration crowd size, his vote count in the election, even his appearance at CIA last week, roundly criticized by those at the agency. Trump didn't get the memo.

Here's what Trump says about the bungled CIA meet-and-greet:

"That speech was a home run. That speech, if you look at Fox, OK, I’ll mention you — we see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and — and they were all CIA. There was — somebody was asking Sean — “Well, were they Trump people that were put–” we don’t have Trump people. They were CIA people … People loved it. They loved it. They gave me a standing ovation for a long period of time. They never even sat down, most of them, during the speech. There was love in the room. You and other networks covered it very inaccurately. I hate to say this to you and you probably won’t put it on but turn on Fox and see how it was covered. And see how people respond to that speech."
Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript.
Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript.

In the interview with ABC's David Muir, the narcissist-in-chief couldn't stop obsessively returning to the topic of his perceived grudges over inauguration crowd size, his vote count in the election, even his appearance at CIA last week, roundly criticized by those at the agency. Trump didn't get the memo.

Here's what Trump says about the bungled CIA meet-and-greet:

"That speech was a home run. That speech, if you look at Fox, OK, I’ll mention you — we see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and — and they were all CIA. There was — somebody was asking Sean — “Well, were they Trump people that were put–” we don’t have Trump people. They were CIA people … People loved it. They loved it. They gave me a standing ovation for a long period of time. They never even sat down, most of them, during the speech. There was love in the room. You and other networks covered it very inaccurately. I hate to say this to you and you probably won’t put it on but turn on Fox and see how it was covered. And see how people respond to that speech."

So in 2017 we reach a mortifying moment for a great democracy: We must decide whether our 45th president is a liar or a crackpot.

Yet the costliest presidential falsehoods and delusions are not the ones that people are talking about, such as those concerning the inauguration crowd or electoral fraud. The most horrific chicanery involves Trump’s new actions on women’s health that will cause deaths around the globe.

It followed the weekend’s stunning women’s marches: At least 3.2 million people apparently participated in all 50 states, amounting to 1 percent of the U.S. population. In a slap at all who marched, Trump this week signed an order that will cut off access to contraception to vast numbers of women, particularly in Africa.

It will also curb access to cancer screenings and maybe even undermine vaccination campaigns and efforts against H.I.V. and the Zika virus. The upshot: Thousands of impoverished, vulnerable women will die.
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