Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

After reading all points of view here, I came to conclusion, some will not participate in the discussion for good of this country. This is not an NFL game !!!
You are not a part of a franchise. You are not living in a shithole like some suggests. This is our country. You can't live without the opposing ideology I promise you.If you don't believe me ask Chinese how they like the one party system for most part of this century. Imagine Trump as a Black president with the same type of prejudice for the rest of the country that didn't vote for him. Imagine Trump as conservative Jewish leader with the same over reach he is trying. Imagine white Americans were a minority in the next election and an Hispanic leader won. do you want what proposed by this administration to be the land of the law? if a leader of the free world wanted to put you in a registry for being a Christian and he himself is a Muslim, would that raise an eyebrow? After answering these questions, if you find yourself on the other end of this dilemma, will you still support suppression of all other dissent ? If so you are right Trump is your man and this will become a civil war!!!!
Definition of COMMISSAR

1a : a Communist party official assigned to a military unit to teach party principles and policies and to ensure party loyalty
b : one that attempts to control public opinion or its expression

2: the head of a government department in the U.S.S.R. until 1946

Have a read trigger. Then after that make your way to the nearest Starbucks so you can get your latte and discuss how unfair the Trump presidency is to you and your triggered latte friends.
Sick burn my guy. I'm gonna go out on limb here and guess you will revert back to catch phrases and trolling. I'll be waiting with bated breath. I find your use of emojis particularly compelling.
The Establishment is in denial – [Yanis Varoufakis] interviewed in (English text)
  • Why seem nationalist, racist, sexist outsiders to gain so much more ground these days compared to critics of the status quo coming from the left?
Go back to 1930. Now you have your answer!

Whenever a financial crisis leads to the fragmentation of capitalism’s monetary circuits and then the establishment forces the economic costs on the weakest of citizens, two things happen: xenophobia and the rise of authoritarianism. This translates into quasi-fascism, patriarchy and, ultimately, the celebration of misanthropy.

  • In Germany, a gap of ideas, the missing of a promising narrative were considered as constitutive for the “loss” of the fight over the interpretation of Euro crisis, debt, fiscal policy. True? How to fill it?
There was never a gap of ideas. What there was, just as in the 1930s, was a social democratic party too keen to ingratiate itself with the establishment and a deep division between good, decent people – between liberals, Marxists, feminists, greens etc. Whereas the bigots unite behind toxically simplistic stories, progressives tend to fight against one another and thus fall prey to the Nationalist International.
And helped along by the Treaty of Versailles.
Sick burn my guy. I'm gonna go out on limb here and guess you will revert back to catch phrases and trolling. I'll be waiting with bated breath. I find your use of emojis particularly compelling.
You're a little late to the party my guy.
It doesn't really take a scientist to have just a basic understanding of climate change. But, admittedly, you're uneducated on it... That's not a bad thing necessarily but, are you willing to take Trump's word for it that it's a complete hoax?

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Kind of does look cyclical... Right up until it doesn't.

Hottest year in record. Immense climb in CO2 readings over a relatively short time span. Do you have kids? Any concern about their well-being in 50 years?

Historical? Pshaw - now THIS is historical.
Not much correlation to be seen there.

This is much more interesting:


The correlation between global population and global CO2

My modest proposal is to start killing people - if we take out about 3-4 billion that should really make a dent in the CO2 level.


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After reading all points of view here, I came to conclusion, some will not participate in the discussion for good of this country. This is not an NFL game !!!
You are not a part of a franchise. You are not living in a shithole like some suggests. This is our country. You can't live without the opposing ideology I promise you.If you don't believe me ask Chinese how they like the one party system for most part of this century. Imagine Trump as a Black president with the same type of prejudice for the rest of the country that didn't vote for him. Imagine Trump as conservative Jewish leader with the same over reach he is trying. Imagine white Americans were a minority in the next election and an Hispanic leader won. do you want what proposed by this administration to be the land of the law? if a leader of the free world wanted to put you in a registry for being a Christian and he himself is a Muslim, would that raise an eyebrow? After answering these questions, if you find yourself on the other end of this dilemma, will you still support suppression of all other dissent ? If so you are right Trump is your man and this will become a civil war!!!!
Imagine an election where both candidates weren't ridiculously terrible...Imagine that Americans didnt have to choose between 2 candidates, neither of whom can relate to the struggles and adversities the people they're supposed to be representing face. Imagine all you like but it isn't going to get us anywhere. America was given a choice between bad and bad. How can you argue over which of these 2 they chose? It's irrelevant. We need to stop expecting government to magically make everything all better and take responsibility for our own actions, lives and happiness.
Technology has caught up with the one time keepers of the news. There hasn't been a "good" candidate for a very long time. It's just more obvious now. The Old Media has come up with all sorts of derogatory names and descriptions for their competitors, just like politicians do with their opponents. I'm slowly realizing that I care less about whether something is true than whether it serves the interests of the people controlling the pols and the media.
My modest proposal is to start killing people - if we take out about 3-4 billion that should really make a dent in the CO2 level.

It really doesn't surprise me that this is your big idea... If you yourself just spoke less we'd have drastically less CO2 emissions.

I don't know what you're trying to prove with your graph there... Unless you weren't trying to prove anything, which would make the most sense.
Imagine an election where both candidates weren't ridiculously terrible...Imagine that Americans didnt have to choose between 2 candidates, neither of whom can relate to the struggles and adversities the people they're supposed to be representing face. Imagine all you like but it isn't going to get us anywhere. America was given a choice between bad and bad. How can you argue over which of these 2 they chose? It's irrelevant. We need to stop expecting government to magically make everything all better and take responsibility for our own actions, lives and happiness.
To answer your question, my parents live in a police state(Turkey). Dems didn't try to suppress descent. He is marginalizing all minorities. So it's not the lesser of both evils. I have faith in constitution not the politicians or uninformed public. USA have never been under dictatorship, public has no president for this. This is the free world we are so proud of about to get a change in everything we stand for. Are you ready or willing to go along?
Technology has caught up with the one time keepers of the news. There hasn't been a "good" candidate for a very long time. It's just more obvious now. The Old Media has come up with all sorts of derogatory names and descriptions for their competitors, just like politicians do with their opponents. I'm slowly realizing that I care less about whether something is true than whether it serves the interests of the people controlling the pols and the media.
Than they won. The moment you stop seeking the truth it's over
Imagine an election where both candidates weren't ridiculously terrible...Imagine that Americans didnt have to choose between 2 candidates, neither of whom can relate to the struggles and adversities the people they're supposed to be representing face. Imagine all you like but it isn't going to get us anywhere. America was given a choice between bad and bad. How can you argue over which of these 2 they chose? It's irrelevant. We need to stop expecting government to magically make everything all better and take responsibility for our own actions, lives and happiness.
Just might be a little too late:(

Trump’s Voter Fraud Example? A Troubled Tale With Bernhard Langer

WASHINGTON — On Monday, President Trump gathered House and Senate leaders in the State Dining Room for a get-to-know-you reception, served them tiny meatballs and pigs-in-a-blanket, and quickly launched into a story meant to illustrate what he believes to be rampant, unchecked voter fraud.

Mr. Trump kicked off the meeting, participants said, by retelling his debunked claim that he would have won the popular vote if not for the three million to five million ballots cast by “illegals.” He followed it up with a Twitter post early Wednesday calling for a major investigation into voter fraud.

When one of the Democrats protested, Mr. Trump said he was told a story by “the very famous golfer, Bernhard Langer,” whom he described as a friend, according to three staff members who were in the room for the meeting.

In the emerging Trump era, the story was a memorable example, for the legislators and the country, of how an off-the-cuff yarn — unverifiable and of confusing origin — became a prime policy mover for a president whose fact-gathering owes more to the oral tradition than the written word.

The three witnesses recall the story this way: Mr. Langer, a 59-year-old native of Bavaria, Germany — a winner of the Masters twice and of more than 100 events on major professional golf tours around the world — was standing in line at a polling place near his home in Florida on Election Day, the president explained, when an official informed Mr. Langer he would not be able to vote.

Ahead of and behind Mr. Langer were voters who did not look as if they should be allowed to vote, Mr. Trump said, according to the staff members — but they were nonetheless permitted to cast provisional ballots. The president threw out the names of Latin American countries that the voters might have come from.

Mr. Langer, whom he described as a supporter, left feeling frustrated, he said.

The anecdote, the aides said, was greeted with silence, and Mr. Trump was prodded to change the subject by Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, and Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas.

Just one problem: Mr. Langer, who lives in Boca Raton, Fla., is a German citizen with permanent residence status in the United States who is, by law, barred from voting, according to Mr. Langer’s daughter Christina.
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Well, I'm having a blast as well. Trump is going at 100 mph and I'm loving how he has got the liberals in a frenzy. Outside the fact that the liberals are doing their best to destroy the country I'm liking what I am seeing. Meltdown 2017.
Good life is too short, enjoy it. :)
It really doesn't surprise me that this is your big idea... If you yourself just spoke less we'd have drastically less CO2 emissions.

I don't know what you're trying to prove with your graph there... Unless you weren't trying to prove anything, which would make the most sense.

You're not particularly well read, are you? Sad.

That was a reference to Jonathan Swift.

If you didn't even get past that low hurdle, no point in going further.


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