Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Not capable of having a conversation about it or?

It was an honest question, what are your thoughts on climate change?
I'm capable of having a conversation about it, but I don't spend an extended amount of time researching the intricacies of it nor will I pretend to be a self professed expert on the subject. In my opinion from what I have researched in the past, its cyclical in nature.
I'm capable of having a conversation about it, but I don't spend an extended amount of time researching the intricacies of it nor will I pretend to be a self professed expert on the subject. In my opinion from what I have researched in the past, its cyclical in nature.

It doesn't really take a scientist to have just a basic understanding of climate change. But, admittedly, you're uneducated on it... That's not a bad thing necessarily but, are you willing to take Trump's word for it that it's a complete hoax?


Kind of does look cyclical... Right up until it doesn't.

Hottest year in record. Immense climb in CO2 readings over a relatively short time span. Do you have kids? Any concern about their well-being in 50 years?
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 23, 2017

SUBJECT: The Mexico City Policy

I hereby revoke the Presidential Memorandum of January 23, 2009, for the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (Mexico City Policy and Assistance for Voluntary Population Planning), and reinstate the Presidential Memorandum of January 22, 2001, for the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (Restoration of the Mexico City Policy).

I direct the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to the extent allowable by law, to implement a plan to extend the requirements of the reinstated Memorandum to global health assistance furnished by all departments or agencies.

I further direct the Secretary of State to take all necessary actions, to the extent permitted by law, to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars do not fund organizations or programs that support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.

This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

It doesn't really take a scientist to have just a basic understanding of climate change. But, admittedly, you're uneducated on it... That's not a bad thing necessarily but, are you willing to take Trump's word for it that it's a complete hoax?

View attachment 58810

Kind of does look cyclical... Right up until it doesn't.

Hottest year in record. Immense climb in CO2 readings over a relatively short time span. Do you have kids? Any concern about their well-being in 50 years?
Where did you pull that graph from? I'm a skeptic by nature, and without citing sources it means little to me.
Where did you pull that graph from? I'm a skeptic by nature, and without citing sources it means little to me.

NASA website, they're a relatively good source I would say. I mean, putting a man on the moon and all.

That's CO2 though... Let's consider temperature:


Would you like to take a bet with me that 2017 might be the new hottest year in record?

Again, do you have kids? What do you think this graph will look like in 50 years? Willing to bank on it being cyclical? Or would you like to see more research done on this?
NASA website, they're a relatively good source I would say. I mean, putting a man on the moon and all.

That's CO2 though... Let's consider temperature:

View attachment 58811

Would you like to take a bet with me that 2017 might be the new hottest year in record?

Again, do you have kids? What do you think this graph will look like in 50 years? Willing to bank on it being cyclical? Or would you like to see more research done on this?

Never A Straight Answer huh, heavy government funding with liberal leaning tendencies. I'm not convinced. No kids, thank god. Although it's more tempting now that the Democratic party is in its death throws in this nation.
NASA huh, heavy government funding with liberal leaning tendencies.

So you don't believe in climate change because they apparently have liberal leaning tendencies? You think the data is fabricated entirely and has no truth?

I'll indulge you though for a moment on that since you're clearly slow, what reason would a group of liberals have to lie about climate change?

Never A Straight Answer

What don't you understand about what I've posted? What isn't clear about it?

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not happening... It's not a liberal problem, it's everyone's problem. Blaming liberals doesn't make it go away.

Although it's more tempting now that the Democratic party is in its death throws in this nation.

Regardless of what happens to the Democratic party, Trump is going to single handedly kill the Republican party.

I'm a skeptic by nature

You're not a skeptic, you're uneducated.
So you don't believe in climate change because they apparently have liberal leaning tendencies? You think the data is fabricated entirely and has no truth?

I'll indulge you though for a moment on that since you're clearly slow, what reason would a group of liberals have to lie about climate change?

Regardless of what happens to the Democratic party, Trump is going to single handedly kill the Republican party.

You're not a skeptic, you're uneducated.
Oh I don't know, maybe to line the pockets of those who have influence over concepts which morons like you like to spew.

You're so triggered it ain't even funny. [emoji24][emoji23]
Oh I don't know, maybe to line the pockets of those who have influence over concepts which morons like you like to spew.

Ah, I see. Whose pockets are being lined at NASA exactly by fabricating all of this research, lol?

You can call me a moron but you are the one that just a few posts back admitted to knowing nothing about climate change. Insults make you look kind of silly now...

You're so triggered it ain't even funny.

I was right :) you're not capable of a discussion. It's all the liberals fault, boo hoo.
Ah, I see. Whose pockets are being lined at NASA exactly by fabricating all of this research, lol?

You can call me a moron but you are the one that just a few posts back admitted to knowing nothing about climate change. Insults make you look kind of silly now...

I was right :) you're not capable of a discussion. It's all the liberals fault, boo hoo. (9 Things You Need To Know About The Climate Change Hoax)

Have a read trigger. Then after that make your way to the nearest Starbucks so you can get your latte and discuss how unfair the Trump presidency is to you and your triggered latte friends. (9 Things You Need To Know About The Climate Change Hoax)

Have a read trigger. Then after that make your way to the nearest Starbucks so you can get your latte and discuss how unfair the Trump presidency is to you and your triggered latte friends.

Lol, the daily wire? You're shitting me right? You are an alleged skeptic and you get your news from the daily wire?! Lol... I can't say I'm surprised dude. Wow, thank you for the laugh.

Is that where you got your word "triggered" at by the way, lol?
Lol, the daily wire? You're shitting me right? You are an alleged skeptic and you get your news from the daily wire?! Lol... I can't say I'm surprised dude. Wow, thank you for the laugh.

Is that where you got your word "triggered" at by the way, lol?
Attack the messenger and not the message. Typical triggered liberal rhetoric.
We are all responsible for making the only planet we have a giant garbage can. We've made entire species of animals extinct. We mine all of earths natural resources and give back pollution in return. We have no idea what the ramifications of our greedy way of life will create. Climate change shouldn't even be in question. It's obvious to anyone with even a tidbit of intelligence that we've altered the natural state of balance that used to exist. Ive stated this before. We will either change or ways and evolve together, find cleaner ways of living without raping Mother Earth, control overpopulation and replace our materialistic ways with consciousness or we will be the next animals to become extinct
We are all responsible for making the only planet we have a giant garbage can. We've made entire species of animals extinct. We mine all of earths natural resources and give back pollution in return. We have no idea what the ramifications of our greedy way of life will create. Climate change shouldn't even be in question. It's obvious to anyone with even a tidbit of intelligence that we've altered the natural state of balance that used to exist. Ive stated this before. We will either change or ways and evolve together, find cleaner ways of living without raping Mother Earth, control overpopulation and replace our materialistic ways with consciousness or we will be the next animals to become extinct
I couldn't agree more what is interesting though is you hardly ever hear a debate regarding climate change overseas. It is treated as a given fact considering everything we know from research and observations.
I can understand why mega corporate would push back against any climate change regulations that might be costly for them but what incentivize the ordinary citizens to vehemently deny climate change.
Perhaps someone here is willing to explain, what do you lose by having a regulations for clean air and water? What do you gain from refuting climate change data and research?