Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I love all the snowflakes whining about Trump day in and day out. He said we would get tired of winning, but man, I don't think I could ever get enough of these sweet, sweet liberal tears [emoji23]
Could not have asked for a better set up!!!

I love all the snowflakes whining about Trump day in and day out. He said we would get tired of winning, but man, I don't think I could ever get enough of these sweet, sweet liberal tears [emoji23]

Lol, trump is on fire. This is gonna be a very entertaining ride.

"The Demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots" H. L. Mencken
Could not have asked for a better set up!!!

"The Demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots" H. L. Mencken
And I suppose it wasn't very Hitleresque when hillary couldn't tell the truth to save her life. I'm not for the lies, but I am willing to keep it all in perspective and not be duped by the media.
The Establishment is in denial – [Yanis Varoufakis] interviewed in (English text)
  • Why seem nationalist, racist, sexist outsiders to gain so much more ground these days compared to critics of the status quo coming from the left?
Go back to 1930. Now you have your answer!

Whenever a financial crisis leads to the fragmentation of capitalism’s monetary circuits and then the establishment forces the economic costs on the weakest of citizens, two things happen: xenophobia and the rise of authoritarianism. This translates into quasi-fascism, patriarchy and, ultimately, the celebration of misanthropy.

  • In Germany, a gap of ideas, the missing of a promising narrative were considered as constitutive for the “loss” of the fight over the interpretation of Euro crisis, debt, fiscal policy. True? How to fill it?
There was never a gap of ideas. What there was, just as in the 1930s, was a social democratic party too keen to ingratiate itself with the establishment and a deep division between good, decent people – between liberals, Marxists, feminists, greens etc. Whereas the bigots unite behind toxically simplistic stories, progressives tend to fight against one another and thus fall prey to the Nationalist International.
And I suppose it wasn't very Hitleresque when hillary couldn't tell the truth to save her life. I'm not for the lies, but I am willing to keep it all in perspective and not be duped by the media.

Hillary's main problem, although she has many, is that she's a proven criminal. As innocent as the Juice. It would have been a farse to elect her, truly banana republic. Only liberals somehow find a way to excuse her. Staggering.
@XKawN any details on those 3-5 million illegal votes yet? No one believes that, and feel it is dangerous that Trump believes it's reality. The Secretary of state of Missouri described it this way, " It would be easier to fake a landing on mars than it would be to have 3-5 million illegal vote to be cast".
Hillary's main problem, although she has many, is that she's a proven criminal. As innocent as the Juice. It would have been a farse to elect her, truly banana republic. Only liberals somehow find a way to excuse her. Staggering.
Yes indeed. She should undoubtedly be in prison yet trump is the problem? Lol.
Hillary's main problem, although she has many, is that she's a proven criminal. As innocent as the Juice. It would have been a farse to elect her, truly banana republic. Only liberals somehow find a way to excuse her. Staggering.
We are talking about Trumps issues. Start a hillary thread if you wish.
Yes indeed. She should undoubtedly be in prison yet trump is the problem? Lol.
Trump will be behind bars first. Now stop changing the subject which is Trump doesn't know the difference between a lie and the truth.

I'm having a blast with the crowd size and illegal votes. Even republicans are saying he is only eroding his ability to govern because we can't believe a word he says.
@XKawN any details on those 3-5 million illegal votes yet? No one believes that, and feel it is dangerous that Trump believes it's reality. The Secretary of state of Missouri described it this way, " It would be easier to fake a landing on mars than it would be to have 3-5 million illegal vote to be cast".
It's said that it will be investigated. There may not be 3 to 5 million (who knows) but I would bet my left nut there is so much voter fraud that it would be crazy to not ask for voter id. I know 2 things, 1) i personally know of illegal immigrants (people I know) that were asking where they go to vote. They are home owners and neighbors of mine. And 2) Obama made a video just before the election telling illegal immigrants they wouldn't get caught if they went out and voted. So, how's that for no voter fraud going on?
We are talking about Trumps issues. Start a hillary thread if you wish.
To me it's all about trump vs hillary. I'm not a fan of either, but I'm defending the choice between the 2. Trump was the better of the 2. If you say trump is a liar I will say yes, but less of a liar than his opponent.
It's said that it will be investigated.
Ha Ha Ha. He will find a way out of it because it will be explained to him for the umtenth time it isn't reality. I kinda feel sorry for his supporters because they have to defend all of his bogus claims and delusions.
Trump will be behind bars first. Now stop changing the subject which is Trump doesn't know the difference between a lie and the truth.

I'm having a blast with the crowd size and illegal votes. Even republicans are saying he is only eroding his ability to govern because we can't believe a word he says.
Doesn't sound like your having a blast. Sounds like your very upset, lol.
Doesn't sound like your having a blast. Sounds like your very upset, lol.
I really am, bigly. This is a political wet dream. He is placing his head in a guillotine.