Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Be prepared for mass resignation of the US military officer corps if someone can't put a muzzle on Trump, and he continues to fall deeper into a psychotic state. No fucking joke. I am seeing the beginning of it. America is too great to follow Trump!
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It was 50 degrees here today and yet the meltdown in this thread is more satisfying. Always so emotional.
Always making so much sense GR. Relax man. Don't take things so personal. Things will workout. Trump is showing us everyday he is in la la land. It's not even funny anymore.

Yes America is in meltdown over a decision 60 million uninformed Americans made. 74 million can't stand the guy.
Always making so much sense GR. Relax man. Don't take things so personal. Things will workout. Trump is showing us everyday he is in la la land. It's not even funny anymore.

Yes America is in meltdown over a decision 60 million uninformed Americans made. 74 million can't stand the guy.
He's right GR...Chill out and turn on your TV...Get informed... The truth will........
I'm out for the night...nighty nighty:)
Always making so much sense GR. Relax man. Don't take things so personal. Things will workout. Trump is showing us everyday he is in la la land. It's not even funny anymore.

Yes America is in meltdown over a decision 60 million uninformed Americans made. 74 million can't stand the guy.
I don't see anything he has done warranting this kind of hysteria. It's overblown and silly at this point. You are not supposed to necessarily like his policy considering you appear to be a liberal/Democrat. I will agree that Trump talking about crowd size and illegal voting is not something he should even engage in but I don't see a problem with anything else.
It was 50 degrees here today and yet the meltdown in this thread is more satisfying. Always so emotional.
Instead of taking the easy way out and call this discussion a meltdown, try explaining your position. To start with how about voter fraud, using torture in violation of international law and taking Iraq's oil, all of which the guy you voted for wants.
I don't see anything he has done warranting this kind of hysteria. It's overblown and silly at this point. You are not supposed to necessarily like his policy considering you appear to be a liberal/Democrat. I will agree that Trump talking about crowd size and illegal voting is not something he should even engage in but I don't see a problem with anything else.
Could you and @kawilt watch the news for a week and report back?
Instead of taking the easy way out and call this discussion a meltdown, try explaining your position. To start with how about voter fraud, using torture in violation of international law and taking Iraq's oil, all of which the guy you voted for wants.
The voter fraud part of it seems silly but again what's the problem with investigating and clearing the air? Tortute? Again I personally don't have issues with it when it concerns our safety. The taking of the oil, I don't how I feel about that at the moment. None of this you listed again warrants this emotional hysteria. You don't have to agree with it but then again you won't because he isn't your parry or candidate. Calm down a little or you won't make it four years. Also stop with your petty insults and telling me to "watch the news" as if the people that don't share your view are obviously uninformed. Not uninformed at all honestly, I just share your views. I would party with you though if we didn't talk politics.
The voter fraud part of it seems silly b
Agreed but should the President be silly?
Tortute? Again I personally don't have issues with it when it
The rest of the civilized world does and it is a violation of international law.
The taking of the oil, I don't how I feel about that at the moment.
How will you feel when the entire Muslim world really declare Jihad, and rightfully so, for America raping a muslim countries resources.
Trump calls the people who oppose the USA taking Iraq's oil "fools". Hitler said the same thing about living space. Isis wins this one. This turd is going to see riots in the street in America and worldwide.
Trump calls the people who oppose the USA taking Iraq's oil "fools". Hitler said the same thing about living space. Isis wins this one. This turd is going to see riots in the street in America and worldwide.
Please enough with the Hitler bullshit. It's what people do when they have no points or arguments. It shuts down discussion by just calling names and placing labels. Hitler also wore pants, Trump wears pants, obviously Trump is Hitler.
Please enough with the Hitler bullshit. It's what people do when they have no points or arguments. It shuts down discussion by just calling names and placing labels. Hitler also wore pants, Trump wears pants, obviously Trump is Hitler.
It's what LIBERALS do when they run out of arguments, ie as soon as their emotions and fluffy opinions are challenged.
It was 50 degrees here today and yet the meltdown in this thread is more satisfying. Always so emotional.
It's hilarious isn't it? The tears are so delicious. Trump said we would get tired of winning, but I can't get enough, especially with snowflakes like little_paul in here making it oh so satisfying. I especially love the Hitler comparisons. [emoji24][emoji23]
Trump has wasted no time in rolling up his sleeves and getting shit done. It's refreshing to have someone so unpolitical get in there and start cleaning house. Of course he's going to take heavy criticism and opposition. He's not playing by their rules, he's making his own. Let the man shake the tree thats bore so much rotten fruit. Shake it!
Instead of repeating the same exact posts and regurgitating alt-right and one sentence nonsense how about engaging in a productive dialogue? Perhaps Trump supporters can tell us which of his recent executive orders they support and why? Or perhaps explain how his recent actions is benefiting the US ? We are all ears.